Complete the pairs of sentences below with the pairs of adjectives









1a. Sorry, can you explain that again? I’m still a bit ……………about it.

1b. I find English grammar really……….. especially the present perfect.

2a. He’s this really ………..habit of tapping his foot all the time!

2b. I’m a bit …………that he didn’t phone me! He promised me he would!

3a. I wish it would stop raining! This weather is really…………. .

4a. The film was really ………… . I jumped out of my seat about five times.

4b. Sorry, but I can’t look down. I’m absolutely………….of heights!

5a. Don’t you think they should be here by now? Isn’t it a bit……… that they haven’t even phoned?

5b.I’m a bit……………about my exams next week.

6a. I was really………..when I arrived in Chicago. I thought it’d be much cleaner than it is!

6b. I thought the end of the film was really………… . I mean, I wasn’t expecting him to really be a woman.

7a. I get really ………….when I can’t say what I want to say. It drives me mad!

7b. I find talking to her very………….. .She never listens to anything I say!

8a. It was so………. that I fell asleep halfway through!

8b. I’m really………..with this! Can’t he do something else?

Insert the right preposition if necessary

1.Don’t cry ___ this red-haired girl!

2.Put ___ your glasses and you’ll see that he has a scar.

3. Listen ___ your intelligent friend very attentively!

4. I always feel ___everyone, but nobody feels ___ me.

5. I want to apologize ____ you ____ my irritation.

6. Let’s talk _____ that woman with a turned-up nose.

7.Show your uneven teeth ____ our doctor.

8.Iwas fed __ ____ my job, so I decided to relax.

9.Sorry I shouted ____you.

10.Don’t criticize her ____ her rudeness.

11.Look ____this energetic person! We all admire him!

12.Why is she smiling ____ me?

13.All my sons took ____ their father.

14.Oh, sorry. I took you ___ my old mate.

15.Try not to fall in love ___ her. She is very selfish and narrow-minded.

16.Don’t worry ____ me, I’m quite clever not to do this stupid thing.

17.I am fed up ___ your pessimism and weakness.

18.Be polite ___ other people and they will be polite ___ you.

19. I am ___ stupid and lazy people at work.

20. I felt rather exhausted ___ last week.

21.This red folder is not available ____ the moment.

23.Let’s ask our reliable neighbor ___ help.

24.We are quite old and earn much money, so we don’t depend ____ our parents.

25.We entered ____ this university ____ last year.

26.Let me introduce our new accountant _____ our employees.

27.His bad character influences _____ his business seriously.

28.Meet _____ my new colleague Mary Thomson.

29.Your home task is to translate this article ____ Russian ____ English.

30.This young handsome man proposed _____ me yesterday.

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