Сад наших соседей - ... 10. дети Дона и Мэри - ...

The shade of the tree - ... 2. the economy of the country - ...

1. the tree's shade 1. the country's economy

2. the trees' shade 2. the economys' country

3. the trees's shade 3. the countrys' economy

4. - 4. -

The work of the next week - ... 4. the toys of my children - ...

1. the next's week work 1. my children toys

2. the next week's work 2. my childrens' toys

3. the next weeks' work 3. my children's toys

4. - 4. -

The bedroom of my sisters - ... 6. the hobby of my wife - ...

1. my sister's bedroom 1. my wife's hobby

2. my sisters' bedroom 2. my hobby's wife

3. my sisters's bedroom 3. my wifes' hobby

4. - 4. -

The holiday of three weeks - ... 8. the photo of her boyfriend - ...

1. the three weeks' holiday 1. her photo's boyfriend

2. the three weeks's holiday 2. her boyfriend's photo

3. the holiday's three weeks 3. her boyfriends' photo

4. - 4. -

The decision of the government - ... 10. the wedding of Tom and Jane -

1. the governments' decision 1. Tom's and Jane's wedding

2. the government' decision 2. Tom and Jane's wedding

3. the government's decision 3. Tom and Janes' wedding

4. - 4. -

The bottom of the box - ... 12. the car of the Millers - ...

1. the box's bottom 1. the Millers's car

2. the boxs' bottom 2. the Miller's car

3. the box' bottom 3. the Millers' car

4. - 4. -

The umbrella of Professor Jones - ...

1. Professor Jones' umbrella

2. Professor's Jones's umbrella

3. Professor Jones's umbrella

4. -

2. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания.

Фотоаппарат Тома - ... 2. глаза кошки - ...

1. Tom camera 1. the cat's eyes

2. Toms' camera 2. eyes of the cat

3. Tom's camera 3. the cats' eyes

4. The camera of Tom 4. cat eyes

5. The camera of Tom's

Сегодняшняя газета - ... 4. название улицы - ...

1. the newspaper of today 1. the street's name

2. today's newspaper 2. the street name

3. today newspaper 3. the name of the street's

4. todays' newspaper 4. the name of the street

5. имя твоей жены - ... 6. результат футбольного матча - …

1. your wife's name 1. the football's match result

2. the name of your wife 2. the football match's result

3. your's wife name 3. the football match result

4. your wife name 4. the result of the football match

Машина родителей Майка - ... 8. день рождения моего папы - ...

1. Mike parents' car 1. birthday of my father

2. car of Mike parents 2. my father's birthday

3. Mike's parents' car 3. my's father birthday

4. Mike's parent's car 4. my father birthday

сад наших соседей - ... 10. дети Дона и Мэри - ...

1. our neighbour's garden 1. children of Don and Mary

2. our neighbours garden 2. Don's and Mary's children

3. our neighbours' garden 3. Don and Mary's children

4. garden of our neighbours 4. Don's and Mary children

3. Закончите предложение, употребив подходящее слово.

1. sister-in-law 3. cousin 5. father-in-law 7. nephew

2. mother-in-law 4. niece 6. brother-in-law

1. My wife's mother is my ... and her father is my ... .

2. My wife's sister is my ... and my wife's brother is my ... .

3. My uncle's son is my ... .

4. My mother has a sister, her son is my mother's ... .

5. My father has a brother, his daughter is my father's

4. Выберите в скобках правильный вариант местоимения.

1. Look at your trainers. … (It/He/They) are dirty. (Посмотри на свои кроссовки. … грязные.)

2. Our teacher is old and … (he/she/they) has a beard. (Наш учитель старый, и … имеет бороду.)

3. Don’t sit on that chair. … (He/It/We) is broken. (Не садись на тот стул. … сломан.)

4. I love Anna. … (It/He/She) is my best friend. (Я люблю Анну. … — мой лучший друг.)

5. Give me some water. … (I/We/You) am thirsty. (Дай мне немного воды. … хочу пить.)

6. Have … (he/you/she) got a car, Sam? (… имеешь машину, Сэм?)

7. Laura and I play volleyball. … (They/She/We) do it on Sundays. (Лаура и я играем в волейбол. … делаем это по воскресеньям

5. Поставьте подходящее личное местоимение (me, us, you, her, him, it, them).

1. Where is Cindy? I can’t see … . (Где Синди? Я не вижу … .)

2. Peter and Anna need your help. Can you help …? (Питер и Анна нуждаются в твоей помощи. Ты можешь помочь …?)

3. Here is your tomato juice. Drink … . (Вот твой томатный сок. Пей … .)

4. We are going shopping. Let’s go with … . (Мы идем за покупками. Идем с … .)

5. Those are my nuts. Don’t eat … . (Там мои орехи. Не ешь … .)

6. The rat is under the table. Do you see …? (Крыса под столом. Ты видишь …?)

7. Robert is ill today. So we shall not see … . (Роберт болен сегодня. Поэтому мы не увидим … .)

8. I am very busy. Please don’t disturb … . (Я очень занят. Пожалуйста, не беспокой … .)

9. Mary and Paul can’t open the door. Go and help … . (Мэри и Павел не могут открыть дверь. Сходи и помоги … .)

10. It’s my sister’s birthday today. This is a present for … . (Сегодня день рождения моей сестры. Вот подарок для…)

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