VI. Translate the following sentences into Russian, paying attention to the Degrees of Comparison.

1. Only since 19 century A.D. people have begun to use petroleum as one of the most important sources of energy. 2. Very often petroleum engineers drill deeper wells. 3. The deepest wells reach gigantic depths of 10,000 and even more metres. 4. Besides, oil often contains smaller amounts of sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen. 5. The heavier the oil the darker is the colour. 6. Oil is much lighter than water. 7. At present, petroleum is the most important fuel and energy source.

VII. Look at the following words with ending “-s”. Decide whether it is a noun in plural form or a verb in the Present Simple Tense, 3rd person (text “Petroleum” may be helpful to you).

1. varies 2. plants 3. animals 4. impurities 5. depends 6. determines 7. wells 8. accumulates 9. layers 10. conditions 11. forms 12. consists 13. fluids 14. insulators 15. battles 16. incendiaries 17. centuries 18. depths 19. purposes 20. properties 21. dwellings 22. diseases 23. ancients 24. contains

VIII. Find one sentence in Present Perfect Tense in the text.


I. Translate the following expressions into Russian without a dictionary.

1. animal and vegetable remains 2. under great pressure 3. several boreholes 4. network of pipelines 5. low boiling point 6. 85 per cent 7. distinct odour 8. a great amount of heat 9. numerous new sources 10. to obtain new materials 11. over a period of many centuries 12. over long distances 13. inflammable gas 14. CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States

II. Read and translate the text.


Natural gas either occurs together with crude oil or forms separate deposits of gas alone. Decomposition of both animal and vegetable remains over a period of many centuries without air is the source of natural gas. A great volume of gas accumulates and penetrates into porous beds of sand, sandstones and limestones. In these beds gas can form natural deposits under great pressure. When a borehole reaches such a deposit the gas rushes up. This gas has to be collected from several boreholes with the help of pipelines over long distances

Natural gas is an inflammable gas and consists of hydrocarbons with a very low boiling point. Methane (CH4 ) makes up approximately 85 per cent of the typical natural gas. Ethane (C2H6) can be present up to 10 % and propane (C3H8) up to 3 %. Butane, pentane, hexane, octane and a few other gases may also be present. In contrast to crude petroleum natural gas has no distinct odour.

Little of natural gas we may use chemically, most of it we use as a fuel for the production of both heat and energy. Like all gaseous fuels natural gas has great amount of heat. Natural gas is valuable also as an important chemical raw material for industry, as chemical technologists are able to obtain hydrogen, acetylene, carbon black and various chlorine derivatives.

Natural gas occurs mainly in Russia and some other CIS countries and in the United States where most of the extraction and utilization takes place. Russia has a gigantic network of pipelines.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. Does natural gas occur together with crude oil or does it form separate deposits?

2. What is the main source of natural gas?

3. What beds can gas form natural deposits in?

4. What happens when a borehole reaches a deposit of natural gas under great pressure?

5. What network of pipelines does Russia have?

6. Is natural gas an inflammable gas?

7. What does natural gas consist of?

8. What is the main component of natural gas?

9. Has natural gas any distinct odour?

10. Do we use natural gas mainly as a fuel?

11. Is natural gas an important chemical raw material for industry?

12. What countries are the main producers of natural gas?

IV. Retell the text using the questions of the previous exercise.

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