II. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык

1. These steps might appear arbitrary.

2. It would necessitate the restoration of the building.

3. It is desirable that this method be tested in practice.

4. But for you I should have solved the problem differently.

5. You should revise the material lest you forget it.

6. Put down the results of the experiment lest you should forget them.

7. I was afraid lest I should forget the results of the experiment.

8. Were it not for safety conditions, this model might have been ideal.

9. In many operations it is important that the frequency of the oscillator be constant.

10. Were the values known, the experiment could be done.

11. He demanded that his machine should be carefully examined.

12. We couldn`t solve the problem unless we had calculated this equation before.

13. It is important that this scientist should give his consideration on this subject.

14. We were afraid lest we should make many mistakes in our translation.

15. In this case the crystal acts as if it were compressed by a very great pressure.

16. It is essential that the pump should measure the fuel with precise accuracy.

17. We wished our project were approved by everybody.

18. Even if the cross section of the conductor were slightly increased, it would cause the reduction of its resistance.

19. It is essential that the reagents and subsequent solution be protected from moisture and carbon dioxide.

20. The relations would be represented by symbols provided the algebraic method were used.

21. The scientist suggested that these parts should be tested under very severe conditions.

22. There would have been no difficulties now provided this problem had been previously considered.

Ш. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Если я его вдруг встречу, я приглашу его на собрание.

2. Случись мне его встретить, я скажу ему об этом.

3. Мы боялись, как бы они не опоздали на поезд.

4. Она беспокоилась, чтобы мы не опоздали на поезд.

5. Декан потребовал, чтобы никто не выходил из аудитории.

6. Он выглядит (выглядел), как будто он болен.

7. Если бы только я был/а свободен/свободна.

8. Важно, чтобы вы помнили все правила.

9. Пора уже идти домой.

10. Давно пора вам учить грамматические правила.

11. Она говорила об этом, как будто хорошо знала предмет.

12. Давно пора вам начать эксперимент.

13. Если бы я смог достать эту книгу!

14. Пусть вам сопутствует успех!

15. Им не хотелось, чтобы он следовал такому совету.

16. Жаль, что я не знаю его номер телефона.

17. Вы не возражаете, если я закрою дверь?

18. Не покажете ли вы мне дорогу на почту?

19. Жаль, что его нет с нами.

20. Если вдруг ты оставишь тетрадь в аудитории, не забудь ее забрать обратно.

IV. Выучите следующие слова. Проанализируйте и переведите текст.

commons [`kOmqnz] n – общественные земли, пустырь

surround [sq`raund] v – окружать

wildlife [`waIldlaIf] n – живая природа

quiet [`kwaIqt] a – спокойный, тихий

remarkable [rI`mRkqbl] a – выдающийся, замечательный

ethnic [`eTnik] a – этнический

cuisine [`kwJzJn] n – кухня, стол

represent [,reprI`zent] v – представлять

obviously [`ObvIqslI] adv – очевидно, явно

abuse [q`bjHz] v – ругать, поносить

unbeatable [`An`bJtqbl] a – непревзойденный

grandeur [`grxnGq] a – великолепие, грациозность

polish [`polIS] v – делать изысканным, шлифовать

carve [kRf] v – гравировать, резать (мясо за столом)

artistry [`RtIstrI] n – мастерство

rather than [`rRDq Dqn] – а не

inspiration [,Inspq`reISn] n – вдохновение

admission [qd`mISqn] n – вход, доступ

entertainment [,entq`teinmqnt] n – развлечения, прием

overprice [`quvq`priz] v – переоценивать

wander [`wOndq] v – бродить

frivolous [`frIvqlqs] a – легкомысленный, поверхностный

on a par (with) [qnq`pR] – на одном уровне

noticeable [`nqVtIsqbl] a – заметный, достойный внимания

porter [`pLtq] n – носильщик

erudite [`erHdaIt] a – эрудированный, ученый

source [sLs] n – источник

be good value [`vxljH] – иметь сполна

purpose [pWpqs] n – намерение, цель, назначение

guess [ges] v – догадываться, предполагать

My London

I am not a native Londoner, of course, but having lived here for the last 25 years, I certainly regard it as home. I took quite a long time to pack my bag, so I think I could still have chosen London as my Home if my business were not here. London is special for me because there are so many parks and commons where one is able to take a long walk and be surrounded by greenery.

Regent Park and Hyde Park are two of my favourite places, particularly for early morning walks in spring and summer. I like to go there about six o`clock in the morning when you can see all the wildlife and it is so quiet: all you can hear are the birds singing. At times like that it is really hard to believe that you are in the heart of a big city.

London is also remarkable for its restaurants. I would be prepared to say that it offers the widest range of ethnic cuisine in the world; every nationality under the sun is represented. Some are better than others, obviously, but you can eat extremely well here. However, I do feel that what is missing here is the little bistro. Bibendum in Fulham Road is one of my favourite restaurants, although, of its type, it is a little expensive for most people. The food is always absolutely superb there and if it were slightly cheaper it would be a perfect world!

British food has a bad name because it has been abused by people who don`t know how to prepare it, but a good, well-cooked English meal is unbeatable, and that`s a real strength at the Connaught where the food is very classical. I like at the Connaught for its grandeur. The staff are very polished and attentive, this is particularly noticeable in the game season when you can see them carving at the table. That`s when you get a sense of the artistry of the job – they are not simply loading a plate, they are waiters rather than “plate porters”.

London is very erudite city; there are so many theatres and museums that it must be a great source of inspiration to visitors who want to learn something. I can`t think of any other capital in the world where so many culture is provided at so little cost; most of the museums here have free admission, and theatre tickets, compared with prices charged elsewhere, are still extremely cheap – tickets on Broadway must be about double the price. Entertainment is very good value here; I go to Ronnie Scott`s some evenings if I am not too tired and have a drink and listen to the jazz. It is a fantastic place and not overpriced.

I am very fond of jazz but really I like most music. I also love ballet, so I make sure I get to see the Royal Ballet at Covent Garden once or twice a year. A trip to the ballet would definitely be part of my ideal day in London.

I have always felt that London is a very safe city and one in which you can wander around quite freely. The architecture here is very solid, nothing frivolous; it gives the impression that it was built for a purpose and not to entertain. But once you get inside, what a wonderful surprise – inside is on a par with what you would find in France or Italy, but you would never guess it from the façade. Maybe it is something to do with the famous British reserve!


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