Ex. 4 Complete the sentence with a word from the list

Ex. 1 You are to hear Alan and Sara talking about advertising a spare bedroom to rent. Before you listen look at the types of furniture below. Tick the furniture you think might be in the room.

Ex. 4 Complete the sentence with a word from the list - student2.ru

Ex.1.2 Listen and answer the questions below.

1. Which three pieces of furniture are in the room?

a) a bed b) a desk c) a bedside table d) a lamp

b) e) a mirror f) a wardrobe

2. What does the desk look like?

Ex. 4 Complete the sentence with a word from the list - student2.ru Ex. 4 Complete the sentence with a word from the list - student2.ru

Ex.1. 3 Listen again and fill in the gaps in the advertisement. Write no more than one word or a number for each answer.

Ex. 1.4 Look at the two groups of nouns in the table below. How are they different? Add the nouns from Ex.1.2 and Ex. 1.3 into the table in the correct group.

Group 1 Group 2
advertisement newspaper windows ……….. money news accommodation ………………..

Ex. 4 Complete the sentence with a word from the list - student2.ru

Ex. 2 Copy out all uncountable nouns from the text.

Ex. 4 Complete the sentence with a word from the list - student2.ru

Ex. 3 Write a before the nouns which are being used as countable nouns.

1. a) …beauty is subjective.

b) She’s … real beauty.

2. a) I am fortunate to have had … very good education.

b) …education doesn’t just take place at school.

3. a) My eyes are very sensitive to light.

c) Is there …light in there?

4. a) You’ve been … great help to me.

b) I’m sorry to ask you but I desperately need … help.

5. a) I don’t usually drink … coffee.

b) I’ll have two teas and … coffee please.

6. a) He has … great love of music.

b) Sometimes … love can be painful.

7.a) You’ll get better at the job as you gain …experience.

b) I’m so glad I did it: it was … wonderful experience.

8. a) The house is built of … stone.

b) This is … beautiful stone.

9. a) … death comes to us all one day.

b) There’s been … death in the family.

10. a) … fear is perfectly natural human feeling.

b) He has … terrible fear of heights.

11. a) He was so hungry that he ate … whole chicken.

b) I don’t like red meat but I do eat … chicken.

12. a) I think that’s … really ugly painting.

b) … painting can be a very relaxing activity.

13. a) I usually eat … fruit for breakfast.

b) That’s … very unusual fruit. What is it?

14. a) Has this soup got … potato in it?

b) Would you like … baked potato?

15. a) You shouldn’t drink … wine on an empty stomach.

b) This is … very nice wine.

Ex. 4 Complete the sentence with a word from the list.

  bunch cloud crowd flash gang item pack piece shower team  

1. The stars of the film were met outside the cinema by a… of fans.

2. A sudden … of lightening lit the night sky.

3. The building crashed to the ground, leaving a … of dust.

4. A … of doctors in south London is carrying out a new study into childhood illnesses.

5. One of the soldiers produced a… of cards, and they started to play.

6. After a heavy .. of rain, the pitch was slippery.

7. Let me give you a … of advice. Don’t borrow any money from the bank.

8. Harry bought a large … of grapes from the supermarket.

9. The train crash was the first … on the late news.

10. The bank was raided by a … of armed robbers.

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