Open the brackets to complete the sentences

Look through the sentences and decide which of them are True(T), False (F).

a) The most difficult thing for lawyers who rise to positions of managers is to find time to encoiurage the productivity of others.

b) The time spent on coaching, delegating, training is of a secondary importance.

c) Managers should be able to detect individual strengths and weaknesses of those around them.

d) A manager may be very self-sufficient, but he`ll never accomplsh what a well-organized team can do.

e) If you master delegation it will only increase your stress and enable you to devote more time to activities that lower firm profitability.

f) An effective delegation demands sacrificing time in the short-run in order to accomplish essential long-term goals.

g) Fresh managers often experience working through others as loosing control.

h) Managers who recognize the value of delegating work see it quite right.

i) A manager should not hand out assignments to the first jubior he run into, it requires an analysis before delegating the work.

j) You’ll get the best work from people who feel that it they fail, you`ll fix everything for them.


2) Try to remember the main idea of the text and put the sentences into the correct order.

a) Deal productively with mistakes.

b) Motivate through ownership.

c) Monitor performance.

d) It is necessary to coach.

e) A manager should be approachable.

f) Communicate and confirm.

g) Adjust your attitude.

h) Develop relationships with team members.

i) Decide what types of work to delegate.

j) Plan thoughtfully to whom you`ll give the task.

3) Circle the most appropriate synonym according to the contextual meaning of the underlined word.

a) to fly: 1. to move 2. to work 3. to suspend   b) subordinates: 1. authorities 2. minorities 3. assistants
c) to hoard: 1. to hide 2. to accumulate 3. to forget   d) to reap: 1. to get 2. to cut 3. to harvest
e) associate: 1. member 2. partner 3. colleague   f) scope: 1. intention 2. purpose 3. range
g) crystal: 1. transparently 2. beatifully 3. purely   h) to micromanage: 1. to underestimate 2. to control 3. to overestimate
i) to elicit: 1. to find 2. to extract 3. to bring j) harshness: 1. cruelty 2. rudeness 3. roughness  

Fill in the gaps using the word-combinations from the text.

(carve out, fostering, fall back on, billable hours, deadline pressure, business slump, reap the benefits, grinding out, at the 11th hour, in a sandwich)

a) A decent leader cosiders giving feedback (….):firsly pointing some positive moments, then – discussing problems and finally ending up in a friendly atmosphere.

b) If our manager gave up control he would definitely get all the work done (….).

c) Any productivity of a team presupposes some time of (….) it.

d) When the business is not very fast, it is considered to be in a (….).

e) All I was supposed to do is to (….) of my team`s delegating activity.

f) If you wait s little bit more you will have to (….) your managerial skills.

g) One of my colleagues rpotested to work overtime, he announced he has his own (….) requirements written in the labour contract.

h) I have been under a (….) all day long that`s why I haven`t done this task.

i) You may not motivate, encourage and coach your staff and as a result you`ll get employees (….) their work.

j) Could you (….) some time and teach me to make news posting?

Open the brackets to complete the sentences.

a) If you (tbe) polite and available you (train) young lawyers to be responsive to clients.

b) The CEO just (carve out) some time to spend with you.

c) The crisis shouldn`t (disturb) the atmosphere within the company.

d) If my associate (not fail) last month I (get) a promotion.

e) The more complicated the job, the (good) attitiude of the boss you`ll get.

f) I (can not) believe my eyes: she (delegate) the work among her subordinates at her office during lunchtime.

g) If the company (meet) billable hour requirements, I (try) to get a positiom there.

h) At my last gob I (grind out) my assignments all day long.

i) He (not meet) the deadline yet, I am afraid he might (fire).

j) If the market (be) compatible, the firm (boost) sales three times more.

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