Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque

Corrected to ANM Weekly Edition

No37 dated 10th September, 1999


The numbers assigned to lights in Admiralty List of Lights, prefixed by the Volume letter, are the International Numbers, in accordance with the resolutions of the International Hydrographic Organization.

These letter-figure combinations should be quoted whenever lights are referred to.


Information is tabulated as follows:

Column 1: Contains the number of each light.

Column 2: Location, name.

Place is printed in CAPITALS.

The names of lights having a range of 15 miles and over are printed

in bold type;

those of less than 15 miles range are printed in roman type; those of

light-vessels in ITALIC CAPITALS and those of all other floating

lights in italics.

Column 3: Latitude and longitude are approximate.

Column 4: Characteristics and intensity.

Column 5: Elevation in metres.

Column 6: Range in sea miles, in bold type if of 15 miles or more, and in roman

type if less.

Column 7: Description of structure and its height in metres.

Column 8: Remarks. Phase, sectors, arcs of visibility. Minor lights.

The layout of column headings is shown inside the front cover.

Phase is expressed to tenths of a second where known unless otherwise stated; it is printed in italics.

The durations of light and darkness are those for which the apparatus was designed. In practice they are subject to some degree of fluctuation, due to slight variations in the working-speed of the apparatus. The duration of a flash may also appear to be less than normal when seen from a great distance, and haze has the same apparent effect.

The limits of sectors and of arcs of visibility, and the alignment of direction lights and leading lights are given as seen by an observer from seaward. All bearings refer to the true compass and are measured clockwise from 000 to 359.

Coast radio stations, radar stations and radiobeacons are mentioned in the List of Lights when they are situated at a light-station, but for details reference must be made to Admiralty List of Radio Signals.

Signal stations and weather, ice, storm, danger, tide, tidal stream, traffic and port signals are mentioned when they are shown at light-station; full details will be found in the relevant Admiralty Sailing Directions.

Ponta dos Frades – Sutrapada

No Location name Latitude N. Longitude E Characteristics and intensity Elevation in metres Range in sea miles Description of structure and its height in metres Remarks
0367.8 Mungra Reff 22 45.6 70 11.0 Fl(2)W 15s White round concrete tower, red bands *
Pirothan Island. Off NE point 22 37.2 69 58.3 Fl R 10s White round concrete tower, red bands fl1.
Okha 22 28.6 69 04.2 Fl(3)W 25s White square masonry tower, red bands fl 0.3, ec 4.7, fl 0.3, ec 14.7
Dongri Point 19 18.3 72 47.7   F G Metal column Vis 095º-240º (145º)    
6138.78 Jetty 16 51.8 42 32.8 2 Mo(U) Green round tower Range reduce 1998    
Ponta do Giraul 15 08.2 12 06.7 Fl W 5s White square tower and dwellings fl 0.7
7585.4 SPM No 20 29 08.8 48 19.5 Horn Mo(U) 30s Iso W 2s White structure Unreliable 1998  
7321.74 No 11 Berth. SE corner 23 37.4 58 33.9 F R White structure Can be obscured by background shore lights
Sibolga. Pier 1 44.5 98 46.3 Fl W 5s White metal framework tower fl 1. F G light on church 500 m N. R Lt on radio mast 400 m SE





beacon ['bi:kən] знак на воде или на берегу

day b. [dei] дневной (несветящий) знак

directional (radio) b. [di'rek∫ənl] направленный радиомаяк

fairway b. ['feəwei] знак, ограждающий фарватер

fixed b. [fikst] стационарный навигационный знак; береговой знак

flashing b. ['flæ∫iŋ] проблесковый знак

floating b. ['floutiŋ] плавучий знак

front b. [fr⋀nt] передний знак

hazard b. ['hæzəd] знак, ограждающий опасность для плавания

identification b. [aidentifi'kei∫n] опознавательный знак

landmark b. ['lændma:k] береговой ориентир

leading b. ['li:diŋ] створный знак

light b. [lait] светящий знак

nondirectional radio b. ['n ɔn' di'rek∫ənl] ненаправленный радиомаяк

perch b. [pə:t∫] знак с шестом; шестовая веха

pile b. [pail] (навигационный) знак на сваях

pillar (pole) b. ['pilə] столбовидный знак

rear b. [riə] задний знак


buoy [bɔi] буй; ограждать (обставлять) буями

acoustic b. [ə'ku:stik] буй со звуковой сигнализацией

ball spar b. [bɔ:l spa:] веха с шаром

bar b. [ba:] буй, ограждающий бар

barrel b. ['bærəl] бочкообразный буй; бочка

beacon b. ['bi:kən] столбовидный буй

bell b. [bel] буй с колоколом

bell-and-whistle b. ['bel ənd 'wisl] буй с колоколом и свистком

bifurcational b. [baifə:'kei∫n] буй, указывающий разветвление фарватера

broom b. [bru:m] веха с голиком

cardinal b. ['ka:dinl] кардинальный буй

can b. [k æn] цилиндрический (тупоконечный) буй

cask b. [ka:sk] бочкообразный буй

channel b. ['t∫ænəl] буй ограждения каналов или фарватеров

chequered b. ['t∫ekəd] буй шахматной окраски

combination b. [kɔmbi'nei∫n] комбинированный буй (со светом и звуковым


conical b. ['kɔnikəl] конический буй

cylindrical b. [si'lindrikəl] цилиндрический буй

dragging b. ['drægiŋ] буй ограждения района дноуглубительных работ

fairway b. ['feəwei] буй, ограждающий фарватер

flashing b. ['flæ∫ iŋ] буй с проблесковым огнем

fog b. [fɔg] туманный буй

gong b. [gɔŋ] буй с гонгом

horizontally striped b. [hɔri'zɔntli 'straipt] буй с горизонтальными полосами

horn b. [hɔ:n] буй с сиреной

isolated danger b. ['aisəleitid] буй, ограждающий отдельно лежащую опасность

junction b. ['dƷ⋀ŋk∫n] буй при соединении двух фарватеров

landfall b. ['lændfɔ:l] подходной буй

lateral b. ['lætrəl] латеральный буй

light b. [lait] светящий буй

midchannel b. [mid't∫ænəl] осевой буй фарватера или канала

mooring b. ['muəriŋ] швартовная бочка

nun b. [n⋀n] биконический буй (из двух конусов, соединенных основаниями)

numbered b. ['n⋀mbərd] пронумерованный буй

obstruction b. [əb'str⋀k∫ n] буй ограждения подводных препятствий

pillar b. ['pilə] столбовидный буй

pivot b. [pivət] поворотный буй

port-hand b. ['pɔ:t hænd] буй левой стороны фарватера

radar reflector b.['reida: ri 'flektə] буй с радиолокационным отражателем

safe water b. ['seif 'wɔ:tə] буй, указывающий на безопасный проход

sea b. [si:] входной буй (ограждающий вход в канал или гавань)

spar b. [spa:] столбовидный буй; веха

special purpose b. ['spe∫el 'pə:pəs] буй специального назначения

spherical b. ['sferikəl] сферический (шарообразный) буй

staff b. [sta:f] столб, шест

starboard-hand b. ['sta:bɔ:dhænd] буй правой стороны фарватера

topmark b. ['tɔpma:k] буй с топовой фигурой

unlit b. [⋀n'lit] несветящий буй

vertically striped b. ['və:tikəli 'straipt] буй с вертикальными полосами

wreck b. [rek] буй на месте затонувшего судна

buoyage ['bɔidƷ] ограждение (фарватера) буями


topmark ['tɔpma:k] топовая фигура

daymark ['deima:k] несветящий навигационный знак; топовая фигура

square [skweə] квадрат

triangle ['traiæŋgl] треугольник

sphere ['sfiə] сфера; шар

drum [dr⋀m ] цилиндр

diamond ['daiəmənd] ромб

cylinder ['silində] цилиндр

cone [koun] конус

rectangle ['rektæŋgl] прямоугольник

Other words

band [bænd] полоса (горизонтальная)

even ['i:vən] чётный

lay (laid) [lei] устанавливать

mark [ma:k] знак, отметка; отмечать, ограждать

moor [muə] устанавливать (буй)

move [mu:v] движение, перемена места; передвигать (-ся)

odd [ɔd] нечётный

replace [ri'pleis] заменять, замещать

shape [∫eip ] форма

stripe [straip] полоса (вертикальная)

superimpose ['sju:pərim'pəuz] накладывать друг на друга

surmount [sə'maunt] увенчивать

withdraw (the buoy) [wið'drɔ:] убирать, снимать

Phrases to remember:

1. a buoy of no navigational significance буй, не имеющий навигационного


2. alignment of the beacons leads… створ навигационных знаков

ведет …

3. to buoy off ограждать буями

4. to show by day and by night показывать днем и ночью

5. beacons lit on request знаки, зажженные по требованию

6. to identify the beacon by its colour идентифицировать буй по

and shape цвету и форме

Memorize the translation of the following sentences:

1. The channel is buoyed (unbuoyed). Канал огражден/ обставлен

(не огражден).

2. Leave this buoy to starboard (port). Оставьте этот буй справа


3. You can pass this buoy on either side. Вы можете пройти этот буй с

любой стороны.

4. Beacons are moved to reflect Знаки переставляются так,

changes in the bar. чтобы отражать изменения на


5. Beacons are moved without notice. Знаки переставляются без


6. A number of buoys are not charted. Множество буев не нанесено

на карту.

7. These buoys should not be relied upon. Не следует полагаться на эти


8. Light buoys may be replaced Светящие буи могут

by unlit buoys. заменяться несветящими.


Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru

1. Black Deep lies between Sunk Sand to the NW and Long Sand to the SE, both of which dry in parts. The fairway is generally 1½ miles wide, but narrows at its SW end to 5 cables and is marked by numbered light-buoys, odd numbers to the NW and even numbers to the SE.

Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru 2. SE of Maplin Sands, which lie along the whole of NW side of West Swin and are marked on their E side by Maplin Light-buoy (E cardinal). Maplin Sands extend about 3 miles offshore from the coast between Foulness Point and Shoebury Ness.

3. Whitaker Beacon (isolated danger) stands at the SW end of the spit close NE of the drying line,which marks the NE limit of Foulness Sand. The remains of an older beacon, awash at

LW, are 150 m NE of Whitaker Beacon.

Whitaker Beacon

(Original dated 1979)

4. Cork Sand Light-buoy (port hand ) is moored 4 cables WNW of the N

extremity of Cork Sand and also on the S limit of South Channel. Experimental buoys, which have no navigational significance may be laid in the S end of Cork Hole.

5. Vergoyer E Light-buoy (E cardinal) (11 miles WNW), marking the NE side of Vergoyer, and Vergoyer N Light-buoy (N cardinal) (12 miles NW) marking the N extremity of Vergoyer and which lies on the boundary between the Traffic Separation Scheme and the Inshore Traffic Zone.

6. Two buoys, which indicate the direction of the tidal stream, are moored, one 1 mile WNW of the entrance to Port Quest and the other 4 cables WNW of the entrance to Port Est. Seen from the N they show by day the side painted black and by night a white light over an orange light when the stream is E-going. When the stream is W-going they show their white side (day) or two white lights (night).

7. Two buoys (special), one moored close SE and the other close SW of RCE Light-buoy, together with the light-buoy form a distinctive radar target.

8. The channels in the estuary are marked by numbered buoys or light-buoys, which are often prefixed by letters indicating the name of the channel. In winter light-buoys may be withdrawn or replaced by unlit buoys.

9. SBZ Light-buoy (S cardinal) is moored at the SW extremity of Schouwenbank, and SD4 Buoys (both port hand) on the SE side of the bank and SBO Light-buoy (E cardinal) at its NE extremity. Middlebank Light-buoy (safe water) is moored in the center of the bank.

10. The alignment of the following beacons leads over the bar to the entrance which is about 1 cable wide and lies between drying banks of shingle: front beacon (red post, white triangular topmark), rear beacon (red post, red square topmark). These beacons are moved as necessary to reflect changes in the bar and the channel. The beacons may be lit at night on request.

11. Four buoys (special) moored on the W side of the entrance mark the W limit of the oyster beds in the channel. The S buoy is marked “Fishery”. The S limit is indicated by the alignment of a pair of beacons on Colne Point and by Inner Bench Light-buoy.

12. Branklet Buoy (special) is moored NE of the shoal water extending from Wallasea Island. A number of seasonal buoys (special), which act as racing marks, are laid off the N bank of river Crouch.

13. The E limit of the approach channel is marked by the Leith approach Light-buoy and a light dolphin (5 cables SE of the approach buoy) together with a line of dolphins to the SE of the beacon. The two beacons (red triangles, floodlit) one close SE of the head of West Breakwater, the other on the SE side of Western Harbour in line indicate the W limit of the approach channel.

14. Hen and Chickens Light-buoy is moored 1½ cables to the S of the patch on the N side of the fairway at the commencement of the dredged approach channel, which has a least width of 120 m. No 1 light-beacon (red cylinder on pile) lies 2 cables S of the buoy and to the S side of the approach channel. The channel is marked by light-beacons and light-buoys.

15. Day beacons may be identified by their colour and shape; in certain cases a number may also be shown. Normally lights are not exhibited from day beacons, but coloured reflectors are fitted to indicate the shape, colour, and number if any, of the beacon, if a searchlight is used by a vessel. Starboard-hand beacons are triangular, with a red triangle in the centre and a red reflective border. Port-hand beacons are square, with a black square in the centre and a green reflective border.

16. A beacon (mast, white rectangle daymark, white reflectors) stands on Teal Island. On the E shore of the channel ¾ mile NE of Teal Island, is the entrance to a small, narrow, marshy lagoon.

17. A beacon (staff, white framework drum topmark) stands on the SW point of Magee Islet. A similar beacon stands on a ledge, which dries 5 m ½ cables W of Picture Island; both ledge and island are steep-to on their S sides. A buoy (red spar) marks the S edge of the channel between it and the 5 m drying ledge.

18. A buoy (black can) marks the edge of foul ground, which extends 5½ cables W from the NE of the four islets off the NW of Kumdis Island. The fairway is reduced to about 1 cable between the buoy and the edge of the foul ground.

19. Wells Fairway Light-buoy (safe water) (53º 00' N, 0º 51' E) is moored 7 cables NNE of the entrance to the approach channel called The Run. The outer part of the channel is marked by buoys, some lighted, which are moved as necessary and should not be relied upon. The channel is marked by beacons, some lighted, with diamond topmarks on the W side and square topmarks on the E side.

20. The alignment (170º) of the front beacon (orange, triangle topmark) and rear beacon (orange, square topmark) leads to the E of Bar Buoy (special). The beacons are moved without notice as required by changes in the channel and are therefore not charted.

21. A buoy (port hand) marks a dangerous wreck on the N side of the channel. Within the channel Nos. 1 to 10 Buoys (black barrels, summer only) mark the W side of the channel as it curves round Blakeney Point and should be kept on the starboard hand when entering.

22. Tabs Head Light-beacon (red square topmark on white mast) and Dolly Peg Light-beacon (black triangular topmark) mark the entrance to New Cut. New Cut Light- beacon (tide gauge, conical topmark) stands on the N bank 1¼ cable W of Tabs Head Light-beacon.

23. The channel is marked by light-buoys and beacons, which include some of the marks indicating the E limit of the danger area. The S part of the channel is marked by light-beacons and buoys. Those painted white and exhibiting white or green lights should be left to starboard and those red and with red lights left to port.

24. A beacon (starboard hand daymark) stands at the S entrance to Louise Narrows, with another beacon (port hand daymark) 3 cables N of it. In 1998 it was reported that the channel had shoaled and narrowed. Two mooring buoys are moored about 9 cables N of

Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru the narrow.

25. Gavan Shmidta leading light-beacons alignment (338½º) of a pair of light-beacons leads to the entrance of Reka Kalmius and Gavan Shmidta. The channel is 70 m wide.

Front Rear

Gavan' Shmidta

Approach Channel Leading Lights (338½º)

26. West Range Beacons (masts, red daymarks with black stripe), in line 113½º, stand on a prominent point 6½ cables ESE of McLellan Point. A beacon (black), about 4 cables ESE of McLellan Point, stands on the edge of the drying bank on the S side of the fairway and marks the shoal to the E.

27. Mid Beacon (white mast 5 m in height, square topmark, vertical red reflectors), marking the S side of the fairway, stands on a rock in mid-channel, 4½ cables W of East Beacon. East Beacon (port hand, radar reflector) stands on a rock which dries.

28. Three mooring buoys provide a berth for a vessel to secure to the seaward end of an oil pipeline that extends from the shore for about ¾ cable, 5½ cables SE of the town quay. Vessels secure bows NE to a single mooring buoy and stern-to to two mooring buoys. There are some tanks close SE of the root of the pipeline.

29. The Maritime Danube is marked by light-buoys and buoys as follows: Danger along S (right) bank and S side of fairway – red cylindrical buoys or spar-buoys with red cylinder topmark; danger along N (left) bank and N side of fairway – black conical buoys or spar buoys with black conical cone point; axis of fairway where no danger exists – white buoys with shape of two superimposed conical sections on small base with black and white horizontal bands or spar-buoys with top mark of similar shape.

30. The alignment (044º) of Port Azovstal light-beacons: front light (white rectangle on framework tower, 22 m in height)(47º 05'· 1N, 37º35'·2E); middle light (white rectangle on metal framework tower, 37 m in height) (0·84 miles from front light); rear light (structure as for middle light, 34 m in height) (1·7 miles from front light) leads for about 5 miles through a dredged channel marked by pairs of light-buoys and buoys (port and starboard hand) to where it divides for the final approaches to Port Azovstal and Gavan Shmidta.



Noun Adjective
'cone 'cylinder 'diamond rect'angle 'sphere 'square 'triangle 'conical cy'lindrical 'diamond rec'tangular 'spherical 'square tri'angular  

Speech Pattern

To be sure to … - непременно; обязательно (сделать что-то) You must be sure to read the instruction. – Обязательно прочитайте инструкцию.   You must be sure to define more precisely the position of this buoy. – Непременно уточните местоположение этого буя.  

Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Grammar: The Nominative Absolute Participle Construction – независимый причастный оборот.

Note: The Nominative Absolute Participle Construction very often occurs in technical, scientific, economical and political literature; sometimes in fiction. The use of this construction in colloquial English is rare.

1. Knowing this channel well, we were able to pass it at night. – Хорошо зная этот канал, мы смогли пройти его ночью.

2. The sun having risen (=After the sun had risen), they continued their way. – После того как солнце взошло, они продолжили свой путь.

3. Having lostspeed the ship could not reach the port before dark. – Потеряв скорость, судно не могло достичь порта до темноты.

4. The sawn-goods were shipped by the m/v Minsk, part of the cargo being placedon deck. – Пиломатериалы отгружены на т/х «Минск», причем часть груза размещена на палубе.

5. The wool was placed in the warehouse, the cotton being loadedinto holds. – Шерсть была помещена на склад, в то время как хлопок был загружен в трюм.

6. There beinga severe storm at sea (= As there was a severe storm at sea), the ship could not leave the port. – Так как на море был сильный шторм, судно не могло выйти из порта.

7. The weather being fine, they started painting the hull. – Так как погода была хорошая, они начали красить корпус.

8. His duty completed, the pilot left the ship. – Так как его работа была закончена, лоцман покинул судно.

9. Weather permitting, we will start loading tomorrow. – Если погода позволит, мы начнем погрузку завтра.

v Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. My watch having been finished, I went to bed.

2. It being very stormy, they dropped anchor in a sheltered place.

3. All this having being settled, they started discharging.

4. The preparations being completed, they began loading.

5. The Moon being bright, everything was clearly visible.

6. It was dark, the Sun having set an hour before.

7. The information having been delayed, the news reached us too long.

8. At last the excitement died down, the captain having assured the passengers, that there was no longer the slightest danger.


I. Identify the shape of the following buoys:

Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru

II. Identify the meaning of the following topmarks:

Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru

III. Describe the following buoys and beacons:

  Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru

IV. Complete the sentences with the suitable prepositions:

in, of, off, between, with, about, from, at, by.

1. A black spindle buoy is moored near the shallow reef, extending 1⅓ cables southward _ rocky ledges, one _ which dries 2,7 metres.

2. A pillar buoy, surmounted _ a staff, is moored _ 3 metres _ 2 miles southward _ the lighthouse.

3. A red spar buoy, surmounted _ a ball, is moored _ a depth _ 2½ metres.

4. A can buoy lies on the south-eastern side _ the shoals on the northern side _ the approach.

5. A red and black horizontally striped spherical buoy _ a diamond topmark is moored _ the western end of the shoal ground.

6. A rock _ a depth of 1,8 metres lies _ the north-western end _ P., and _ 3½ cables _ shore.

7. Two white beacons, the front one _ which is a stone tower, are situated _ a distance _ 10 miles _ the port.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. What kinds of buoys do you know?

2. What purpose do the cardinal buoys serve?

3. What purpose do the lateral buoys serve?

4. What purpose does a save water buoy serve?

5. What does an isolated danger buoy mark?

6. What kinds of topmarks do you know?

7. What topmarks are adopted in the IALA system?

8. What is a function of a mooring buoy?

9. Why should a fairway be buoyed?

10. May the buoys be always relied upon?

11. What fog signals can the buoys be fitted with?

VI. Can you sketch the following buoys given below:

1. ‘ A pillar shaped whistle buoy, painted in black and white horizontal bands, marked “LP”, and exhibiting a white occulting light ’.

2. ‘ A black conical buoy, marked “S.M.”, with a topmark consisting of a cone point down, is moored off the entrance.

3. ‘A spherical buoy, painted in black and white stripes surmounted by an iron staff and cross, lies close south-eastward of C.

Eastern Side of North and South Atlantic Oceans, South of Dunkerque - student2.ru Useful information. Remember it:

Area -a particular part of a place, piece of land, country, sea, ocean. Vicinity -the immediately surrounding area.

VII. Translate the following sentences into English. Do it in writing:

1. Черная веха отмечает кромку мелководной банки.

2. С какой стороны следует пройти этот буй?

3. Вы можете обойти этот буй с любой стороны.

4. После шторма на положение буев в этом районе нельзя полагаться.

5. Светящие буи заменяют несветящими в период с апреля по октябрь.

6. На западной стороне канал отмечен знаками с ромбовидными топовыми фигурами.

7. Следуя в порт, приведите знаки в створ.

8. Швартовные бочки установлены около 9 кабельтовых севернее подходного канала.

9. Знак, увенчанный треугольником, стоит на скале.

10. Скала на глубине менее 2 метров отмечена белым береговым знаком.

11. Что ограждают эти буи? – Эти буи ограждают отдельно лежащие опасности.

12. Знаки переставляются часто без предварительного уведомления в извещениях мореплавателям.




bank [bæŋk] банка, отмель

bar [ba:] бар, отмель

breaker ['breikə] бурун

cliff [klif] утес

flat [flæt ] отмель

ledge [ledƷ] риф, гряда камней

obstruction [əb'str⋀k∫n] препятствие, опасность

patch [pæt∫] группа банок, камней, отличительная глубина

reef [ri:f] риф

ridge [ridƷ] гребень, подводная гряда

rock [rɔk] скала

above water r. [ə'b⋀v 'wɔ:tə] надводная скала

below water r. [bi'lou 'wɔ:tə] подводная скала

drying r. ['draiŋ] осыхающая скала

high water r. ['hai 'wɔ:tə] надводная скала

low water r. [lou 'wɔ:tə] подводная скала

pinnacle r. ['pinəkl] остроконечная скала

submerged r. [s⋀b'mə:dƷd] подводная скала

sunken r. ['s⋀ŋkən] подводная скала

under water r. ['⋀ndə 'wɔ:tə] подводная скала

shallow ['∫ælou] мелкий

shallow water ['∫ælou 'wɔ:tə] мелководье

shoal [∫oul] мель, отмель

shoal ground [∫oul 'graund] мель, отмель

shoal head [∫oul 'hed] коса, риф

attached shoal [ə'tæt∫t ∫oul] примыкающая мель

detached shoal [di'tæt∫t ∫oul] отдельно лежащая мель

shoal water [∫oul 'wɔ:tə] мелководье

spit [spit] коса

wreck [rek] затонувшее судно

Other words

avoid [ə'void] избегать

cause [kɔ:z] причина; быть причиной, вызывать

capsize [kæp'saiz] опрокидывать (-ся)

caution ['kɔ:∫n] осторожность, предостережение

chain [t∫ein] цепь

close [klous] вблизи

danger ['deindƷə] опасность

dangerous ['deindƷərəs] опасный

decrease [di:k'ri:s] уменьшать (-ся)

derelict ['derilikt] покинутое или потерпевшее крушение судно

depth [depθ] глубина

d. contour ['kɔntuə] изобата

least d. ['li:st] наименьшая глубина

dry [drai] сухой

drying [draiŋ] осыхающий

ebb [eb] отлив

eddy [edi] водоворот

edge [edʒ] край, кромка

encumber [in'k⋀mbə] затруднять, препятствовать, загромождать

extremely [iks'tri:mli] чрезвычайно, крайне

fog [f ɔg] туман

fog patches [f ɔg 'pæt∫iz] туман зарядами; местами туман

fringed with rocks ['frindʒd] окаймленный скалами

ground [graund] грунт

foul g. [faul] нечистый грунт

hazard ['hæzəd] опасность; риск

hazardous ['hæzədəs] опасный, рискованный

haze [heiz] дымка

hidden [hidn] скрытый

irregular [i'regjulə] нерегулярный, неровный

ir. depths неравномерные глубины

narrow ['nærou] узкий; суживать

numerous ['nju:mərəs] многочисленный

obscure [əb'skjuə] затемнять, закрывать

obstruct [əb'str⋀kt] препятствовать; заграждать

obstruction [əb'str⋀k∫n] препятствие

overfall ['əuvə'fɔ:l] сулой, толчея

prevent [pri'vent] мешать, препятствовать

prohibit [prə'hibit] запрещать

protect [prə'tekt] защищать

prudent ['pru:dənt] благоразумный, осторожный

scattered ['skætəd] разбросанный, отдельный

steep [sti:p] крутой

steep- to приглубый

steeply ['sti:pli] круто

stranger ['sreindʒə] судно, незнакомое с местными условиями плавания

stream [stri:m] течение, поток

subject ['s⋀bdʒikt] зд. быть подверженным ч-л

submarine ['s⋀bməri:n] подводный

submerged ['s⋀bmə:dʒd] в подводном положении

sunken ['s⋀nkən] подводный, затонувший

s. wreck ['s⋀nkən 'rek] затонувшее судно

survey ['sə:vei] съемка, промер; производить съемку

swell [swel] зыбь, волна с большим периодом и длиной

ground s. мертвая зыбь

heavy s. тяжелая волна

uneven [⋀n'i:vn] неровный

unreliable ['⋀nri'laiəbl] ненадежный

warning ['wɔ:niŋ] предупреждение, предостережение

gale w. [geil] штормовое предупреждение

navigational w. навигационное предупреждение

storm w. штормовое предупреждение

weather ['weðə] погода

rough w. [r⋀f] бурная погода

thick w. [θik] туманная погода

Phrases to remember:

1. give a wide berth проходить на достаточно безопасном расстоянии

2. offshore dangers отдаленные от берега (мористые) опасности

3. to pass clear of … пройти в стороне от …

4. to keep clear of … держаться в стороне от …

5. to close the land приближаться к берегу

6. close inshore непосредственно у берега 7. N. fronts the coast Н. обращен к берегу  

Memorize the translation of the following sentences:

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