Exercise 2 Role-play ''Boasters''.

Role 1. Role 2.
You are a junior pupil. Sometimes you like to show off. Tell the member of your sports team that you are the best champion. You are a friend of a boaster. On hearing the news express your surprise. -I’m the best champion in our school. -Oh, no! I think, our new boy is the best champion.

Exercise 3 Role-play ''Sports Club''.

Role 1. Role 2.
You are a son / daughter. You want to join a sports club, ask your mother about it. Try to persuade her that sport is necessary for you. You are a mother. Your son / daughter wants to join a sports club. You are afraid he / she won’t manage his / her lessons and sport, that’s why you are against it.

Exercise 4 Work in groups of four. The first group is for the correctness of the following statements “ Going in for sports is healthy.” And the second group is against it. When arguing give some examples and at least 10 arguments. Be polite at all times


Nowadays travellingabroad is very popular. Some people prefer to travel by plane, especially businessmen, because it's the fastest means of transportation. Those who are not short of time usually travel by train or by ship. It takes more time but gives the opportunity to see the coun­try you travel through, its picturesque landscapes and na­ture.

While travelling abroad you have to go through customs, sometimes several times.

As a rule the customs officers check your passports and visas if they are required. When coming to some countries you may need a health certificate or a certificate of vacci­nation. If you have anything to declare, then you are to fill in the declaration form.

The customs officers may ask you to show your luggage to them. Usually articles for personal use and wear and also used items and gifts are not liable to duty anywhere. If you are carrying much currency you should also declare it. If you are carrying weapons you need a permit. Although some items are liable to duty, if you carry only a small amount of them, they are duty free.

Occasionally the customs officers may take some of your things for a more detailed inspection but usually they return them soon.

Do not try to break the customs rules and regulations because you may have a lot of troubles.

Exercise 1. Read and memorize the following words:

travel - подорож, поїздка·

(to) travel... – їхати (подорожувати) ...

abroad – за кордон

on business – у справі, у відрядженні

by train - поїздом

by bus -aтo6ycoм

by car – автомобілем

by ship – кораблем

by plane – літаком

e.g. I like to travel abroad.

Businessmen usually prefer to travel by plane.

tour – подорож (за певним маршрутом)

e.g. We made a bus-tour round London.

voyage – подорож морем ,річкою

e.g. I don't like sea voyages as I am always sea-sick.

cruise – подорож морем (з метою відпочинку)

e.g. My brother is going to have a world cruise.

booking-office – білетна каса

e.g. As the booking-office was closed I had to wait.

arrival – прибуття,приїзд

departure – від’їзд

fare – плата за проїзд

e.g. What's the fare to Rome?

flight – політ,переліт,рейс

schedule – розклад,графік

on schedule – вчасно, за розкладом

e.g. Our train arrived on schedule.

return ticket – зворотній квиток

e.g. I always try to buy return tickets wherever I go.

one-way ticket- квиток в один напрям .

through ticket– транзитний квиток

(to) date a ticket –закомпостирувати квиток

left-luggage office / check-room– камера схову

Information Bureau/Inquiry Office – довідкове бюро

waiting-room– зал чекання

stewardess - стюардеса

guard - провідник

berth - спальне місце,каюта

cabin - каюта

state-room –окрема каюта

carriage - вагон

dining-car –вагон-ресторан

sleeping-car \ sleeper –спальний вагон

compartment - купе

deck- палуба

gangway -тpan

rack – вішалка, полиця для речей

seat- мicцe

bag – сумка,маленька валіза

suitcase–невелика валіза

trunk–велика валіза

customs - митниця

Exercise 2. Learn the following word-combinations and phrases:

(to) go via - їхати через,проїжджати

passport control - Паспортний контроль

(to) announce the departure of flight Оголосити виліт літака

Which way to customs? Як пройти до митниці?

Where do they examine the luggage? Де перевіряють багаж?

Here's my - Ось мій(моя,моє)…

Passport - Паспорт

visa - Віза

health certificate - Довідка про стан здоров’я

certificate of vaccination - Свідоцтво про вакцинацію

declaration form - декларація

Have you anything to declare? = Is there anything liable tо duty? - У вас є речі,які підлягають обкладанню митом?

I have nothing to declare. = There is nothing liable to duty. - Я не маю нічого ,що підлягає обкладанню митом.

Are these things liable to duty? а хіба ці речі підлягають обкладанню митом?

These things are duty free. - Ці речі не підлягають обкладанню митом

Are you carrying any currency? - Ви везете валюту?

I have only used things and gifts. У мене лише речі, які були у вжитку, та подарунки

I have only articles for personal use and wear. У мене лише речі особистого користування та одяг.

Shall I submit for inspection printed matter? Чи повинен я показати друковані матеріали?

manuscripts - рукописи

films - фото(кіно) плівки

PC diskettes - комп’ютерні дискети

A V cassettes - відеокасети

graphics - креслення

foodstuffs - продукти

How much do I have to pay? - Скільки я маю сплатити?

Where must I sign? - Де потрібно розписатися?

I need a receipt. - Мені потрібна квитанція

This doesn't belong to me. - Це не моє.

Have you finished? - Bи закінчили?

Exercise 3. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:

1) - Excuse me! Where is the customs control?

- Over there, to the left.

- Could you tell me whether used things and gifts are liable to duty?

- As far as I know, they are not.

- Oh, thanks a lot.

2) - Please, three tickets to Edinburgh.

- One way, sir?

- Two one-way and one return.

- Here you are, sir.

3) - Can I book a ticket to London here.

- Yes, you can, madame. Which flight?

- I think eight two one will do, it's a through plane, isn't it?

- Yes, but it's all booked up. I can offer you only flight eighty two five with a stop-over in Paris.

4) - Where is your passport? The passport control officer is coming.

- Here it is.

- What is the purpose of your visit? I travel on business.

- Could you produce your visa and declaration form?

- Here they are.

Exercise 4.Role-play Travelling abroad. Customs control.

Role 1. Role 2.
You are a British customs officer. Ask a tourist to open his suitcase. Check his passport, visa and if he has anything to declare. Be polite at all times. You are a tourist. You are going through British customs. Submit for customs your passport, visa and luggage. You have 5 boxes of chocolates. Follow the instructions of the custom officer. Be polite at all times.


My name is Peter Ivanov. In June I left (finished) school and in August passed my exams at the polytechnical school. The level pass to our technical school was 7. I got 4 in Ukrainian and 5 in mathematics. So my level pass was 9. Now I am a full-time first-year student.

Our polytechnical school is not far from our block of flats and can easily get there by bus. It takes me 25 minutes to get to the technical school. Sometimes I go there on foot. And though it takes me an hour, it is healthy to walk.

Our technical schooloccupies two buildings. It runs full-timeand part-time(or evening) departments. There are several departments at our technical school. Our studies begin at 9 o’clock, usually we have six hours (periods) a day. We have a lunch break at 12 o’clock. We have a good canteen and during our lunch period we take meals there. There is a gym (gym hall) on the ground floor. Our library is on the second floor. It contains a lot of textbooks and fiction. It is open from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. in term-time. There is a large reading hall in our technical school and we often do our homework there. Our classrooms and laboratories are large and light. Our labs have modern equipment.The workshops where we have practical training are on the ground floor.

The academic sessionbegan on the first of September and will end in June. Every day we attend lecturesand have practice.

I do wellbecause I want to become a good specialist. At the end of the term we will take exams and I shall try to pass them successfully.

Some of our students live in the hostel. It is not far from our technical school. It takes them ten minutes to get to the technical school.

Word List:

to| leave| (finish|) school|– закінчувати школу

to| pass| my| exams|– скласти іспити

level| pass|– прохідний бал

first-year| student|- першокурсник

to| take| me| 25 minutes| – займати|позичати| у мене (за часом) 25 хвилин

on| foot|– пішки

to| occupy|- займати|позичати|

full-time| department|– денне відділення|відокремлення|

part-time| department|– заочне відділення|відокремлення|

canteen|- їдальня

а gym| (gym| hall|) - гімнастичний зал

а library| - бібліотека

textbooks–| підручники|посібники|

fiction| - художня література

reading| hall|- читальний зал

а laboratory|- лабораторія

modern| equipment|– сучасне устаткування|обладнання|

academic| session|– навчальний рік

to| attend| lectures|- відвідувати лекції

to| do| well|- навчатися| добре

to| take| exams|– складати іспити

а hostel|- гуртожиток

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