Review the use of TENSES in English and put the verb in brackets in the correct form active or passive

The work of many scientists 1)_____(pave) the way for the exploration of DNA. Way back in 1868, almost a century before the Nobel Prize 2)___( award) to Watson, Crick and Wilkins, a young Swiss physician named Friedrich Miescher,3)_____ (isolate) something no one 4)____ (see) before from the nuclei of cells. He 5)___(call) the compound "nuclein." This is today called nucleic acid, the "NA" in DNA (deoxyribo-nucleic-acid) and RNA (ribo-nucleic-acid).

Two years earlier, the Czech monk Gregor Mendel, 6)___(finish) a series of experiments with peas. His observations 7)_____ (turn) out to be closely connected to the finding of nuclein. Mendel 8)___(to be able) to show that certain traits in the peas, such as their shape or color, were inherited in different packages. These packages 9)____(to be) what we now call genes.

The remarkable scientific accomplishment that 10)____ (achieve) is to provide nearly complete DNA sequences for the 24 human chromosomes. Within a relatively short period of time, these sequences 11)_____( be ) precisely known. Eventually, the genomes of almost every living creature on Earth 12)___(be) part of the scientific data bank, the sum of which constitutes the Library of Life.

2. Find and learn Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1) To crack the code a)
2) distinguish one individual from another b)
3) the sequence of the human genome c)
4) Messenger ribonucleic acid d)
5) the protein-producing machinary of a cell e)
6) The amino acid sequence of a protein f)
7) the male-defining Y chromosome g)
8) repetitive, non-functional nucleotide sequences h)
9) development of therapeutic drugs i)
10) to make health-driven lifestyle changes j)
11) to tailor treatment to individuals k)
12) be at the mercy of the forces of natural selection l)
13) the genetics-dominated world m)

Find and learn English equivalents for the following words and expressions

1) Сущность жизни a)
2) Достижение, успех b)
3) Кодировать белки c)
4) Передаваться от одного поколения к следующему d)
5) Программа (модель) жизни e)
6) Состоять из f)
7) Более высокие формы жизни g)
8) Удивительным образом h)
9) Медицина, основанная на генетике i)
10) Бесчисленные заболевания людей j)
11) Прогнозировать побочные эффекты от лекарств k)
12) Мощное средство\инструмент l)
13) По желанию, по своему усмотрению m)

Translate the following passage from English into Russian.

A New Biological Era

The knowledge of how genetic material is stored and copied has given rise to a new way of looking at and manipulating biological processes, called molecular biology. With the help of so-called restriction enzymes, molecules that cut the DNA at particular stretches, pieces of DNA can be cut out or inserted at different places.

In basic science, where you want to understand the role of all the different genes in humans and animals, new techniques have been developed. For one thing, it is now possible to make mice that are genetically modified and lack particular genes. By studying these animals scientists try to figure out what that gene may be used for in normal mice. This is called the knockout technique, since stretches of DNA have been taken away, or knocked out.

Scientists have also been able to insert new bits of DNA into cells that lack particular pieces of genes or whole genes. With this new DNA, the cell becomes capable of producing gene products it could not make before. The hope is that, in the future, diseases that arise due to the lack of a particular protein could be treated by this kind of gene therapy.

Over to you

1. Is DNA effective in identifying persons?

2. Is gene therapy being used to cure diseases? What is its promise for the future of medicine?

3. What some recent developments in gene therapy research do you know?

4. What are the potential benefits of human genome research?

5. Prepare presentations on some recent developments in gene therapy research.


Do you believe that human behavior is determined by our evolution and our genes? Write an essay.





1. Match the words with their definitions and write the transcription of the words in column 2. Translate the words in column 1 into Russian:

1) inovation (n.)   a) a group of products, thoughts, people, etc., appearing at one time or in one season
2) crop (n.)   b) the generation, usually intentional, of mutations
3) breeding (n.)   c) (of machines, methods, etc.) complex and refined •
4) mutagenesis (n.)   d) a result or effect of some previous occurrence
5) insect (n.)   e) to make or become greater in extent, volume, size, or scope; increase
6) sophisticated (adj.)   f) a person or thing that is regarded as dangerous or likely to inflict pain or misery
7) consequence (n.)   g) any small air-breathing arthropod of the class Insecta, having a body divided into head, thorax, and abdomen, three pairs of legs, and (in most species) two pairs of wings.
8) harm (n.)   h) the process of producing plants or animals by sexual reproduction
9) expand (v.)   i) something newly introduced, such as a new method or device


You are going to watch a video about cloning. Before you watch, think about cloning and tell if cloning is the same as genetic engineering. Then use your ideas to finish the statements

· You, probably, know that is a tool used within genetic engineering to….

· Cloning is used to study……

· Cloning is very important to research…..

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