Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов “to look” и “to turn”.

To look at – смотреть на

To look after – ухаживать, присматривать

To look up – смотреть, найти

To look for – искать

To look through – просматривать

To turn – поворачивать

To turn on – включать

To turn off - выключать

1. The laboratory assistant looked at the measuring-vessel and put down the readings.

2. You should look up this word in the dictionary.

3. Look through your notes and then start the experiment.

4. We were looking for a more simple method of solution but could not find it.

5. In modern atomic enterprises men must only look after automatic units.

6. It got dark and I turned the light on.

7. Turn the switch and turn the ventilators off.



I need technical translation for my future work. I want to read English and American technical books and journals. I also want to speak to the English-speaking people who visit our country. I want to know how to use a technical dictionary in order to understand the meaning of the English terms.

Nowadays we practically use computers everywhere. I have got a computer at home and get much information from Internet. I like to visit some sites there and know something interesting about latest achievements in science and technique. English is very important in our modern life.

Words and word combinations:

technical – технический

dictionary – словарь

in order to – для того чтобы

meaning – значение

term –термин

nowadays – в наши дни

site - сайт

important – важный


1. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

Технический перевод, технические книги и журналы, значение термина, англо-говорящие люди, получать информацию, наука и техника, последние достижения, современная жизнь.

Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно.


1. Прочитайте следующие существительные. Назовите от каких глаголов они образованы и переведите на русский язык:

Translation, application, information, addition, demonstration, invention, transformation, transmission, observation, creation, contribution.

Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках во временах группы Simple (Present, Past, Future).

1. Albert Einstein (to be) born in 1879 in Germany. When he was 12, he (to begin) his study of mathematics and physics.

2. My friend (not to like) physics.

3. This diagram (to help) to solve your problem.

4. These elements (to have) different colours but their chemical properties (to be) the same.

5. We (to know) the results of this experiment tomorrow.

6. Einstein never (to prove) his discoveries experimentally.

3. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола. Переведите на русский язык.

1. We ….. machine-tools last week.

a) get; b) gets; c) got; d) will get

2. Next term we…. to study two new subjects.

a) begin; b) begins; c) began; d) shall begin

3. At present our workshop …. many different instruments.

a) produce; b) produces; c) produced; d) will produce

4. …. you work at a plant now?

a) do; b) did; c) does.


S C I E N C E.

What is science? Science is a collection of facts, rules and laws (phenomena). Science tries to understand the essence of phenomena, generalize and interpret them.

Science makes progress. How much it had been done by the people to reach the present state of the development of the human society.

Scientists are the people who makes research of phenomena prove them by experiments and make discoveries. It’s necessary to say that great contribution of the world science had been made by famous scientists and inventors.

Thanks to Tsiolkovsky man could win space. Great American scientist Edison invented the gramophone and the electric lamp, a recording machine (our record player).

Great English scientist Faradey was father of the magnetic generator making electricity. Thanks to science we use radio, TV, telephone, computer, new medicine in our every day life.

Words and word combinations:

science – наука

rule – правило

law – закон

phenomena – явления (phenomenon –явление)

essence – сущность

to try - пытаться

to reach – достигать

development – развитие

contribution – вклад

record player – проигрыватель

to invent – изобретать

inventor – изобретатель


1. Найдите в тексте перевод следующих словосочетаний:

благодаря науке, великий английский ученый, как много было сделано, сущность явлений, человеческое общество, в нашей повседневной жизни, необходимо сказать, огромный вклад.

2.Заполнить пропуски, пользуясь содержанием текста:

1. Great English …. Faradey was father of the magnetic generator.

2. Science is a ….. of facts, rules and laws.

3. ……. are the people who makes research of phenomena prove them by experiments and make discoveries.

4. ……. makes progress.

5. Thanks to ……man could win space.

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