Response to the request

• As requested by you... Согласно Вашей просьбе...

• As to / As regards / With regard to your request / order / claim

Что касается Вашей просьбы заказа / претензии / требо­вания…

• In accordance with / Under the contract enclosed… В соответствии с приложенным контрактом...

• We would welcome the opportunity… Мы бы приветствовали возможность...

• In case of delay in delivery / in payment / in sending people… В случае задержки доставки оплаты / отправки людей…

• In case of your refusal / your failure to make payment… В случае отказа, неуплаты…


Завершающие фразы могут продолжать предыдущий абзац или могут писаться с новой строки.

Gratitude letter

• Thank you for your interest in our journal. Благодарю за интерес, проявленный к нашему журналу.

• Thanking you in anticipation... Заранее благодарен...

• Your early reply will be appreciated. Будем признательны за незамедлительный ответ.

Hopes and wishes

• We're looking forward to hearing from you... С нетерпением ждем Вашего письма (сообщения, известия).

• We're looking forward to (receiving) your consent / approval/ confirmation… С нетерпением ждем Вашего согласия/одобрения/подтверж­дения…

• Hoping to hear from you … В ожидании Вашего письма…

• I hope to see you in... Надеюсь увидеть Вас в ...

• We expect your early reply / to hear from you in the near future. В ожидании (ожидаем) скорейшего ответа.

• We are expecting your representatives/officials to arrive for the talks.

Мы ожидаем прибытия Ваших представителей/официальных лиц на переговоры.

• We (I) shall be pleased to answer your inquiries. С удовольствием ответим на Ваши вопросы.

• We assure you that... Заверяем Вас, что...


• Please, inform us / let us know in the shortest possible time. (Известите нас / Дайте нам знать) как можно скорее.

• On receipt of the letter, please, / will you cable / telex your confirmation.

По получении письма пошлите, пожалуйста, телеграмму/ те­лекс с подтверждением получения.

• If we can be of any assistance, please, do not hesitate to contact us.

Если нужна наша помощь, не колеблясь, сообщите об этом.

Appendix 2

List of main abbreviations used in business correspondence:

A/C, AC, as, C/A, CA(account current) – текущий счёт

adsd(addressed) – адресовано

adse(addressee) – адресат, получатель

ad(advertisement) – рекламное объявление (мн. число - ads)

a.f. (as follows) – как указано далее

a.m. 1. (above mentioned) – вышеупомянутый; 2. (ante meridiem) – до полудня

Appx (appendix) – приложение

Attn (attention) – вниманию (кого-либо)

B/E (bill of exchange) – переводной вексель, тратта

B/L (bill of loading) - коносамент

CEO (chief executive officer) – исполнительный директор

cf (compare) – сравните

Co. (company) – компания

Cont, contr. (contract) – контракт

Corp., Corpn (corporation) – корпорация

Cur 1. (currency) – валюта; 2. (current) – текущий

CV (curriculum vitae) – краткая биография

dd1. (dated) – датированный; 2. (delivered) – доставленный

Dept. (department) – 1. – отдел; 2. – министерство

doc., dct (document) – документы (мн. число – docs)

doz., dz(dozen) – дюжина

EAON(except as otherwise noted) – если не указано иначе

e.g.(exempli gratia, лат.) – например

enc., encl(enclosed, enclosure) – вложенный, прилагаемый, вложение, приложении (к письму и т.п.)

exc., excl.(except, excluding, exception, exclusion) – исключая, исключение

exp.(expiration) - истечение (срока)

fig.(figure) - 1. цифра; 2. рисунок, схема

FY(fiscal year) – финансовый год

h.a.(hoc anno, лат.) – в текущем году

hf(half) – половина

Hp, H.P., h.p., H/P(hire purchase) – покупка в рассрочку

id.(idem, лат) – тот же

i.e., ie.(id est., лат) – то есть

incl.(including) – включая

inv.(invoice) – счёт-фактура

IOU(I owe you) – долговая расписка

iss.(issued) – выпущенный (в обращение)

L.a.(letter of advice) – авизо, извещение

L/A(letter of authority) – доверенность

L.C., L/C(letter of credit) – аккредитив

Ld, Ltd(limited) – с ограниченной ответственностью

LOC(letter of commitment) - гарантийное письмо

mdse(merchandise) – товары

memo(memorandum) – записка

M/P(mail payment) - почтовый перевод

M.T.1. (mail transfer) – почтовый перевод; 2. (metric ton) – метрическая тонна

MV(merchant (motor) vessel) – торговое (моторное) судно

N/A(not applicable) – не применимо (напр. пункт в анкете)

NB(лат) – важное замечание

o/l(our letter) - (ссылаясь на) наше письмо

PA, P/A, P.A.1. (personal assistant) – личный секретарь; 2. (power of attorney) - доверенность

p.a.(per annum, лат) – в год

par., para.(paragraph) – абзац, параграф, пункт

Plc, PLC(public limited company) – открытая акционерная компания с ограниченной ответственностью

PO(post office) – почтовое отделение

p.p(pages) – страницы

pp, p.p.(per pro, лат) – от имени и по поручению

qv(quod vide) – смотри (там-то)

R&D (research and development)– научно-исследовательские и опытно-конструкторские работы (НИОКР)

Ret, rept(receipt) – расписка, квитанция

Re.(reference) – ссылка

RMS(root-mean-square) – среднеквадратический

shipt(shipment) – отгрузка, отправка

sig.(signature) – подпись

tn(ton) – тонна

urgt(urgent) – срочный

v., vs., vers.(versus, лат) – против

VAT, V.A.T.(value-added tax) – НДС

V.I.P(very important person) – особо важное лицо

v.s.(vide supra, лат) – см. выше


Choose the best response to complete each sentence looking for additional information if necessary:

1. We're writing you in __________________________ to (= about) the email we received on...

a) regards b) regarding c) view

2. __________________________... = On the other hand...

a) Conversely b) Regrettably c) Incredibly

3. I received your email, in which you __________________________ (= described in detail) your plan to launch the product by next March.

a) dated b) mentioned c) outlined

4. Sorry for __________________________ back to you so late. = Sorry for the late response.

a) coming b) getting c) responding

5. Let's ___________________________ (= arrange) a meeting for Friday.

a) make up b) think up c) set up

6.At the present time... = At ___________________________ time...

a) this b) current c) now

7. We usually ____________________ (= communicate with) clients directly.

a) deal with b) delve into c) dole out

8. It would really __________________ if you could send me some additional information.

a) aid me out b) find it helpful c) help me out

9. I believe we should take a different ___________________________ = I think we should do something different.

a) action item b) course of action c) action plan

10. I've ___________________________ (= examined) your payment history, and I did notice the discrepancy that you mentioned.

a) locked into b) looked into c) loaned out

11. This is the best way of __________________________ (= making sure) that everyone knows what's going on.

a) ensuring b) providing security c) detailing

12. I'm attaching an __________________________ (= detailed) list of damages.

a) adequate b) itemized c) assertive

13. We'll require 20% of the total payment __________________________ ( = in advance), and the rest upon delivery of the merchandise.

a) upfront/ up front b) in front c) at the front

14. I haven't had a chance to __________________________ (= look over) your file yet.

a) reveal b) review c) revive

15. I'm going to ___________________________ (= send) your email to my supervisor.

a) upfront/up-front b) click c) forward

16. I'll be able to ___________________________ you a price (= give you an estimate) by Friday.

a) quota b) guess c) quote

17. Could you tell me more about the steps ____________________ in this process? = steps that make up this process)

a) involved b) interested c) unveiled

18. Orders are usually processed __________________ (= in the span of) two business days.

a) with b) within c) find it helpful

19. How long does it ___________________________ (= usually) take to produce 1,000 bags?

a) casually b) simply c) normally

20. Unfortunately, we don't ___________________________ any discounts at this time.

a) offer b) dish out c) submit

21. We __________________________ (= offer) a discount of 10% on orders of 1,000 or more.

a) prove b) prevail c) provide

22. We __________________________ that the merchandise will be delivered in 2 business days. = We promise that you will receive the merchandise in 2 business days.

a) warrantee b) guarantee c) warrant

23. If you require more information, please don't __________________________ to contact me.

a) stop b) hesitate c) cut short

24. __________________________ to contact me if you have any other questions.

a) Feel free b) Feel freedom c) Be free

25. I'm writing to let you know that the meeting has been ___________________________ to 4:00 PM. (= The start of the meeting has been delayed until 4:00 PM.)

a) pushed forward b) pushed aside c) pushed back

26. Let me go over some of the recent ___________________________. (= some of the things that have happened recently)

a) developments b) devaluations c) diagrams

27. I'm not ____________________ to provide that information. = I can't provide that information (usually because of legal reasons).

a) at liberty b) at ease c) at all

28. I look __________________ to your response. = I'll be awaiting your response.

a) ahead b) in the future c) forward

29. I would appreciate your help in this ___________________________.

a) idea b) matter c) email

30. Hopefully we'll be able to ___________________________ (= clear up/come to a decision about) this issue in the upcoming week.

a) resolve b) resize c) reciprocate


1) a 2) a 3) c 4) b 5) c 6) a 7) a 8) c 9) b 10) b 11) a 12) b 13) a 14) b 15) c 16) c 17) a 18) b 19) c 20) a 21) c 22) b 23) b 24) a 25) c 26) a 27) a 28) c 29) b 30) a


Besides business English is widely used when sending email messages. The peculiarity lies in shortness: the shorter your e-mail, the easier it is for a business partner. Remember the principle “KISS”: “Keep It Short and Simple”, and answer e-mails on time. E-mail is used to maintain an active correspondence, and the faster you answer, the more your addressee will appreciate working with you.


Write an e-mail message on the meeting coming in two weeks.


Choose the best response to complete each sentence looking for additional information if necessary:

1. Could you please _____________________ that email that you got from Frank.

a) forward me b) forward to me c) forward it to me

2. When you send your report to Tom, make sure to ______________________ me as well.

a) forward b) copy (or cc - pron. "seesee") c) send

3. Somehow your email ended up in my ______________________ folder.

a) trash mail b) bad mail c) junk mail

4. You must have ______________________ my message by mistake.

a) deleted b) delete c) destroyed

5. Sending someone a "hidden" copy of an email is known as:

a) cheating b) cc-ing someone (pron. seeseeing someone)

c) bcc-ing someone (pron. beeseeseeing someone)

6. To send something by mistake = To send something ______________________.

a) by chance b) by accident c) by error

7. You should always use appropriate, businesslike language in all ______________________ communications.

a) electronic b) electric c) electrode

8. I thanked him for his ______________________. (= answer)

a) replication b) reply c) replay

9. Many big companies have a system which ______________________ (= keeps track of/ checks) their employees' email.

a) monitor b) monitors c) looks

10. I didn't get that ______________________. (= file that is attached to a message)

a) attack b) copy c) attachment


1) a 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) c 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) c

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