Listen to the three people speaking about how they spend their weekends and answer the questions below

1. What does the first speaker do at the weekend?

2. What does the second speaker do at the weekend?

3. What does the third speaker do at the weekend?

Speaker 1: Well, I try to make the most of my weekends, especially in the summer, when you've got more chance to get outside. I know some people like seeing films or concerts, but it's important to me to keep fit, so I always do plenty of running, and, say, tennis or swimming. There are usually some friends around to join in.

Speaker 2: The truth is, I really look forward to the weekend, and then when it finally arrives, most of the time I'm completely broken. So then when all my friends start calling up, "Where are we going tonight?" and soon, I end up staying in, being very lazy, maybe just watching a bit of TV, a film on DVD, something like that.

Speaker 3: I'm studying so hard at the moment for my exams that I can't go wild at the weekends. But I like going to the park with my friends sometimes, or maybe going for a bike ride by myself. It depends. I tend to be more active in the winter, actually - going to the gym, or helping my dad with stuff in the house. I might see a friend or two, especially if there's some sport to watch, then we can watch a match together.

Listen to the three people speaking about things that make them angry about mobiles and answer the questions below.

1. What makes the first speaker angry?

2. What annoys the second speaker?

3. What does the third speaker complain about?

Speaker 1:I’m a shop assistant and I work in a shop and what really makes me angry is when, I am serving somebody and then their mobiles ring and they answer the phone and start having a conversation. It is really annoying (раздражает). I think if you are in a shop and talking to a shop assistant, you shouldn't answer the phone.

Speaker 2:I hate when people talk very loudly on their mobile phones in public places. The other day I was in the waiting room at the doctor's and there was a man whose mobile rang about every ten minutes and we all had to listen to him talking loudly to his wife, then to his boss, then to a garage mechanic... I think if you are in a public place, you should speak really quietly or go somewhere else. And you don't have to shout — the other people can hear you perfectly well.

Speaker 3: What really annoys me is people who use their phones a lot when they are with other people — like you are out having a meal with someone and they spend the whole time talking on the phone or texting messages to other people to arrange what they are doing the next day. I think it is very rude.

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