Listen to the interview and answer the questions below

1. What is Kerry’s typical day?

2. Why doesn’t Kerry follow a diet or go to the gym?

3. What piece of advice does Kerry give to beginners?

Interviewer: For most of us, childhood dreams of becoming a dancer stopped at about the time we became teenagers but not for Kerry Jay. Now at the age of 24 she is a dancer in one of the West End's musicals. Kerry, what's your typical day?

K: I'm usually not in bed before 2 am, so I get up about 10 am. I go to the gym or occasionally a jazz class. I meet friends who don't work by day either — it's my main chance to socialise. We get to the theatre by 6.15 and put on our make­up. Then we'll get our hair done and put our costumes on.

I: Do you have to exercise to keep your figure?

K: Not at all! I don't look after myself as well as I should do! I don't need to do diets or go to the gym daily — just watch what I'm eating. I eat completelynormally, including sweets and chocolates but not much.

I: How do you see your future?

К: I can't imagine myself doing anything else! I'd love to get one of the main roles in 'Chicago' eventually. As for getting older in the business, I know a lot of dancers in their mid-30s who are in main parts and doing well.

I: Any advice for beginners?

K: Be confident and keep practising — patience is rewarded!

Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

1. What is Alex thinking about?

2. Why does he want to bring soldiers as a gift for his parents?

3. What will Alex buy for his brother?

Kelly:Hi, Alex. Alex? Are you sleeping?

Alex:No, I'm not sleeping, just thinking.

Kelly:About what?

Alex:Well, I'll be going back home to visit my family for a couple of weeks.

Kelly:That's great. So, you must be thinking about how happy you'll be to see them again.

Alex:Yes, that's true. But I'm also thinking about what kinds of gifts I should bring back from England for everyone.

Kelly:Of course, you want to bring back some traditional things, don't you? You could bring back some toy soldiers from the Royal Ceremonial Collection.

Alex:Kelly, you're a genius! Royal Guard soldiers are not only very colourful, they represent English traditions too! My parents will really like them. Okay, now I have to think of something to buy for my sister. That's a tough one!

Kelly:Don't be so pessimistic, Alex. Does she like drinking tea? You could bring back an English teapot.

Alex:Of course! Another great idea! Now the toughest person to shop for — my brother. What in the world could I bring back for him?

Kelly:Didn't you tell me that your brother is studying English now?

Alex:Yes, that's right.

Kelly:So why not buy him a DVD so that he can watch a film in English?

Alex:Sure, he'd love that. You amaze me, Kelly!

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