Choose the best word or phrase, a), b), c) or d), to complete the sentences

0 My name _is_ David.

a) is b) are c) be d) am

1 _____ David happy? Yes, he is.

a) Are b) Aren’t c) Is d) Isn’t

2 There _____ any cars in the car park.

a) are b) aren’t c) is d) isn’t

3 Karol _____ at school. He is a teacher.

a) doesn’t work b) works c) don’t work d) work

4 _____ she need a car? Yes, she does.

a) Am b) Is c) Do d) Does

5 _____ is Istanbul? In Turkey.

a) Where b) When c) What d) Which

6 _____ is he unhappy? I don’t know.

a) How b) Why c) Who d) Does

7 Sarah is the champion. She _____ wins.

a) always b) rarely c) never d) occasionally

8 Do you have _____ umbrella?

a) a b) an c) the d) (no word – write Ø)

9 _____ you help me please?

a) Can b) Do c) Can’t d) Don’t

10 Germany is _____ bigger than Italy.

a) (no word – write Ø) b) more c) the d) most

11 Iwona is _____ best student in the class.

a) a b) an c) the d) (no word – write Ø)

12 I _____ some chocolate in my bag.

a) has b) have c) doesn’t have d) don’t have

13 How _____ money is there in the bank?

a) much b) many c) some d) any

14 We _____ in Rome at the moment.

a) to live b) are living c) lives d) is living

15 I _____ studying these days.

a) is not b) do not c) are not d) am not

16 It _____ very cold yesterday.

a) is b) are c) was d) were

17 I _____ drive a car at six years old but now I drive all the time.

a) can b) could c) can’t d) couldn’t

18 _____ you fly to France last year?

a) Did b) Was c) Were d) Do

19 Last night I _____ spaghetti.

a) eat b) eaten c) ate d) eating

20 My TV is old. I _____ buy another one.

a) should b) would c) could d) couldn’t

21 You don’t _____ buy a dictionary. I have one.

a) should b) have to c) could d) will

22 At the end of the course, we _____ have an exam.

a) do b) will c) (no word – write Ø) d) are

23 What are you _____ eat tonight?

a) going b) have c) will d) going to

24 I have never _____ that film.

a) see b) seen c) saw d) sees

25 _____ you been to Spain?

a) Do b) Will c) Are d) Have

26 I _____ to the radio at the moment.

a) do not listen b) does not listen c) is not listening d) am not listening

27 The weather is getting hotter _____.

a) usually b) today c) sometimes d) never

28 They didn’t see David at work _____ Monday.

a) in b) at c) on d) with

29 Where _____ the exam yesterday.

a) did b) do c) was d) is

30 Julio _____ his car when the bus hit him.

a) was parking b) parked c) parks d) is parking

31 Did you hear the new song by the Matches on _____ radio last night?

a) an b) (no word – write Ø) c) the d) a

32 Osteopaths are doctors _____ people with back problems.

a) they help b) help c) who they help d) who help

33 How many exams _____ this year?

a) do you take b) have you taken c) is you take d) did you taking

34 There have been eight accidents _____.

a) in the last few days b) yesterday c) last year d) on November 12th

35 The Copper Kettle is the _____ restaurant in the town. The meals are so cheap.

a) more expensive b) most expensive c) less expensive d) least expensive

36 There are very _____ tomatoes in the shop. I’ll have more tomorrow.

a) little b) many c) few d) much

37 There _____ rain tomorrow.

a) won’t b) might be c) definitely is d) may will

38 If you don’t revise, you _____ the exam.

a) won’t pass b) might pass c) don’t pass d) aren’t passing

39 You _____ a ticket before you get on the train.

a) must to buy b) have buy c) must buys d) have to buy

40 Has Mark received a letter _____ the bank?

a) to b) from c) by d) on

41 Old people usually _____ pay to use the bus.

a) must not b) could not c) might not d) don’t have to

42 Have you ever thought _____ a doctor?

a) becoming b) to become c) about becoming d) became

43 This lesson is so _____.

a) bored b) bore c) boring d) bores

44 At the end of the year, the hospital _____ to open a new surgery.

a) like b) are hoping c) going d) will

45 _____ live in London?

a) Was David used b) Did David used to c) Did David use d) Was David used to

46 Chicken with chocolate _____ by Mexican people.

a) eats b) is eating c) is eaten d) are eaten

47 The hotel _____ this weekend for a wedding.

a) is closing b) is going close c) is close d) will be close

48 The Lexington Murderer _____ from prison last week.

a) was released b) was releasing c) did release d) released

49 How long _____ for the exam this week.

a) you have studied b) you studied c) were you studied d) have you been studying

50 If the newspaper sold more adverts they _____ more money.

a) will make b) makes c) can make d) would make

51 _____ haven’t you been to school this week?

a) Why b) Where c) How d) Which

52 I’m sorry, I am _____ to accept your offer.

a) be able b) disable c) unable d) enable

53 The exploration team _____ from the Arctic on the 5th of November.

a) got up b) got back c) got down d) got round

54 _____ dinner already?

a) Will you eat b) Do you eat c) Have you eaten d) Were you eat

55 For the last six weeks the astronauts _____ to travel to Mars.

a) have waited b) were waiting c) waited d) have been waiting

56 I don’t think the government _____ to the proposal.

a) are going to agree b) is agreeing c) might agree d) are agreeing

57 The police had no evidence against John so they _____.

a) permitting him to go b) let him go

c) allows him to go d) give him permission to go

58 As soon as the rain _____ we will go.

a) stops b) stopped c) will stop d) is stopping

59 If I _____ you I _____ the proposal.

a) were / would endorse b) am / will endorse c) be / would endorse d) was / will endorse

60 The second world war was not _____ as the first world war.

a) so long b) much longer c) the longest d) as long

61 While my manager _____ the delegates, I prepared the coffee.

a) was meeting b) meets c) has met d) has been meeting

62 By the age of 23, Steve _____ in twelve countries.

a) was living b) has lived c) lived d) had lived

63 The project needs further _____ before we can agree on a budget.

a) develop b) development c) developing d) developer

64 Ali is a workaholic. He _____ be one of the most hard-working people I know.

a) could b) can c) might d) must

65 If you don’t _____ the revision, you _____ pass the exam.

a) do / won’t b) make / wouldn’t c) make / won’t d) do / wouldn’t

66 A vet is a doctor _____ job is to look after animals.

a) who b) whose c) that d) which

67 Spencer Tracey, _____ , was married to Kathryn Hepburn.

a) was a famous actor b) he was a famous actor

c) who was a famous actor d) whose a famous actor

68 Manchester United _____ for the first time in twenty matches.

a) was just been beaten b) have just beaten c) have just been beaten d) just beat

69 It was _____ first time, I had seen _____ advert for MP3 players in _____ newspaper.

a) (no article – write Ø) / the / a b) a / an / a c) the / an / a d) a / the / a

70 John gave Sarah a _____ plant for her birthday.

a) green house plastic b) green plastic house c) plastic green house d) house green plastic

71 Don’t worry about it. There are _____ of other people who like it.

a) plenty b) none c) a few d) some

72 Kasia _____ it was the best film she had ever seen.

a) told to me b) said me c) told me d) says to me

73 The journalist asked President Smith _____ when he was in India.

a) what he had seen b) what did he see c) what had he seen d) what he did see

74 If the meeting _____ later, everyone would have had a chance to vote.

a) finishes b) finished c) has finished d) had finished

75 You _____ asked David before borrowing his guitar.

a) should have b) must have c) can’t have d) shall have

76 I _____ to myself that Sarah was late when she came in through the door.

a) just thought b) was just being thought c) was just thinking d) have just thought

77 By the time I got home, the cat _____ all the fish.

a) ate b) had eaten c) had been eaten d) has eaten

78 Over the last twenty years, air pollution _____ a major issue.

a) has become b) became c) has been becoming d) was becoming

79 Would you mind _____ me how you finished so quickly?

a) tell b) telling c) to tell d) is telling

80 I _____ if there is any change in his condition.

a) like knowing b) ’d like knowing c) ’d like to know d) like to know

81 There is _____ paper left in the photocopy machine.

a) any b) hardly c) hardly any d) none

82 St Mary’s School was built in 1883. It was _____ first school of its kind.

a) an b) the c) (no word – write Ø) d) a

83 Next June I _____ on the beach getting brown.

a) will be being sat b) am sitting c) will be sitting d) sit

84 By this next time next year I _____ German.

a) be learning b) have learnt c) am learning d) will have learnt

85 The election _____ next month.

a) couldn’t happen b) will not be happen c) might not happen d) may be happen

86 It took us hours but we finally succeeded _____ tickets for the concert.

a) got b) to get c) in getting d) with getting

87 It was a dark night. Arthur _____ ready for the meeting.

a) has got b) was got c) was getting d) has been getting

88 Peter says he _____ happier when he was still at school.

a) use to be b) would be c) used to be d) would have been

89 I think you have _____ what I was trying to say.

a) misunderstood b) ununderstood c) inunderstood d) overunderstood

90 I wish a school _____ there earlier than last year.

a) was built b) was being build c) had built d) had been built

91 He was rewarded by _____ free tickets to Hawaii.

a) given b) being given c) was given d) been given

92 After running for five miles I was _____ exhausted.

a) absolutely b) very c) a bit d) extremely

93 We know it wasn’t true because he lies very _____ .

a) possibly b) similarly c) never d) badly

94 It hasn’t been possible _____ the representatives today.

a) meet b) meeting c) to meet d) the meeting

95 The school _____ the exams moved to the end of the month.

a) has b) have c) had d) to have

96 The man _____ at the end of the street is looking for you.

a) waits b) waiting c) is waiting d) wait

97 It _____ said that cures for all major disease will be found within fifty years.

a) has b) had c) is d) was

98 The cabinet suggested _____ the budget for this year.

a) changes b) change c) to change d) changing

99 _____ interest rates fall, the government must be ready.

a) Will b) Do c) Should d) Could

100 If the computer hadn’t been invented, I wouldn’t _____ find things so quickly now.

a) have been able to b) were able to c) had been able to d) be able to

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