Побочные эффекты антибиотиков

Антибактериальные препараты подвергаются скринингу на любой негативный эффект, который может быть оказан на человека или млекопитающее, перед тем как быть утвержденным для клинического использования, и обычно считаются безопасными и большинство из них хорошо переносимы. Однако, некоторые из антибактериальных препаратов связаны с рядом неблагоприятных эффектов.

Побочные эффекты варьируют от легких до очень серьезных в зависимости от используемого антибиотика, от микроорганизма-мишени и от индивидуальных особенностей пациента. Критерии безопасности более новых лекарств часто установлены не настолько хорошо, как для препаратов с длительной историей применения. Неблагоприятные эффекты варьируют от лихорадки и тошноты доглавных аллергических реакций, включая фотодерматит и анафилактический шок. Обычные побочные эффекты включают диарею, вызванную нарушением видового состава кишечной микрофлоры, проявляющуюся усиленным ростом патогенных видов, таких как Clostridium difficile..

Over to you

Role play

Work in pairs or small groups and make up conversations on one of the situations.

- Your doctor wants to give you an antibiotic, you need to ask him the questions

- You have a runny nose with a cold and the drainage turns green or yellow, do you need an antibiotic?

- You've taken antibiotics in the past for a cold and I felt better quickly. Should you take them for a cold now?

Prepare a presentation on one of the alternative strategies to treat bacterial diseases.


1. Match the words with their definitions and write the transcription of the words in column 2. Translate the words in column 1 into Russian:

1)the DNA sequence   a) the immediate descendant or descendants of a person, animal, etc.
1) endeavor(n.)   b) to develop or cause to develop gradually
2) diploid(n.)   c) having a single set of unpaired chromosomes
3) nucleus(n.)   d) a unit that consists of three adjacent bases on a DNA molecule and that determines the position of a specific amino acid in a protein molecule during protein synthesis
4) codon (n.)   e) any of a group of basic proteins present in cell nuclei and implicated in the spatial organization of DNA
5) histone (n.)   f) a large compartment, bounded by a double membrane, that contains the chromosomes and associated molecules and controls the characteristics and growth of the cell
6) nucleotide (n.)   g) to join together again
7) adenine (n.)   h) the procedure of determining the order of base pairs in a section of DNA
8) guanine (n.)   i) a purine base present in tissues of all living organisms as a constituent of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA ; 6-aminopurine. Formula: C5H5N5; melting pt.: 360-365°C
9) cytosine (n.)   j) having pairs of homologous chromosomes so that twice the haploid number is present
10) thymine (n.)   k) a white almost insoluble compound: one of the purine bases in nucleic acids. Formula: C5H5N5O
11) anthropology(n.)   l) to try to do something
12) offspring (n.)   m) a white crystalline pyrimidine occurring in nucleic acids; 6-amino-2- hydroxy pyrimidine. Formula: C4H5N3O
13) recombine (v.)   n) the study of humans, their origins, physical characteristics, institutions, religious beliefs,etc
14) evolve (v.)   o) a white crystalline pyrimidine base found in DNA. Formula: C5H6N2O2
15) haploid (n.)   p) a compound consisting of a nucleoside linked to phosphoric acid

Listening & Watching

You are going to watch and listen to a science lecturer giving explanation how to make a DNA model. Can you explain what DNA is?

Before you listen, think of the main components of DNA. What are they? Do you think it is complicated?

Watch the presentation and check whether you were right.

Now listen to the professor again and fill in the gaps with one of these words or expressions of the part of the presentation


DNA is twisted up, we call this a double 1._____, two strands that twist around each other. And these two strands are connected by something that's called 2._____. So, it's important to recognize that a DNA model 3._______. If you were to untwist it it would look like 4._____. DNA is made up of small components called 5._______. Well, each nucleotide has got a sugar, it's got a phosphate, what we call 6.______, and then it's got one of four different bases that could be attached to it. So if you're making a DNA model, you would have to use four 7.____ to represent Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. The four 8.______ that make up DNA. Then you'd need to connect them with a phosphate backbone and 9._____them to a little tiny sugar molecule. This sugar molecule is called Deoxyribose which is the D, where the D in DNA 10.______.

Before you read

1. You are going to read an article about the greatest development in the history of science. Before you readdiscuss with your partner the following questions.

· How many genes are there in the human body?

· How can you be identified by your DNA?

· If we are 99% alike, won't two people likely have the same DNA makeup?

Skim the text to check your ideas.

Reading C

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