Goole Approach to Ocean Lock

(Original dated 1990)

18. A vessel should pass 2 cables E of Beaumont Island whence she should hold a midchannel course all the way to Fisher Channel, as there are no outlying dangers. On leaving the S entrance to Johnson Channel steer to give Sunny Island Light structure a berth of 1½ cables.

19. A small vessel bound from Lama Passage through Gunboat Passage should pass N of Bella Islets and in mid-channel S of Cypress Island. Then, keeping in deep water, pass between Calver Point and the E end of Cypress Island.

20. A vessel entering Tolmie Channel from S should do so through Sarah Passage, the only danger being Hazard Rock on its S side. Thence keep in mid-channel and take care to avoid Parry Patch off Split Head. If coming from N, when abreast of Tenas Island Light structure, keep towards the E shore.

21. When the front light-beacon of the leading marks on Deepwater Point bears 180º, the vessel will be in deep water well clear of Hastings Reef, alter course towards Deepwater Point and follow the trend of the shore, which is steep-to, between that point and George Point, keeping not more than 1 cable offshore to avoid the E end of Haswell Reef.

22. As Entry Point is approached, care is necessary to avoid being set towards Troup Bank. It should be borne in mind that a N wind causes a heavy scend over the bars which may last for several days. When the middle of the clearing, which marks the ruined village of Yan bears 282º Inner Bar will have been crossed; thence steer to pass not more than 1 cable W of Entry Point.

23. Pass 2 cables off the settlement of Masset and keep in mid-channel until Griffith Point is in line with Crowell Point bearing 344º; then steer about 147º to pass between the rock off Watun River and the shallow ridge lying off the W shore.

Speech Pattern

avoid + gerund – избегать делать что-либо Avoid dropping anchor near the terminations of TSS. – Избегайте постановки на якорь у конечных участков системы раздельного движения.   Vessels without local knowledge should avoid entering the harbour without a pilot. – Суда не знакомые с местными условиями плавания должны избегать вхождения в гавань без лоцмана.  

Give a piece of advice to somebody to avoid doing smth. and give your reason for that. You may use the following word combinations: to avoid staying, to avoid doing, to avoid leaving, to avoid trawling, to avoid diving, to avoid altering course, to avoid anchoring.


I. Translate the following sentences into Russian, taking into consideration the meaning of the wordshould:

1. All vessels are warned against anchoring or trawling in the vicinity of the cables and on no account to cut the cables should they be found.

2. A stranger should be careful to maintain a good offing approaching the coast in fog.

3. Changes of pilot take place in R. and vessels should anchor while the change takes place.

4. The harbour should not be entered at night due to insufficient lighting of the harbour for night entry.

5. The summit of High Island should be brought to bear 106º, and steered for on that bearing.

6. The Harbour Master should be consulted for the latest information on depths.

7. The buoyage on the approaches changes frequently and should be considered as reflecting the current state of the channel.

8. It seems very unlikely to happen, but if it should, we need to be well-prepared.

9. Should you ever need the latest information, please contact the Harbour Master’s office.

10. We should like to invite a representative of the Port Authorities to come next week.

11. Do not cut the cable should it be fouled.

II. Translate the following sentences into Russian according to models, taking into consideration the use of the Infinitive:


Model: To call for a pilot, contact the Pilot station, - Для того, чтобы вызвать лоцмана, свяжитесь с лоцманской станцией.

1. To enter the bay, steer for the white light in line with the red one on the mole-head.

2. To avoid this shoal, giveE. Island a wide berth.

3. Vessels may anchor here to waitfor the rise of the tide.

4. To enter the bay, pass about half a mile eastward of T. Rock.

5. To arrive at the port of destination safely, give this rock a wide berth.

6. To enter the bay, pass midway between the eastern islet and the shoals.

7. To obtain a pilot, vessels may approach this coast.

8. The ship turned to the west to shorten the way.


Model: To travel is pleasant. – Путешествовать – это приятно.

It’s pleasant to travel.

1. To round the cape in foggy weather is difficult.

2. To enter this port at night without a pilot is dangerous.

3. To see a white sail in the horizon is always pleasant.

4. To pass this fairway without a pilot is risky.

5. To pilot large ships by this channel is highly dangerous.

6. To navigate in this region is dangerous.

7. To navigate in this area during ebb is not so easy.

8. To enter this harbour at night is prohibited.


Model: The cargo to be loaded is in the warehouse now. – Груз, подлежащий погрузке, сейчас находиться в пакгаузе.

1. Some ships to be taken into the open sea will be conductedby the same icebreaker.

2. The ships to be conducted by the icebreaker through the ice reached the edge of the ice field.

3. He was the first to see the rock.

4. The reef to be cleared is unbuoyed.

5. That bay was the first to be blocked by ice.

6. The pilot to be employed is very experienced.

7. Krusenstern and Lysyansky were the first Russian mariners to sail round the world.

8. The voyage to be made by our vessel will last three and a half weeks.

9. You must drop anchor in the area to be marked by two red buoys.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What factors can prevent a vessel from reaching the port on time?

2. What flag must be hoisted if the pilot is required?

3. What flag must be hoisted when a pilot is aboard?

4. What signal flag means “You are running into danger?”

5. How should a vessel proceed through narrows?

6.Is it possible to navigate having no local knowledge?

IV. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Не приближайтесь близко к берегу.

2. Оставьте этот буй слева (справа).

3. Вам следует идти с большой осторожностью.

4. Обгон в районе банки С. не рекомендуется.

5. Приведите вершину холма А. в створ с церковью.

6. Следует держать курс на этот огонь.

7. Держитесь правой стороны канала.

8. В этом районе не следует полагаться на глубины.

9. Продолжайте идти, имея этот знак по корме.

10. Не обгоняйте впереди идущее судно.

11. Советую вам изменить курс влево (вправо).

12. Не входите на фарватер до полной воды.

13. Обойдите эти скалы на расстоянии 4 кабельтовых.

14. Не приближайтесь к моему судну!

15. Имейте в виду, что северный ветер вызывает сильное волнение моря.

16. Избегайте постановки на якорь в узком проходе.

17. Ваше судно затрудняет безопасное прохождение других судов.

18. Сообщите ваши намерения!

19. Ни в коем случае не порвите кабель.




accelerate [æk'seləreit] ускорять (-ся)

anti-clockwise [' ænti'klɔkwaiz] против часовой стрелки

attain [ə'tein] достигать

circular stream ['sə:kjulə stri:m] круговое течение

clockwise ['klɔkwaiz] по часовой стрелке

commence [kə'mens] начинать (-ся)

current ['k⋀rent] течение (постоянное), поток

contrary /reciprocal c. ['kɔntreri /ri'siprəkl] противотечение

costal c. ['koustəl] прибрежное течение

diurnal c. [dai'ə:nl] приливное течение с суточным периодом

drift c. [drift] поверхностное течение (от ветра)

eddy c. ['edi] круговой поток

ebb c. [eb] отливное течение

flood c. [fl⋀d] приливное течение

lee c. [li:] течение по направлению ветра

offshore c. [ɔf'∫ɔ:] течение, направленное от берега

onshore c. [ɔn'∫ɔ:] течение, направленное к берегу

return c. [ri'tə:n] обратное течение

set of current [set əv 'k⋀rent ] направление течения

datum ['deitəm] ноль глубин

deflect [di'flekt] отклонять(- ся) от прямого направления

diminish [di'mini∫] ослабевать

diurnal [dai'ə:nl] суточный, дневной

divert [dai'və:t] отводить, отклонять (-ся)

duration [djuə 'rei∫ən] продолжительность

ebb [eb] морской отлив

effect [i'fekt] влиять; воздействовать; влияние

estuary ['estjuəri] устье

exceed [ik'si:d] превышать

flood [fl⋀d] прилив, приливной

flow [flou] поток; течь

in-(out) going stream [in/aut 'gəuiŋ 'stri:m] входящее (выходящее) течение

neap [ni:p] зд. квадратура

obtain [əb'tein] получать, достигать

occur [ə'kə:] происходить

overfall ['əuvəfɔ:l] быстрина, толчея, сулой

range [reindƷ] амплитуда

race [reis] течение, быстрина

rapidly ['ræpidli] быстро

rate [reit] скорость

average rate [' ævəridƷ] средняя скорость

rectilinearl [rekti'liniəl] прямолинейный

retard [ri'ta:d] замедлять (-ся)

reverse [ri'və:s] поворачивать в обратную сторону

ripple [ripl] рябь, зыбь

run [r⋀n] течь, направляться

set [set] течь в определенном направлении; устанавливаться

slack period [slæk] период стоячей воды

slacken [slækn] замедляться, ослабевать

spring [spriŋ] зд. сизигия

tidal stream ['taidəl] приливо-отливное течение

tide ['taid] морской прилив

tide-gauge ['taidgeidƷ] приливомер

turbulence ['tə: bjuləns] турбулентность; бурность

turn ['tə:n] поворот; поворачивать

vary ['veəri] отличаться, изменяться

variation [veəri'ei∫n] изменение, перемена

weak [wi:k] слабый

Weaken слабый

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