Exercise 14. Match the words with their meanings.

1. To pile up. 2. Stack. 3. Sufficient. 4. Fencing. 5. Vigilant. 6. Cable. 7. To drag. 8. Earth leakage circuit breaker. A. Волочить. B. Стопа. C. Внимательный. D. Складывать. E. Ограждение. F. Устройство защитного отключения. G. Достаточный. H. Кабель.

Exercise 15. How much do you know about basic rules for safety? Complete the following sentences by underlining the correct words (A) and then fill in the table by sorting them into three categories (B).


1. Sort out materials and pile them up safely. The stacks should not be too small /high.

2. Before / After you operate a machine, ensure that the dangerous part of the machine has been installed with a guard.

3. Do not wear / Wear protective equipment.

4. Keep passages clear all the time / from time to time.

5. Do not drink or take drugs while working / after work.

6. Avoid going to any area with insufficient / sufficient lighting as there may be some dangerous places which have not been provided with fencing.

7. Beware of window/ floor openings and ensure that they are fenced or covered.

8. Keep vigilant all the time / occasionally and watch out for moving cranes, hooks or other lifting equipment.

9. Store / Remove wastes as soon as possible.

10. Before you use any electrical installation or tool, check the condition / availability of its electric cables.

11. Pay attention to personal nutrition / hygiene.

12. Avoid dragging electric cables on the ground or allowing the cables to come into contact with water / sand.

13. Familiarize with the location / colleagues and the operation of fire-fighting equipment.

14. Play / Do not play in the workplace.

15. Use electrical tools installed with / without an earth leakage circuit breaker.

16. Report / Do not report to your supervisor immediately if you notice any unsafe condition.

17. Use and handle chemicals with assistance / care.


Tidy up construction sites Safety measures Personal Safety

Exercise 16. Work in pairs. First, write your own questions to Ex.15. Then take turns to ask and answer them.

Exercise 17. You are divided in a group of 6. Each of you is given one situation from the following. Read your card with an example of the accident happened on the construction site and retell it. Your partners are to ask questions about the accident and fill in the report form. Those who are the first to finish, win.

Example 1

David Thompson is a 42-year-old man who is likely to remain permanently disabled following an industrial accident in which he sustained serious head injuries that occurred as he fell 3.5 metres from a scaffolding structure he was using to access his work on a residential development.

Example 2

Steven Owens was a 45-year-old married man. He died as a result of a trench collapse he was working in; a dumper was filling gravel into the trench at the time of the collapse, the excavator driver had to support the dumper with his bucket to prevent it from following in as the ground gave way.

Example 3

A 20-year-old Gary Simmons died as a result of falling 5 metres from a ladder that he was using to attach a sling to a water tank, the ladder slipped as it was not tied or footed.

Example 4

Jeffrey Jones is a 33-year-old groundworker. He was struck by a concrete lorry and seriously injured as he was talking on his mobile phone; other workers tried in vain to signal to him but could not prevent the accident.

Example 5

Scott Parker is a 25-year-old construction worker who suffered injury when using a hammer and chisel as part of the metal chisel broke and became imbedded in his eye.

Example 6

A construction company hired a 37-year-old Samuel Henderson, an independent contractor, to install windows in a house. A worker fell 14 feet from a platform that was not equipped with guard rails as required by the Construction Regulation. The worker suffered serious head injuries.

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