Work in groups. Think of three reasons you have decided to enter our University

  Work in groups. Think of three reasons you have decided to enter our University -

    Work in groups. Think of three reasons you have decided to enter our University -
  Work in groups. Think of three reasons you have decided to enter our University -


2. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text “Rostov State University of Civil Engineering”.

Rostov State University of Civil Engineering – Ростовский государственный университет гражданского строительства

Research Institute- научно-исследовательский институт

lyceum - лицей

up-to-date facilities- современное оборудование

competition - конкурс

hostel - общежитие

spare time activities- культурные мероприятия

qualification - квалификация

technically equipped classrooms – технически-оборудованные аудитории

project competitions – проектные конкурсы

subject competitions – олимпиады по предметам

to ensure - гарантировать

extension - расширение

joint educational projects – совместные образовательные проекты

gain - приобретать

slogan – лозунг

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