What can you tell me about our lyceum

I study at Mogilev Regional Lyceum No 1. The lyceum is situated in a large three-storeyed building. It was built in the 19th century as a school for the daughters of clergymen. After the World War II there was a teachers’ training college and then a boarding-school here. It became a lyceum in 1990. The lyceum has a hall of residence (a dormitory) where students from other towns live.

I must say that you need to take exams to enter our lyceum. Students here can major in such subjects as Maths and Physics or Information Technology, Chemistry and Biology, languages, History and Social Studies.

My major subjects are …. We study our majors at an advanced level so we have extra classes in them. I think I’m good at … . But I have problems with … .

2. Do you agree that our lyceum provides you with good knowledge? Why (not)?

I fully agree that our lyceum provides us with good knowledge. The teachers of our lyceum are talented, hard-working and enthusiastic people. Their lessons are always interesting and educating. As a result, many of our students enter universities and study there successfully.

3. Ask me whether I liked school when I was a pupil.

4.What can you advise a student who is not very good at languages to do to achieve better results?

There are some things I can advise a student who wants to be good at languages, for example English. First of all, they should be active at the lessons of English and always do their homework. Secondly, they should read books or magazines, and watch movies or TV shows in English. And finally, they should communicate with somebody in English and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

5.Today some young people think that having good education is not very important. Do you agree with them?

On the one hand, I think that having good education is very important. You can’t be a good specialist without good higher education. Good education is a chance to have an interesting and well-paid job. On the other hand, your personal qualities are also very important for a successful career.

6.Let’s talk about studying at school.

1) Let’s talk about studying at school. What can you tell me about the place where you study?

I study at Mogilev Regional Lyceum No 1. The lyceum is situated in a large three-storeyed building. It was built in the 19th century as a school for the daughters of clergymen. After the World War II there was a teachers’ training college and then a boarding-school here. It became a lyceum in 1990. The lyceum has a hall of residence (a dormitory) where students from other towns live.

I must say that you need to take exams to enter our lyceum. Students here can major in such subjects as Maths and Physics or Information Technology, Chemistry and Biology, languages, History and Social Studies.

My major subjects are …. We study our majors at an advanced level so we have extra classes in them. I think I’m good at … . But I have problems with … .

2) Do you agree that our school gives a person a good start in life? Why (not)?

I fully agree that our school gives a person a good start in life. Let’s take our lyceum, for example. The teachers of the lyceum are talented, hard-working and enthusiastic people. Their lessons are always interesting and educating. As a result, many of our students enter universities and study there successfully.

3) Ask me what kind of pupil I was when I was at school?

4) Give advice to your friend how prepare for an exam well.

There are some things I can advise you to do to prepare for an exam well. First of all, you should be active at the lessons and always do your homework. Secondly, you should do a lot of revision, exercises and tests. And finallyrememberif you work hard every day, you’ll do well at the exam.

5) Today some young people want to study abroad because they believe that the level of education is higher there. Would you do the same?

Frankly speaking, I am in two minds about it. On the one hand, I know that the majority of our universities give a good education to their students. But on the other hand, it must be very interesting to study abroad. You do not only get good education there, you learn about a new country, its culture, its people, its customs and traditions. So, probably, if I had an opportunity, I would like to study abroad.


1. Let’s talk about school traditions. What traditions does your school have?

I study at Mogilev Regional Lyceum No 1. Our lyceum has a lot of traditions. In my opinion, the most interesting tradition is going on a trip at the beginning of the first year at the lyceum. I also like the ‘Chair’ tradition. Anyone can stand on this chair and read a beautiful poem. There are many other traditions, such as celebrations of different holidays, ‘Kapustnics’, sports competitions, and so on. They are all very exciting.

2. Does your school differ from any other schools?

Our lyceum certainly differs from other schools. I must say that you need to take exams to enter our lyceum. Students here can major in such subjects as Maths and Physics or Information Technology, Chemistry and Biology, languages, History and Social Studies. The teachers of the lyceum are talented, hard-working and enthusiastic people. Their lessons are always interesting and educating.

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