Ex. 5 Fill In the blanks with possessive pronouns (common or absolute form)



Personal pronouns Possessive pronouns Reflexive
Nominative Objective case Common form Absolute
case     form
I me my mine myself
You you your yours yourself
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its its itself
We us our ours ourselves
You you your yours yourselves
They them their theirs themselves

Ex. 1 Supply personal pronouns (nominative or objective case) and underline the words they replace.

1. Hi, Diana! Are ... going shopping with us tomorrow? 2. The fax has arrived.

... is on your table. 3 are first-year students. 4. Please, take these bones and give

... to the dog. 5. I have a car, but I really don't need .... 6. I know this girl ... is my friend's daughter. 7. Do you recognize me? ... am your classmate. 8. Roger has a dog. ... is very nice. 9. This is a pen. ... is red. 10. Do you see that boy? ... is my

nephew. 11. ... am a student of the economical faculty. 12. I have a girl-friend. ... is

a student of the agrarian faculty. 13. Do you sec that girl? I don't know ... . 14. My nephew is 3 years old. I always give ... presents.

Ex. 2 Replace the words In bold type with personal pronouns (nominative or objective case).

1. Jane works in a bank. 2. My father bought a new car yesterday. 3. Ann is going to the cinema with Pete. 4. The schoolgirl sees a teacher. 5. Please, read this letter. 6. My mother knows the boy. 7. Granny was glad to sec Tom and Betsy. 8. The tasks were given to you and me. 9. My father studied history at university. 10. Rick and Andy are my close friends. 11. They paid Kate Winslet a lot of money to be in this film. 12. Did Paul give that book to Alice? 13. I haven't seen Jane and Ray for ages. 14. The teacher says that English is a really interesting language.

Ex.3 Fill in the blanks with possessive pronouns (common form).

1. Peter, show me ... pictures, please. 2. They are students. These are ... text- boob. 3. We are teachers. These are ... notebooks. 4. Is Ann at home now? - Yes, she is in ... room. 5. I am Mike Green. This is ... car. 6. Has Ben a wife? - Yes, he has. ... wife is a student. 7. What is Mary's brother? - ... brother is a worker. 8. Mr. White has a two-room flat. ... flat is very nice. 9. This is where we live. This is ... house. 10. Yesterday Tom gave me a book to read. ... book was very interesting. 11. They live in one room in the hostel. ... room is light and clean. 12. I have a notebook.

... notebook costs twenty-five thousand rubles. 13. William and I smiled at each other. ... smile was affectionate. 14. Mr. Black gave ... wife a leather bag for ... birthday. 15. She makes all ... clothes herself. 16. The cat tries to catch ... tail.

Ex. 4 Fill In the blanks with possessive pronouns (absolute form).

1. We have had our dinner. Have they had ...? 2. He has left his dictionary at home, perhaps you can give him ...? 3. This is not your textbook, it's ... . She bought it yesterday. 4. If you don't like your notes of this lecture you may have ... . I don't need them any longer. 5. Whose handwriting is this? It's ... . 6. The radio-set belongs to us, it's ... . 7. Mind your own business and I'll mind ... . 8. Whose books are these? They are ... . 9. At last Tom and Jess met, and his eyes were as bright as ... . 10. This house belongs to Mr. Clerk. It is ... . 11. We have a dog. It's ... . 12. These sheep do not belong to us, they are ... . 13. Your DVD player is just the same as ... is. 14. I haven't got a camera with me because I've lent ... to my brother.

Ex. 5 Fill In the blanks with possessive pronouns (common or absolute form).

1. I hope Hob will not forget to bring ... book. And don't forget 2. I've eaten

all ... chocolates, can I have one of ... ? 3. Jan has lost ... pen. Ask Frieda if she will lend him ... . 4. We've had ... dinner. Have they had ... ? S. Richard has a dog, and so have L ... dog and ... had a flight 6. Have you heard from that friend of ... who went to Spain? 7. Mr. Smith wanted you to send back that book of ... which he lent you. 8. Margaret wants to know if you have seen a pencil of ... that she has lost. 9. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and a friend of ... are coming to dinner this evening. 10. Dinner has been ready. I have had ... and Mary has had ..., come and have ... now. 11. She laughed gaily, in that special way of ... . 12. Her handbag is on the chair .... is on the sofa. 13. My sister likes much sugar in ... tea, but I like little in ... . 14. I think those arc ... CDs and these are ... .

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