Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

Form 10

Use of English

1. Word formation. Form a word that fits.


School inspectors have found that contrary to all (0) expectations (EXPECT) children don`t (1)_________________( LIKE )homework at all. In fact, many do more than their teachers suggest, either because of (2) ___________ (ANXIOUS) about their marks or simply for (3) __________ (ENJOY). The inspectors` findings add to the evidence of the (4) __________ (POWER) beneficial effects of homework on pupils` (5) _________ (ACHIEVE).

The inspectors also recommend the (6) _________ (INTRODUCE) of “homework charters”. These tell parents and children how much (7) ________ (ADD) work is expected and provide (8) __________ (ENCOURAGE) to schools to form links with parents who can check that tasks are (9) ___________ (PROPER) completed. International (10) ___________ (COMPARE) suggest that a typical 14-year-old does 6 hours homework in Britain, 8 hours in Italy, and almost 9 hours in Hungary, Japan and Poland.

Choose the correct item.

1. She bought a _____ vase in an auction.

a) ceramic, beautiful, black

b) black, ceramic, beautiful

c) ceramic, black, beautiful

d) beautiful, black, ceramic

2. My therapist recommended me _____ more.

a) relaxing b) to relax c)relax d) to relaxing

3. The headmaster finished his speech and went on ____ the prizes.

a) presenting b) to be presented c) to present d) present

4. The sooner we move house, _____ it will be for the whole family.

a) better b) the best c) the better d) good

5. He works night-shifts, so he is accustomed to_____ during the day.

a) sleeping b) be slept c) have sleep d) sleep

6. He is so nice as _____ that the second-hand car is a bargain.

a) to believing b) believe c) believing d) to believe

7. He won the scholarship because he’s _____ boy in the school.

a) cleverer b) the clever c) the most cleverest d) the cleverest

8. I’ve never seen such a big dog _____ yours.

a) rather than b) as c) than d) to

9. The witness saw the lorry _____ into the back of the car and burst into flames.

a) to crashing b) to crash c) crashing d) crash

10. This is _____ expensive of all.

a) the least b) less c) least d) little

11. Janet would prefer to renew her contract _____ look for another job.

a) rather than b) from to c) rather d) to

12. He means _____ the money as soon as he can.

return b) to return c) to have returned returning

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

The Parrot Café 1. _______________(open) last year, in a large building which 2. _______________ (be) a factory before. I 3. ________________(work) here for the last three months now and I really 4. _______________ (love) the atmosphere. At the moment I 5._______________ (experiment) with new recipes because my boss 6. _______________ (want) to attract new customers. By next week, I expect I

7. _______________ (devise) a recipe for Exotic Fruit Delight. I think it 8. _______________ (be) a great success.

Using the word given in bold complete the sentence so that the second sentence has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use two to five words.

1. They started restoring the famous Botticelli painting a year ago.

been They _______________________________ the famous Botticelli painting for a year.

2. Writing in library books is not allowed.

mustn’t You _______________________________ library books.

3. Shall we go to the Chinese restaurant?

about What ____________________________ Chinese restaurant?

4. I’m sure they were hiding the criminal all the time.

must They ____________________________ the criminal all the time.

5. You had better consult a specialist on that matter.

were If _______________________________ consult a specialist on that matter.

6. I need to go to the launderette.

ought I _______________________________ the launderette.

7. Tom regrets buying that car.

wishes Tom ____________________________ that cat.

8. Sally doesn’t train as often as when she was unemployed.

used Sally ____________________________ when she was unemployed.

9. It’s possible that granny will phone tonight.

may Granny __________________________ tonight.

5.Fill in the blanks with the articles “a/an”, “the” or “_”.

I went for… interview last month, for … job I really wanted. … position was just what I wanted to do at… beginning of my career as it offered … chances of learning through … training, some travelling, … company car and enough chances of promotion. … interview went wrong from … start. First of all, I was very late because of … traffic jam caused by … accident. I eventually arrived at … office nearly … hour late, having forgotten all … questions I had been planning to ask them about … company and… job. But … interviewer was friendly and even offered me … cup of coffee.

Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

  1. We tried to warm him … the icy road but he wouldn’t listen … us.
  2. They are … a difficult situation now, but I do hope they will find a solution … their problem.
  3. Her lack … confidence was the reason … her not getting the job.
  4. We need someone to look … the children while we are … work.
  5. We were dissatisfied … the hotel service, so we complained … the manager.
  6. We searched … vain … the missing money.
  7. She doesn’t believe … love … first sight.

Total Score: 71

Final score: _____

Answer Keys.

1. 1. dislike 2. anxiety 3. enjoyment 4. powerful 5. achievement 6. introduction

7. additional 8. encouragement 9. properly 10. comparisons

2.1. d 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.a 6. d 7.d 8.b 9.d 10.a 11.a 12.b

3.1. opened/was opened 2. had been 3. have worked/have been working 4. love 5. am experimenting 6. wants 7.will have devised 8.will be

4.1. have been restoring2. mustn’t write in 3. about going to the 4.must have been hiding 5. I were you, I would 6.ought to go to 7.wishes he hadn’t bought 8.used to train more often 9.may phone

5.1. an; 2. the; 3. the; 4.the; 5. -; 6. -; 7.a; 8.the; 9. the; 10. the; 11. an; 12.the;; 14.the; 15.the; 16.the; 17.the; 18.a

6. 1. about, to 2. in, to 3.of, for 4.after, at 5.with, to, for, at

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