Analysis of the collected material.

According to our research, most students have in her wardrobe of clothing containing inscriptions in English. Because only 50% of students surveyed know the translation of the inscription, which is in their clothes, they also noted that pay attention to the label when buying things. Remaining % found it difficult to translate their inscriptions, after these inscriptions were translated for them, they admitted that they had never thought about the meaning of what is written on them, but now interested and will translate everything that is written on their clothing. During the course of the study, has increased the interest of pupils to the inscriptions, and one could literally watch as the corridors, stopping each other, the students read and try to translate what is written on clothes. Thus, we can say that the majority of students do not attach much importance to inscriptions on their clothes, although they know or guess about the meaning, in which, in turn, may contain obscene and offensive meaning, grammar and spelling mistakes. However, our study was able to bring to the surface of the problem and to offer young people think before you buy the next fashionable thing to obscure the text, and also to reflect on their current knowledge of the English language.

IV. Conclusion

Thus, answering the question posed in the introduction: consider whether adolescents meaning inscriptions in English, which is on their clothing, it can be stated that, following the fashion of young people tends to keep from her. The study found that only surveyed students when buying things paid attention to the translation of English phrases. However, some of them noted that the difficulties in translating not stop them from purchasing clothing liked. Students do not pay attention to the translation of text and perceive them as an ornament of their clothes, that is a kind of tribute to modern fashion teens, a kind of "dress code" is not transcribed them.

Analysis of collected data has shown that the level of proficiency in English, which was determined by the age of the respondent school student, allows to navigate in the inscriptions and use written information correctly. The study also showed the link with the culture of the language level of the individual.

During the work on the topic, on the example of secondary school №129 we have successfully solved the problem posed by the study:

We examined the scientific and popular literature on the subject;
We conducted a survey among students to learn the most popular lettering on T-shirts

We translate into Russian English-language inscriptions on T-shirts students of our school;

Revealed the age of the owner of the English-language inscription on a T-shirt.

Undoubtedly, a private matter of each person, in which he dressed. However, the fact that the vast majority of people who prefer the label on the clothes, do not suspect, what texts they come to light, it seems abnormal

Nowadays, English is everywhere: on goods and signboards of shops, on the electrical, clothing, on the Internet. It is taught in schools, universities and courses. Inscriptions in English can be the most rapid way to help quickly, cheaply and effectively replenish their vocabulary.

The survey showed that the majority of adolescents in our school do not attach much importance to inscriptions on their clothes, which in turn can contain obscene and offensive sense, grammatical and spelling mistakes.

In the wardrobe of each has not even one thing that contains the inscription in English. Sometimes, it may contain just a set of meaningless words and phrases, sometimes insulting and obscene language, and sometimes actually filled with a sense of humor and a good phrase.

It is extremely urgent and important is the fact that we are responsible for the information that bear on ourselves, we are in what - that sense of it, become its bearers to the masses, and it is prudent to hope that everything does not know a foreign language and I do not understand what is written on your clothes.

V. Bibliography

1. Oxford Student’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford A.S.Hornby.19

2. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский словарь. – М. – 1960.

3. Internet: Internet: http://www

VI. Supplement

Надпись в оригинале Перевод Возраст носителя Знает о смысле или нет?
1.Sweet Сладкая    
2.Loveforever Вечная любовь    
3.Love Любовь    
4.All you need is love Все что тебе нужно – это любовь    
5.Justforyou Только для тебя    


6. Respect the nature and the animals Уважай дикую природу и животных

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