Aesthetic effects make art especially engaging and illuminating.

A great painting enriches our experience of life, just as a great poem does not or a great musical composition.

The word ‘Art’ is most commonly associated with pieces of work in a gallery or museum, whether it’s a painting from the Renaissance or a modern sculpture. However, there is so much more to art than what you see displayed in galleries. The truth is, without being aware of it, we are surrounded by art and use it on a continual basis. Most people don’t realize how much of a role art plays in our lives and just how much we rely on art in all of its forms in our everyday lives.

No one can live without art. Somebody can express his feelings and emotions,while painting a picture. Others can watch these pictures and enjoy the beauty and the intensity of feelings. It's very important to visit art galleries, to keep in touch with the greatest works of art. Picasso, da Vinchi, van Gogh and others tried to impress their feelings in paintings, which are well-known now.Painting is just not a waste of time, it's a process, which can almost change your life. We can see the world from the other point of view, in other colours. I think, art plays a great role in our life. Anf though I have no talant in painting, I visit art galleries and enjoy the presentations of a great talant - talant in painting.

The importance of art in our daily lives is very similar to that of music. Just like art, music can make life extremely joyful and can have a huge effect on our mood. In the workplace in particular, music is something that can help people set the mood for what they are about to do. If you have something hard or difficult to work on or are feeling tired, an energetic song will likely wake you up and add some enthusiasm to the situation. Similarly, when stress is high, many people find that relaxing to calming music is something that eases the mind.

Painting is a very beautiful, misterious and interestind art. Painting is a way of representation of our feelings, our life, our love, our bad emotions and the beauty of nature. Painting often depicts the lifestyle and way of life of certain sections of people. A very famous and beautiful artistic work known internationally is "Monalisa" by Leonardo Davinci. The secret of the smile on the face of the lady represented on the portrait is of the great my mystery which is yet to be discovered. through painting we can make money.. painting is a way of xpression of beauty.. Pictures speak thousand words that ordinary people do not understand. I like very much to paint when I have free time.

Aesthetic effects make art especially engaging and illuminating.

Painting has two aspects, the inspirational/conceptual/aesthetic and the craft. Both are needed if the work is to go on pleasing the informed observer. They are also interdependent. New techniques encourage new perspectives, and vice versa.

Art aesthetics is the philosophy of art, and naturally tries to arrive at statements about representation, coherent form, emotive expression and social purpose that are universally true, independent of context and speaker. Unfortunately, that very generality means that aesthetics can often be used to justify a very doubtful piece of work.

But aesthetics is not reviewing, and still less art criticism. Criticism asks: How is this effect achieved? How significant is it? How does it compare with similar works? Criticism is an arduous task, and requires knowledge, sensitivity and expository skill. Reviewing is more ephemeral, and aims primarily to entertain. Journalistic skills are essential, but they do not usually unsettle or extend our appreciation of artworks. Indeed the pressures of the job often requires the reviewer to simply accept the importance of the exhibition, and commend it to the public.

That does not make reviewers insincere, nor necessarily unreliable. Most will have a degree or two in art history, and will know far more about even the old masters than the average gallery goer, painters included. But it does mean, to stay ahead in a notoriously competitive profession, that reviewers must always concern themselves with trends, fashions and personalities.

It is by forming a theoretical bedrock to the complex and ever changing world of the visual arts, that aesthetics becomes important. Reviewing ultimately rests on art criticism, and this in turn probes the aesthetic grounds of our judgment.

For the practicing painter, a nodding acquaintance with art aesthetics will help to:

1. Provide a vocabulary necessary for describing or promoting work among colleagues and reviewers. To know aesthetics is to understand where the trendier criticism is coming from — and so engage with it or prepare a defense.

2. Explain their work to themselves. Painters think through painting, but even they need to occasionally step back and see their work in the larger context of European art.

3. Rethink their aims and interests. Contemporary art aesthetics, thoug resting on contentious ground, will generally provide more suggestion and inspiration than the abstruse word-spinning of art magazines.

4. Understand better the art of the past, which is illuminated by theories that may now seem strange, but can be modified for contemporary concerns.

5. Serve as a prophylactic against the preposterous and stultifying, reestablishing a solid tradition to which all artists belong.

6. Suggest new avenues of development, which may combine past techniques with new perspectives.

3. Negative feelings seem to change character with intensity.

First of all I'd like to say that life is not easy and often people suffer from negative feelings. Every day a common person is under great stress and the tension may ruin our mental health. People with strong characters can resist the temptation to destroy everything around themselves. And those people who are used to care about everything can change very much.

If your spirits sink you have to do something to prevent it. It's undoubtedly true that a person suppressing his feelings for a long time one day will be out of senses. There are so many sensitive and nice people that once become real monsters and it all happens due to the fact that such people try to hide, control and disguise their true feelings, because in fact they are afraid of taking out their irritation out on somebody they care about. So one day a really great, lovely, kind, patient husband or wife changes for worst and turns out to be jealous, angry and envious.

Why does it happen so? The answer is very simple. The society tends to consider that a person shouldn't express his or her emotions, especially his bad emotions. It's acceptable to behave calmly and coldly. You can let off steam only if you are a boss and not an inferior, and we are all inferiors in fact. So we can scream and yell only at our relatives because our boss can fire us. But in reality we don't want to give an outlet for ours feelings because we don't want to offend those we love. It's shame not to feel good, or not to be bright and happy. The modern society wants us to be in a good mood every hour of a day and we understand that in reality we can not so we feel bad and guilty because we are not that happy we must be. That is why we disguise our negative feelings such as anger, annoyance, irritation, anxiety, despair and embarrassment, tension and hate, envy and jealousy and so on. But one day we just fly into a rage and are furious and very scary. That is why it is extremely important to give an outlet to your feelings before they turned into something unavoidable. It's better to give more space in your soul for such feelings as excitement, elation, love and enthusiasm. Life is great and there's enough space for both positive and negative feelings.

4.Emotions are perfectly permissible signs of the healthy body's response to distress.

There is no doubt that emotions are a huge part of our personality and mental activity. Every human being expresses feelings and emotions in one way or another, and it mostly depends on his or her type of character. Different people react to one and the same situation differently. For instance, it’s typical for choleric person to become furious and get anger at somebody or something because of a small confusion. At the same time, phlegmatic person behaves calmly and coolly and copes with the feelings easily. For sanguine people an ordinary confusion is a reason for bursting into laughing, because things like that do happen. On the contrary melancholic feels uneasy and miserable in this case. And it is quite normal; no one can alter inherent manners or temperament. Therefore, we can find that in order to know a person’s character we must know how he thinks, feels and acts.

Of course there are some incidents that can make even very calm and quiet person lose his temper and to scream and yell at everyone. Psychologists say that these reactions are necessary, because they help people to let steam off. It is better to give an outlet for our feelings sometimes using strong language or breaking plates, then to conceal and accumulate irritation. Constant dissatisfaction and irritation can damage our mental health and once it may cause us flown into a rage and provoke wrong actions. In this case people break off relations with family and friends, divorce, even commit crimes and it becomes a matter for psychologists.

However, generally anger is a normal and inevitable response of our conscious to distress. It exists everywhere and is in all of us. We can’t be bright and happy all the time, and sometimes it is important to reveal our feelings to feel fine. The main principle is not to offend or hurt our nearest and dearest.

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