Conversation Practice Listen, read and practise. 4 страница

Type 2 conditionals

1. If you knew grammar better you wouldn't make so many mistakes in your exercises. 2. He would certainly help us if he were here now. 3.1 would phone her if it weren't so late. 4. If she Were more patient she would be easier to deal with. 5. If I had more time I would call on you next week. 6. If I were you I would spend the holiday in the south. I'm sure it would do you good. 7. You Would feel better if you spent more time in the open air. 8. If you Were really fond of reading you would always find time for

reading. 9. If he were having his classes now we would have to wait long. 10. You wouldn't be late for your classes if you left home ten minutes earlier. 11. If he were no so lazy he would be one of the top pupils in his class. 12. If we had less luggage we could go to the station on foot because we have enough time to catch the train. 13. She wouldn't lose things so often if she were not so absent-minded. 14. If I were you I would accept this offer

15. If you knew him better you wouldn't think so badly of him.

16. If I were you I would give up this idea. It is difficult to realize

17. What would you say if he asked you for advice? 18. If she went to the library just now she would still find the librarian there. 19. If the film were colour, it would make a better impression. 20.1 like this watch very much. If it were/was cheaper I would buy it. 21. There are too many unknown words in this text. If I had a dictionary I might be able to translate it. 22. If women didn't have to do housework they would save a lot of time. 23. You would feel better if you didn't keep late hours. 24. It is too cold. We might go to the skating-rink if it weren't so cold 25. If it were not raining we might go to the country now. 26. If I were you I would consult a doctor. 27. She wouldn't feel so lonely if the children were with her.

Type 3 conditionals

1. If you had left a message for me I would have called on you yesterday. 2. We wouldn't have missed the train if we had taken a taxi. 3. If I hadn't been so busy last week I would have joined your excursion too. 4. If he hadn't refused to help us we would have completed the work already. 5. If she had been asked she would have sent these books long ago. 6. If it hadn't been so cold yesterday we might have gone to the skating rink. 7. We might not have lost our way if the night hadn't been so dark. 8. If you had come to the meeting yesterday you would have heard an interesting report. 9. If I had known that you needed this book I would have taken it with me. 10.1 wouldn't have made this mistake if I had been more careful when I was writing the dictation. 11. Even if you had phoned me yesterday I wouldn't have been able to come. 12.1 wouldn't have fallen down if it hadn't been so slippery. 13. He wouldn't have come if you hadn't invited him. 14. It took me a long time to translate this article. If you had given me a good dictionary I would have spent

less time. 15.1 would have been delighted if you had called on us yesterday. 16. This wouldn't have happened if you had been there. 17. If I had been told about it before I would have done all I could to help you. 18. If you had come here between two and three o'clock you would have seen him. 19. Why didn't you ask him to come? I'm sure he would have come if you had asked him to. 20. If I hadn't been so excited I would have answered better. 21. If he had wound the alarm clock he wouldn't have overslept and he wouldn't have missed his plane. 22. If I hadn't had a swim yesterday I might not have caught cold. 23. If I hadn't missed so many classes I would have done my test better. 24.1 would have visited you yesterday if I had had more time. 25. If we had booked tickets in advance we might have seen that exciting match. 26.1 would have helped you if you had asked me to. 27. If I hadn't been so busy yesterday I would have gone to the station to see him off. 28. Even if you had warned me beforehand I couldn't have come because I was very busy.

Type 2 and type 3 conditionals mixed

1. If he had been studying regularly all through the term he wouldn't be afraid of his exams now. 2. If we knew his address we would have informed him about the results of his exams yesterday. 3. He wouldn't be making so many mistakes now if he hadn't missed so many classes. 4. You would be feeling well today if you had taken the medicine yesterday. 5. You would know the language better if you had read some English books in summer. 6. If we had worked harder yesterday our work would be finished now. 7. If he were no so a., sent-minded he wouldn't have left his suitcase in the train. He's constantly losing things. 8. If we had sent the letter yesterday they would receive it tomorrow morning. 9. If we hadn't been walking so quickly we wouldn't be so tired now and we could continue our way. 10. If I had brought my dictionary with me I could translate this document now. 11. If I hadn't called on them yesterday we wouldn't know about it even now. 12. If he had a sense of humour he wouldn't have got offended. 13. If the train had If' the station on time it would reach the destination early in the morning tomorrow. 14. If you had followed the doctor's instructions you would have recovered long ago and you would be working together with us now. 15. If they loved each other they would have got married long ago.

Mixed conditionals

1. If you had been at the stadium yesterday you would have seen the best sportsmen. 2. If the nights are warm we shall be sleeping in the open air. 3. You would have enjoyed yourself greatly if you had taken part in our excursion. 4. If I were you I would hurry up. If you don't hurry up you will miss your train. 5. If he had been taken to hospital at once he wouldn't have lost so much blood. 6. If I were you I would buy a tape-recorder. 7. If you had reminded me of it yesterday I would have brought you these books today. 8. If I had a holiday now I would travel about the Caucasus. 9. You might go to the country for a couple of days if you finished the work in time. Everything depends on you. 10. If you had a telephone I would have warned you beforehand. 11. If it doesn't rain tomorrow we'll go to the Botanical Gardens. 12. If I were you I would apologize to her. 13. If you enjoy the film I'll also go to see it. 14. Why didn't you ask me? I would have looked after your children if you had asked me. 15. I wouldn't have missed the train if I had packed my things in the evening. 16. If he were/ had been more careful he would have written the dictation better. 17. You would speak English better if you (had) regularly studied in the sound laboratory. 18. If the coffee is not sweet enough, add some sugar. 19. If they hadn't trained/hadn't been training so hard they wouldn't have won. 20. I would willingly take you sightseeing if I were not so busy. 21. I'll wait for him if he isn't at home when I come. 22. I'll be very disappointed if they don't come. 23. If I am there and see him I'll tell him about it. 24. If I don't feel better I'll go to the doctor's tomorrow. 25. If he were an honest man he wouldn't have done that. 26. If I were you I would persuade her to go to the south. It would do her a lot of good. 27. If I knew his address I would immediately write to him. 28. If he were not capable he wouldn't have done this work. 29. If the documents had been signed we would send them today. 30. if I'm in trouble I always tell my sister. 31. If you had visited me last week you might have seen my brother. He came to Minsk с n business. 32. If I were you I would send him a telegram. 33. Where would you go if you were free now? 34.1 would visit my parents in the country if I weren't so busy now. 35. If you hurry up you' ;1 catch the 7 o'clock train. 36. If you were me you would have' done the same. 37. If I had known that my parents would come to

see me I would have made a cake. 38. What would you do if you lost your money in an unknown city?

Exercise XII, p. 228

1 would change 2 had 3 had 4 had done 5 knew 6 had asked 7 would shave 8 is/were/was addressing 9 were 10 would send 11 would end 12 had tied 13 hadn't given 14 had known 15 is/were/was 16 had been insured 17 had never been invented 18 had kept 19 hadn't said 20 had taken 21 had never set 22 hadn't tried 23 had never got 24 would pick 25 were, were 26 had come, had come, would have had 27 were not, were not, would go 28 had paid 29 did 30 had 31 didn't have, were 32 would go 33 were made 34 would change and decide

Exercise XIII, p. 229

Wish, if only

1.1 wish she were not so light-minded. 2.1 wish you had come earlier. You would have met my sister. 3.1 wish I had followed his advice. 4.1 wish I could see this film again. 5.1-wish she were with us. 6.1 wish I had a telephone. 7.1 wish he wouldn't spend so much time on sports. 8.1 wish it were spring now. 9.1 wish I had told him about it yesterday. 10. I wish you had visited us yesterday. 11. She wishes she had known about it before. 12. I wished I hadn't asked him about it. 13.1 wish you would think over my offer again before finally rejecting it. 14. I wish you would read this book. 15. If only my parents lived in Minsk! 16. I wish I could read this book in the original. 17.1 wish I could come to your lecture tomorrow. 18.1 wish she were not so hot-minded. 19.1 wish we would settle down here for ever. 20. She wishes she could speak English. 21.1 wish she had a sense of duty. 22.1 wish I could join you. 23. He wished he hadn't lost his temper and shouted at them. 24. I wish I had borrowed some money then and bought the dictionary. It isn't on sale now. 25. If °nly you had seen him at that moment! 26. I wish it were not raining. I wish the weather were nice so that we might go to the country. 27.1 wish it were summer now! 28.1 hear you can play the piano very well. I wish you would play for me. 29. The weather

was so bad that I wished I hadn't left home. 30. I wish ynг wouldn't be so absent-minded and wouldn't ask the same question several times. 31.1 wish you would stop interrupting me. 32. wish you would stay with me. 33.1 wish I had taken part in thaе excursion, they say it was very interesting. 34.1 wish you would keep your things in order. 35.1 wish I could follow your advice but it's impossible. 36. They wished they had gone to Moscow by plane, they would have saved a lot of time.

As if/as though

37. He always looks as if he were hurrying somewhere. 38. She behaved as if she were quite indifferent. 39. She looks as if she had been ill. 40. You treat me as if I were a child. 41. It looked as if the letter had been written by a child. 42. She had a feeling as if she had known him all her life. 43. They looked as if they were brother and sister but not husband and wife, so much alike they were. 44. He introduced her to his brother as though they had never met before

45. He was looking at us as if he were surprised at seeing us there

46. It had been raining for some days and it looked as if the rain would never stop. 47. She behaved as if she were the hostess. 48. You're so sunburnt as if you had spent the whole summer in the south. 49. He looks tired as if he hadn't rested for a long time.

50. He spoke German as if he had lived in Germany all his life.

51. It looked as if nothing had happened. 52. He spoke French as if he were a real Frenchman. 53. The girl was looking at me with such surprise as if she saw me for the first time in her life. 54. He looks as if he had never heard about it.

Unit 4 Exercise I, p. 264

doesn't seem, arrived, has flown, have now adjusted, was, have to work, am, go, am, came, haven't saved, have saved, am really looking forward, am, have never been skiing, shall get by, shall be skiing, are you coming, come, have run out, is, have picked, arrived, shall be speaking, forgot, do, won't be, wonder, is, shall see, am coming

Exercise 2, p. 265

had, would open; wouldn't be, would be, lived, saw, would help and make; wouldn't be, existed, might, promised, would know; would be; had; would stick; hadn't wished, wouldn't have wished; would fall

Units Exercise I, p. 304

1 driving, being driven 2 arguing, working 3 reading, being read 4 crying 5 seeing 6 being seen 7 holding 8 speaking 9 sending 10 being sent 11 putting 12 knowing 13 being impressed 14 being interrupted 15 breaking 16 leaving and going 17 being invited 18 rea­ding, smoking 19 being introduced, talking 20 discussing 21 being installed 22 considering 23 losing 24 living, talking 25 reminding, being reminded 26 breaking 27 being made 28 buying 29 deciding 30 being given, being offered 31 putting 32 working, finishing

33 making 34 disturbing, being disturbed 35 keeping 36 working, going 37 doing, doing 38 being punished 39 being 40 borrowing 41 talking, convincing 42 reading and thinking 43 speaking

Exercise II, p. 305

1. in looking 2 about leaving 3 of doing 4 for being 5 to having 6 from completing 7 about (of) having 8 of studying 9 for helping 10 on knowing 11 by drawmg 12 of living 13 for not going 14 in searching 15 for making 16 for not wanting 17 for washing and drying 18 to going 19 from speaking 20 to going 21 of clarifying 22 of stealing/having stolen 23 of taking, keeping 24 to wearing 25 to eating, sleeping 26 for being 27 about missing 28 to driving 29 from going 30 for being 31 working 32 opening 33 (on) driving

34 having 35 about/of inviting 36 laughing 37 going 38 doing 39 rea­ding 40 making 41 going 42 taking 43 being 44 sailing 45 of asking 46 to seeing 47 of washing 48 for breaking 49 from coming 50 of talking 51 like having 52 to killing 53 about finishing 54 of practising 55 of becoming 56 watching 57 in getting 58 at organizing 59 of collecting 60 on being given 61 mending 62 be­ing washed 63 of doing

Exercise III, p. 307

Gerund as subject, complement of subject

1. Crossing the river in this place is dangerous. 2. Sleeping in the open air is very useful. 3. Playing tennis is interesting. 4. Smoking is dangerous for health. 5. Their leaving before the end of the concert attracted everybody's attention. 6. Learning a foreign language takes a lot of time. 7. Meeting new people is interesting. 8. Arguing with him is a waste of time. 9. Teaching requires patience and skill. 10. Spending money is easier than making it. 11. Listening to his stories is interesting. 12. Doing this work is not easy at all. 13. Your bothering him will make him still more angry. 14. Going in for sports did her a lot of good. 15. Doing morning exercises is important. 16. My favourite sport is swimming. 17. Her dream is becoming an actress. 18. Her hobby is knitting. 19. The only way to get there at this time of the year is going by plane.

Verb + gerund

1. The rain prevented me from coming in time. 2. You should stop swimming in the sea because the weather has got cold. 3 I thanked him for buying/having bought such interesting books. 4 I remember being/having been asked about it. 5.1 think of going 1 о the Crimea in autumn. 6. The doctor told her to avoid sitting m the sun. 7. He risks losing all his money. 8.1 regret having tol'l/ telling her my secret. 9. He kept (on) looking at his watch and >t 3 sharp he said he must be going. 10. Would you mind my usir j your telephone? 11. When we heard the end of the story v.: couldn't help laughing. 12. You may rely on his giving you ехаЛ information. 13. The doctor insists on his spending the holidf / in the south. 14. Go on telling your story. 15. He didn't like beir j, read to. 16. The floor needs painting. 17.1 can't bear standing i queues. 18. She denied having met/meeting him before. 19. T! • child deserves praising. 20. I remember buying this book but I don't remember where I put it. 21. My sister is coming in Mav I'm looking forward to meeting her. 22. Your suit needs pressin z (ironing). 23. Thank you for looking after my child. 24. Excuse my bothering you again. 25. In spite of being late he went on working. 26.1 think you'll enjoy living in this hotel. 27. We can't rely on his completing this work in time. 28. She likes being

nraised. 29. He objected to being taken to hospital. 30. I don't feel like going to a restaurant. I would rather go to the cinema. 31.1 remember hearing/having heard something about this play. js it worth seeing? 32. Everything depends on their winning this match. 33. He was accused of having stolen/stealing the money. 34. And now I must start packing. We're leaving tomorrow morning. 35. I suggest recording this passage. 36. Would you mind waiting for a while? Your documents aren't ready yet. 37. He tried to give up smoking, but he didn't succeed in doing this. 38. Excuse my being late. 39. Students can't help being excited before exams. 40. They dream of their son's (son) becoming a doctor. 41. I'm looking forward to having a good rest during my holidays, or I anticipate having a good rest during my holidays. 42. He admitted having met/meeting her before. 43.1 don't recall/ recollect meeting/having met him before. 44. Where's Ann? — She's stopped to talk to Helen. 45. Don't forget to post the letter. 46. We succeeded in getting tickets for the concert. 47. He apologized for having kept/ keeping me waiting. 48. Excuse my not writing to you. 49.1 want to stop him from going to Siberia.

50. I congratulated him on having passed/passing his exam.

51. She insists on his being allowed to take part in the competition.

52. Did you forget giving me your cassettes? or Don't you remember your giving me your cassettes? 53.1 don't know where to find a job. — Why don't you put an ad in a newspaper? 54. Stop asking her foolish questions. 55. He succeeded in finishing the work by the end of the week. 56.1 postponed/put off reading that unpleasant letter till the very last moment. 57. They have just finished writing their composition. 58. The storm prevented the ship from landing on time.

Adjective + gerund

1. He's used/accustomed to getting up early. 2. She was afraid of being operated on. 3. He's keen on fishing. 4. We were surprised at seeing her. 5. He's responsible for the work being completed in time. 6.1 was disappointed at their having refused to help me. 7.1 was tired of waiting for her. 8. When I came he was busy (in) translating an article. 9. She was not used to getting presents and she was surprised at seeing beautiful roses on the table. 10. He's good at drawing. 11. He's proud of having become/becoming a

student. 12. My friend is keen on collecting stamps. 13. I'm pleased at my son's (son) having taken up/taking up art. 14. She's good at swimming. 15. He was indignant at hearing this. 16. Are you interested in figure skating? 17. The children were excited about going to the country. 18. He's sure of passing his exam. 19.He was afraid of being misunderstood. 20. She was disappointed at not meeting him there again. 21. He was found guilty of stealing. 22.1 think he is not capable of cheating.

Noun + gerund

1.1 have no hope of seeing him soon. 2. The idea of spending our holidays on the Volga belongs to my brother. 3. He understands the importance of learning foreign languages. 4. He expressed great surprise at hearing that. 5. The other day I had the pleasure of meeting your father. 6. He has a bad habit of smoking before breakfast. 7. You have no reason for suspecting him. 8.1 have no intention of going to the south this summer. 9. Do you think he has a chance of passing his exam? 10.1 don't mind their coming here. 11. He has little experience in teaching English. 12. He had a feeling of being watched. 13. What modern methods of teaching foreign languages are used at your university? 14.1 have no hope of being given this role. 15.1 hear you gave up the idea of travelling about Europe. 16. We have a good chance of winning the match.

Preposition + gerund

1. You can improve your pronunciation by reading aloud every day. 2.1 won't be able to translate this text without looking up a few words in the dictionary. 3. We shortened our way by crossing the river. 4. I'll visit you before leaving Minsk. 5. On coming home I started doing my homework. 6. He entered the room without knocking. 7. He sent a letter instead of sending a telegram. 8. After spending a month in London he left for Warsaw. 9. At hearing the news she turned pale. 10. In looking through the journals he came across an interesting article on the English economy. 11. He looks cheerful and gay as usual in spite of having spent a sleepless night in the train. 12. At hearing the baby's cry the mother rushed into the nursery. 13. He left without making an appointment. 14. Before going to bed he decided to write a letter to his parents. 15. At seeing a bus at a distance I rushed to the bus

stop. 16. On (after) finishing school she began to work as a secretary. 17. She tore the letter without reading it. 18. (In) checking the an­nual report the accountant found a mistake. 19. Instead of going by bus they went on foot and were late for the concert. 20. He came without being invited.

Expressions + gerund

1. Watching detectives is a waste of time. 2. It's no use discussing this question in his absence. 3. His advice is useful. It is worth following. 4. This film is worth seeing. 5. It's no use going there now. 6.1 had difficulty in finding his house. 7. Yesterday we went fishing and we are going boating today. 8. This event doesn't deserve mentioning. 9. It's no use phoning him, he is never at home at this time. 10. Is this book worth reading? 11.'I had difficulty in translating the text. 12. The station is not far from here. There's no point in taking a taxi. 13. It's no use arguing with her. She's sure she's right. 14. This morning we went swimming.

Unit 6 Exercise I, p. 377

A. is looking, sees, rings, answers; am ringing; says, use; uses, eats, don't think, likes; would suit/suits, like, would we arrange/ do we arrange, use; includes, doesn't include; see, does the room face; faces, looks, gets; sounds; would 7 p.m. suit/will 7 p.m. suit; wouldn't be able to, don't get; will/would be, don't think, will have, passes, stops; I'll find, I'll see; comes, asks; is coming; she'll probably come, are sitting, get, don't think, give; do, listens, will be; rings; looks, smiles, says, goes

B. am, advertised, are coming/shall be coming, (shall) require; would you please/could you please tell me; should/would like; would I be able/ could I, hopes, don't drive, won't be/wouldn't be, need/shall need/ should need; do the local shops still deliver; know, did; should/would like, calls; ask/are asking, sounds; would you like/do you like; have been, lived, want; is also writing, would like, painted; has known, lived, am, would/will recommend; should/would of course be/am of course willing; should/would be, enclose


УрокЗ § 1. Mood (Наклонение)

Наклонение — это форма глагола, которая показывает от­ношение действия к реальности. Это отношение устанавли­вается говорящим. Он может с помощью формы глагола пред­ставить действие как реальное, проблематичное, нереальное или как просьбу или приказание.

Действия, представленные как реальные, выражаются в форме изъявительного наклонения (the Indicative Mood), которое существует в виде всех видовременных форм, которые были описаны выше.

I worked at a plant at that time. В то время я работал на заводе.

I only met Peter six months Я познакомился с Петром толью

ago. шесть месяцев тому назад.

I'm going to London next На следующей неделе я еду

week. в Лондон.

Просьбы и приказания выражаются в форме повели­тельного наклонения (the Imperative Mood).

Be careful! Будьте осторожны!

Don't be late! He опаздывайте!

Действия, представляемые говорящим как нереальные или проблематичные, выражаются различными способами в со­временном английском языке, что объясняется причинами исторического характера.

Раньше в английском языке для выражения нереальных или проблематичных действий использовались особые формы — формы сослагательного наклонения (the Subjunctive Mood). Но в ходе своего исторического развития английский язык утратил большое количество окончаний, и в результате этого процесса многие формы бывшего сослагательного на­клонения совпали с формами изъявительного наклонения.

Употребление форм выражения нереальности необходи­мо в целом ряде случаев, в частности, в сложноподчинен­ных предложениях с придаточными нереального условия.

Subjunctive Mood (Сослагательное наклонение) § 2. Conditional Sentences (условные предложения)

В английском языке имеется 3 типа условных предложений.

1. В условных предложениях I типа сказуемое употребле­но в изъявительном наклонении и обозначает реальное дей­ствие или реальный факт действительности.

If he sends me a telegram Если он пришлет мне телеграмму, мне

I'll have to go to the station придется поехать на станцию, чтобы

to meet him. встретить его.

We shan't go to the country Мы не поедем за город, если завтра

if it rains tomorrow. будет дождь.

2. В условных предложениях II типа сказуемое употребле­но в сослагательном наклонении и выражает предполагаемое или желаемое действие, которое может относиться либо к на­стоящему, либо к будущему времени. В этом случае в прида­точном предложении употребляются формы, совпадающие с Simple Past и Past Continuous, а в главном — сочетание should или would + простой инфинитив для 1 -го лица ед. и мн. числа и would + простой инфинитив для остальных лиц, например:

I should (would) wnte to him Я бы написал ему, если бы знал if I knew his address. его адрес.

Не would lend you his Он бы дал тебе свой словарь, если

dictionary if you asked him to. бы ты попросил его об этом.


а) Глагол tobe в условных придагочных предложениях имеет форму wereдля всех лиц. Однако в современном анг­лийском языке наблюдается тенденция употреблять was для 1-го и 3-го лица единственного числа.

If I were (was) not so tired Если бы я так не устал, я бы по-

I should (would) go with you. шел с тобой.

If he were (was) not so tired he Если бы он так не устал, он пошел

would go with you. бы с тобой.

б) Формула If I were you, I should (would)... часто употребля­ется, когда говорящий советует, как поступить собеседнику.


If I were you I'd order beefsteak. Будь я на вашем месте, я бы заказал


3. В условных предложениях III типа сказуемое обозначает предполагаемое или воображаемое действие, которое относится к прошлому Это невыполнимое или невыполненное действие.

If I had seen him yesterday Если бы я видел его вчера, я

I should (would) have asked спросил бы его об этом.

him about it.

Nothing would have happened Ничего не случилось бы, если бы он

if he had kept silent. промолчал.

If he hadn't phoned me I Если бы он не позвонил, я бы не

wouldn't (shouldn't) have come, пришел.

4. В условных предложениях так называемого "смешан­ного типа" условие может относиться к настоящему или бу­дущему времени, а следствие к прошедшему времени и на­оборот. В этом случае в одной части предложения может упот­ребляться форма II типа, а в другой — III типа.

If he had taken my advice (III), Если бы он последовал моему

he would be a famous singer совету, он был бы знаменитым

now(II). певцом сейчас.

If I hadn't missed the plane Если бы я не опоздал на самолет

yesterday (III) I'd be bathing in вчера, я бы сейчас купался

the sea now. (II) в море.

If he were not so lazy (II), Если бы он не был так ленив

he would have done it long (вообще), он бы давно сделал это.

ago (III).

5. Если сказуемое главного или придаточного предложе­ния содержит глагол сапили may, то в сложноподчиненном предложении с придаточным нереального условия в любой его части употребляются could/might+ простой инфинитив для действий, относящихся к настоящему времени, и could/ might+ перфектный инфинитив для действий, относящих­ся к прошедшему времени, например:

If I could write poems I would Если я бы мог писать стихи, я бы

dedicate them to you. посвятил их тебе.

If he could paint he might Если бы он умел рисовать, мы, мо-

find a job with us. жет быть, нашли бы для него работу.

If we could have talked with him Если бы мы смогли поговорить с ним

that night, he wouldn't have в тот вечер, он бы не уехал.

gone away.

If his father hadn't been there Если бы там не было его отца, могло

something serious might have бы случиться что-нибудь серьезное.


6. Если одна из частей условного предложения II и III ти­па имеет дополнительное предложение, то его глагол-ска­зуемое употребляется в одном из прошедших времен (т.е. со­блюдаются правила согласования времен).

If he phoned you now I Если бы он позвонил тебе сейчас, я

would tell him you were out. бы сказала, что тебя нет дома.

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