II. Выучите следующие слова к патенту и переведите его

*При переводе текста Британского патента на русский языкпредложения разбивайте на более короткие, главным образом там, где встречаются слова said и thereof.

longitudinally х[,lOnGI`tjHdInlI] adv – продольно

superstructure [`sjHpq,strAkCq] n– надстройка

adapt [q`dxpt] v – приспосабливать

flexible [`fleksqbl] a – гибкий, эластичный

load-lifting means – грузоподъемные устройства

predetermine [`prJdJ`tWmIn] v- предопределять

winding [`wIndIN] n –поднимание, наматывание

unwinding [An`wIndIN] n – раскручивание

relation [rI`leISn] n – отношение, связь, зависимость

detachably [dI`txCqblI] adv – независимо, обособленно

connect [kq`nekt] v – соединять

remain [rI`meIn] v – оставаться

increase [In`krJs] v – увеличиваться

diminution [,dImInjHSn] n – уменьшение

tangency [`txnGqnsI] n – касательство

sufficiently [sq`fISqntlI] adv – достаточно

insure [InSuq] v – обеспечивать, гарантировать, страховать

enable [In`eIbl] v – давать возможность

swing [swIN] v – поворачивать, колебать

fluid [flHId] n – жидкость

pressure [`preSq] n – давление

supply [sq`plaI] v – снабжать, удовлетворять

piston [pIstqn] n – поршень

pump [pAmp] n – насос

alternate [Ll`tWnIt] a – переменный, дополнительный

A vehicle for carrying packaged loads and having self-contained loading and unloading means including a prime-mover, a flat vehicular bed having unobstructed sides, a first superstructure mounted upon said bed and comprising a first torsion member extending longitudinally of said bed and having first and second arms of equal and fixed length supporting said first member of the respective ends thereof, one end of each of said first and second arms, being pivotally mounted on said bed adjacent the first side of said bed and the other end of each of said first and second arms being fixedly attached to said first member, a second superstructure mounted on said bed and comprising a second torsion member extending longitudinally of said bed and having third and fourth arms of equal and fixed length supporting said second member at the respective ends thereof, one end of each of said third and fourth arms being pivotally mounted on said bed adjacent the second side of said bed and the other end of each of said third and fourth arms being fixedly attached to said second member. Each of said members being disposed above their respective loads at all times and being adapted to move in respective arcs extending from first vertical planes inboard of said bed to second vertical planes outboard of said bed, each of said members having flexible load-lifting means of predetermined length attached to one end, and in winding and unwinding relation upon the respective members and detachably connected at their second ends to their respective loads and being adapted to remain attached to said loads while said loads are in motion, the length of each of said load-lifting means in contact with their respective members being increased as their respective superstructures are moved from their respective first planes to their respective second planes, with a corresponding diminution in the free length of said respective load-lifting means between the respective points of tangency thereof with their respective members and the points of connection thereof with their respective loads, said members having peripheries in contact with the respective load-lifting means sufficiently large to insure a diminution in said free lengths adequate to enable said superstructures to swing their respective loads over the respective sides of said bed during movement from their respective first planes to their respective second planes, fluid pressure system carried by said bed and including a pump driven by said prime-mover and first and second fluid pressure double-acting cylinders, said first cylinder being pivotally mounted on said bed adjacent the second side thereof, said first cylinder having piston means attached to said first arm for pivotally moving said first superstructure, said second cylinder being pivotally mounted on said bed adjacent the first side thereof, said second cylinder having piston means attached to said third arm for pivotally moving said second superstructure and control means for supplying pressure fluid from said pump to alternate ends of each said first and second cylinders for effecting movement of each of said members in selected winding and unwinding directions, whereby the respective loads may be loaded upon or unloaded from said bed.


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