Exercise 30. Answer the questions.

1. What systems are used in a sustainable construction?

2. What does renewable heat involve?

3. What are heat pumps used for?

4. Where may additional renewable electricity come from?

5. Is the application of solar cells common practice?

6. Why is sorting sewage important?

7. What can sewage be separated into?

8. What types of purification do you know?

9. What functions do cultivation and vegetation perform?

Exercise 31. Choose the best answer. More than one option is possible.

1. Nutrients are recycled by …

A. Heat pumps.

B. Sewage systems.

C. Accumulation tank.

2. Renewable heat involves using biomass in combination with solar heat.

A. Yes

B. No

3. Renewable heat …

A. Returns organic waste to ecocycles.

B. Recycles nutrients.

C. is used for heating and cooling.

4. Electricity is produced by …

A. Sewage systems.

B. Heat pumps.

C. Hydroelectric power.

5. Solar cells are integrated into …

A. Roofs.

B. Walls.

C. Facades.

6. Sewage can be divided into …

A. Runoff water.

B. Solar heat.

C. Grey water.

Exercise 32. Translate the following words and word–combinations. The text above will help you.

1. Возобновляемые источники энергии.

2. Солнечное тепло.

3. Производить электроэнергию.

4. Энергия ветра.

5. Сведение загрязнения к минимуму.

6. Канализация.

7. Самоочищение.

8. Биологическое разнообразие.

Exercise 33. Make up 8 sentences using the words and phrases from the exercise above.

Exercise 34. Fill in the spider diagram below with the details describing the resources of ecocycles.

Renewable Heat: ______________________
Vegetation and Cultivation: ______________________
Renewable Electricity: _________________
Sewage: ______________________

Exercise 35. You are going to watch the video “My Green School Dream”, but first read the information about John Hardy and his project.

After selling his jewelry company in 2007, John Hardy and his wife, Cynthia, endowed a thrilling new project: the Green School in Bali. At the Green School, kids learn in open–air classrooms surrounded by acres of gardens that they tend; they learn to build with bamboo; and meanwhile they're being prepared for traditional British school exams. The school is international –20 percent of students are Bali locals, some on scholarship. The centrepiece of the campus is the spiraling Heart of School, which may be called Asia's largest bamboo building. Exercise 30. Answer the questions. - student2.ru Fig. 45. Jewelry designer John Hardy co–founded the extraordinary Green School in Bali, where kids get a Holistic and green education.

Exercise 36. Use the information above to answer the following questions.

1. What is the concept of the Green School?

2. Where is this school located?

3. What is it made of?

4. Who studies there?

5. How do you think Hardy’s project helps environment?

6. In your opinion, is the Green School better for kids comparing to traditional ones?

Exercise 37. Work in pairs. What do you think you will see in the video “My Green School Dream”?

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