Exercise 13. Read the paragraph about the disadvantages of timber frame construction and fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Exercise 13. Read the paragraph about the disadvantages of timber frame construction and fill in the gaps with the words from the box. - student2.ru
logging absorbed susceptible to hazard combustible soil lead mould transmitter damp advantages

Fig.13. Using wood for timber frame construction

Timber frame construction has certain __________ but there are also disadvantages that you should be aware of before deciding if it meets your needs.

Wood is a porous and very __________ material, _________ _________water, fire and bugs. Water can be __________ into the material, causing it to rot and __________, which can compromise the strength and cause adverse health effects. This can be a major problem in humid or ______ climates.

Wood is also very flammable, which makes the material a fire ________. Ants and termites eat wood framing, with serious effects on the strength of the construction.

___________for timber framing can have a major environmental impact. Producing boards and beams for timber frame construction requires cutting down trees. Large old–growth forests are sometimes clear cut to produce wood for timber construction, which can ________ to other problems such as ______ erosion and destruction of wildlife habitats.

Wood is an excellent _________of sound waves so any noise inside or outside is easily heard throughout the home. This can be a major problem if there are several people living in the house or if it is located near a noisy street as sounds are transmitted very clearly.

Exercise 14. Read the paragraph again and decide if the statements below are True or False.

1. Timber frame construction has certain disadvantages.

2. Wood is a nonporous material, resistant to water.

3. Water prevents the material from rotting.

4. Ants and termites can damage the strength of the construction.

5. Wood is an excellent soundproofing material.

Exercise 15.Write a list of the advantages and disadvantages of timber.


Exercise 16. Prepare a report on timber including the following information:

a) Types of timber;

b) Its usage;

c) Advantages and disadvantages.

Text C

Exercise 17.Match the words with their definitions.

1. Limestone.   2. Stain. 3. Fixing method.   4. Quarry.   5. Renew. A. To arrange for something to continue for a longer period of time. B. To dig stone out of the ground. C. A type of white or grey stone containing calcium, used for building and making cement. D. A process of fastening something somewhere so that it cannot move. E. To leave a mark on something accidentally.  

Exercise 18. Read and translate the text.


Stone is used in construction and many types are considered attractive enough to be used for their decorative as well as their practical properties. However, natural stone should be selected carefully as some types (limestone, for example) can be porous (the result of which is that it can stain easily), can be relatively soft and may not be suitable for some uses (such as flooring, for example). When using stone, the suppliers’ recommended fixing methods and after–care regime should always be followed. The surface can be cut and finished in different ways to highlight colour, pattern and texture.

Construction engineers should tell their clients that as a natural material, installed stone may not match completely any samples which have previously been viewed, as there may be significant variations in pattern or colour, even from stone quarried at the same time and in the same location. Although relatively little energy is used to finish stone to a usable condition, it is not a sustainable material simply because once quarried, the source cannot be renewed.

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