Hours benefits holiday promotion money

1.He works very long hours. 9. He can work his way up very quickly.

2.It isn’t very well paid. 10. They ran a system of flexi-time before.

3.He got a company car. 11. We get a regular pay rise.

4.She gets six-week’ paid holiday. 12. Do you get private health insurance?

5.You’ve got a good pension scheme. 13. She can go part-time after she’s had a baby.

6.I’m on pretty good salary. 14. She’s taking a few days off because her kids are off.

7.He’s hoping to get promoted next year. 15. He’s ambitious. He wants to move up the career

8.You can do overtime if you like.ladder.

16. We all got a bonus at Christmas.

8. These sentences describe what people like or dislike about their jobs. Match the beginnings and endings:

I love meeting my own boss.

I hate having to deal with so many meetings.

I get on really well with new people.

I run my own business. I really enjoy being all my collegues except one.

I wish I didn’t have to do difficult customers.

I hate having to attend so much boring paperwork.

9. Decide where the words in black express a positive /P/ or negative /N/ idea.

It’s a friendly place. All the staff is really helpful.

My job’s so boring. I’m doing the same thing all day.

It’s so repetitive. I’m filling in forms day after day.

It’s very satisfyingto know that you’re helpful.

Knowing I’ve saved somebody’s life is rewarding.

I find my work challenging. It requires concentration.

My job’s so stressful. It makes me ill.

I wish I did something glamorous like acting.

10. Use the words from the brackets o complete the sentences about problem at work:

(crisis, increase, strike, low pay, demanded, resigned, rejected, union)

1. The leader of the miners’_____________has warned the Government that it call a 24-hour_____.

2. The Government has to improve the 2% pay_________-currently on offer.

3. Earlier the mines______the offer and_______an increase of 5%.

4. The leader said that long hours and_________were forcing miners out of the profession.

5. Thousands of miners_______________from their jobs leaving many mines in a state of______.

11. Discuss the following situations:

1. A bonus job is a piece-work: Would you like to have a bonus or regular work?

2. Cost-of-living bonus is addition to wages or salaries because of rising prices. Do your parents get it?

3. He jobbed his brother into a well-paid post. Do you think it is OK?

4. Sinecure (Latin ‘without care’) is the position for which one receives credit or payment but which does not entail work or responsibility. Do you know any people who have a sinecure?

LESSON 14,15


1. American Culture Component:

Minimum wage job-the lowest wage permitted by law or by agreement for certain work, introduced so that all workers will have a reasonable standard of living.

Junior college- a college in the US or Canada where the students study for two years for an associate degree.

To collect one’s government check- to obtain payment money paid regularly by the state to an unemployment worker.

2. Match column A to column B:


a. He works as an accountant in a bank. Are you crazy? All those numbers!

b. Accounting can be interesting. Thank you for the compliment.

c. Why do adults care about money so much? I am not sure what I want to do with my life .d. I’m sure you reach your goals if you Well, don’t you think it’s important to

keep working this hard. support yourself?

e. What are your future career plans? Why doesn’t he like it?

3. Read and translate the dialogues? Account for your choice:

-I think it’s best to do something that you like and makes you feel happy.

-Don’t you think it’s important to support yourself and be able to buy things that you want?

-Are you saying you would rather be poor and happy than rich and miserable?

-It’s ideal if you can combine a good, satisfying job with a high salary.

-I like to be known as a hard worker.

-I have to go to college if I want to follow my dream and become a doctor.

4.Read and translate the text:

My Specialty.

I am a student of economics department. I choose this specialty because it is very topical today. Each firm, joint venture, industrial enterprise, educational establishment needs a skilled economist. Economics is linked with every sphere of our life. It is a study of how goods and services are produced and how they are distributed. Economics studies how the things people need and want are made and brought to them.

A skilled economist must know organization of industrial management, organization of labor and wages, organization and planning of production process. He has to be able to work out long-range and current plans of production, give scientific forecasting of branch developing.

So to become highly qualified economists the students of our department study special subjects: statistics, management, marketing, economics, accounting, industrial finance.

We write term papers on the problems of modern economics. We have vocational training at the enterprises of our town. The students work a lot to get knowledge and skills necessary for future economists.

After graduating from the college we can get higher education at any educational establishment of Ukraine and abroad. Economists can work at any enterprise, institution, joint venture, firm or company and make a contribution into the revival of Ukraine.

5. Answer the questions:

1. What is your specialty?

2. What special subjects do you study?

3. How does economist work?

4. Where will you work after graduating from the college?

5. Will you continue your education?

6. Use the words from the brackets to complete the text:

(Interview, section, qualification, CV, application, experience)

1. It isn’t easy to find a job. I look through the ______________in the local newspaper every week.

2. Everybody seems to want people with lots of ____________and I didn’t do well at school.

3. I’ve sent my _________to dozens of companies but nobody has got back to me.

4. I must have filled in about twenty _____________forms and I’ve only had one reply.

5. I went for an ____________but it didn’t go well-they wanted someone with more____________.

7. Mark the sentences P (positive) or N (negative):

He hasn’t got much self-confidence. He worries about what people think of him.

He’s always on top of his work. His desk is always tidy.

She’s very ambitious. She’ll be very successful one day.

He isn’t very reliable. He takes a day off sick every two weeks.

He is very flexible. He can adapt to most situations.

She’s a bit lazy. She doesn’t do anything if she doesn’t have to.

He’s extremely conscientious. He’s often here long after everyone else has gone


She is very punctual. She’s never late for meeting.

8. Match the first part of the sentences with the verbal expressions:

Whatever you ask him to do he does wrong. He doesn’t seem to havehis initiative.

You can always depend on him for an honest opinion. He’s not afraid to speak his mind.

I wish he were more independent. He tends to rely on to any situation.

He’s just so flexible. He’ll adaptmuch common sense.

I have to tell him what to do. He doesn’t ever thinkother people too much.

You have to tell him what to do and when. He never seems to use for himself.

9. Play out the situations:

1) You advise your friend to change his job and say why.

2) Your chief has a talk with you about your good (bad) work.

3) You want to be received by the head of an office and you arrange with his secretary the time for the appointment.

4) You discuss with your friends what determines one’s choice of a profession.



Me and My family

1. Read and learn the words? Make sentences with them and write them down into your vocabularies:

To grow depressed; repressed; frustrated; self-centered; unsociable; lonely; neglected; fearful; irritable; naughty; willful; unruly; resentful; arrogant; rough; to become a nuisance; to develop anti-social habits; overdisciplined; emotionally disturbed children; to show resistant and aggressive behavior; youth violence; crime.

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