Перефразируйте, используя соответствующие формы глагола to have.

ОБРАЗЕЦ: There are no books in his bag. He has no books in his bag.

1. There is no TV-set in his room.

2. There are no mistakes in his dictation.

3. There is no garden near his house.

4. There are no pictures in her room.

5. There are no French books in her library.

6. There is no English newspaper on her table.

7. There is no coffee in my cup.

8. There is no telephone in my flat.

9. There are no maps on the walls of our classroom. 10. There is no sugar in Peter's tea.

Степени сравнения прилагательных

  Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная
I long longer (the) longest
  easy easier (the) easiest
II interesting more interesting (the) most interesting
III good better (the) best
  bad worse (the) worst
  much, many more (the) most
  little less (the) least

a) Wise people said:

"We have two ears and only one tongue in order that we may hear moreand speak less." (Diogenes)

"Few sons are like their father, many are worse,

Few, indeed, are better than the father." (Homer)

b) The Taylor family lived in Newport for many years, but last year they moved to Liverpool. They like their new city. It is much nicer and more interesting than Newport. In Liverpool the streets are cleaner. The parks are safer. The bus system is more reliable, and the schools are better. But the Taylors think that the people in Newport were nicer, more polite and more hospitable than the people in Liverpool.

Измените данные словосочетания, используя сравнительную и превосходную сте­пени прилагательных.

a short story an old book a good friend
a large garden late news much snow
a beautiful flower a comfortable flat bad weather
a big table an easy question little time
a high building clean water many cars
a difficult exercise thin ice few mistakes
a new dress a thick dictionary  

Прочтите предложения, употребив нужную форму прилагательного по смыслу

1. Which is (large) city in your country?

2. John is (short) than William.

3. Henry is (tall) of all.

4. This summer is (hot) than last summer.

5. December 22 is (short) day of the year.

6. This is (beautiful) house in the city.

7. He is (good) student in the group.

9. Mathematics is {difficult) for him than physics.

10. The Volga is one of the (long) rivers in the world.

11. January is (cold) than March.

12. Agatha Christie is one of (famous) English writers.

13. There were (many) students at the lecture today than yesterday.

14. The Assembly Hall is (large) room in the Institute.

15. Yesterday our team played football very badly. I think it was their (bad) match.

16. Their house in the country is (little) comfortable than their flat in the town.

Дайте полные ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. Who is the youngest in your family?

2. Who is the oldest in your family?

3. Is your father older than your mother?

4. Are you as young as your friend?

5. Which is the most difficult subject for you?

6. Which is the easiest subject for you?

7. Is mathematics more difficult for you than English?

8. Is English easier for you than physics?

9. Is chemistry as difficult for you as physics?

10. Which is the most interesting subject for you?

11. Which is the longest day of the year?

12. Which is the shortest month of the year?

13. Is Washington bigger than New York?

14. Which is the largest city in the world?

15. Which is the highest mountain peak in the world?

16. Who is the most famous Russian singer now?

17. Is it warmer today than it was yesterday?

18. Do you have more or less free time now than you had last year?

Найдите в каждом ряду прилагательное в сравнительной степени.

1. father, foreigner, faster 8. larger, mother, dinner
2. receiver, summer, richer 9. letter, last, less
3. better, brother, farmer 10. their, longer, her
4. word, worse, worker 11. smaller, worker, paper
5. colder, corner, car 12. floor, answer, more
6. door, daughter, darker 13. older, poor, brother
7. water, teacher, higher 14. sister, shorter, summer

Ознакомьтесь с союзами сравнения и их значениями, б) Переведите предложения и словосочетания на русский язык.

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