1)football 2)volleyball 3)basketball 4)tennis 5)swimming 6)fencing 7)boxing 8)wrestling 9)baseball 10)shooting 11)diving 12)soccer 13)golf 14)skating 15)figure-skating 16)skiing 17)toboggan 18)gymnastics 19)track-and- field 20)athletics 21)champion 22)all-round 23)champion 24)championship 25)cup 26)gym 27)swimming-pool 28)skating-rink 29)stadium 30)competition 31)match 32)event 33)race 34)competitor 35)winner 36)team 37)victory 38)result 39)prize 40)record 41)medal (gold, silver, 42)bronze) 43)score 44)goal 45)fan 46)goalkeeper 47)outdoor games 48)indoor games 49)professionals 50)amateurs 1)футбол 2)волейбол 3)баскетбол 4)теніс 5)плавання 6)фехтування 7)бокс 8)реслінг 9)бейсбол 10)стрільба 11)дайвінг 12)сокер 13)гольф 14)ковзання 15)фігурне катання 16)катання на ковзанах 17) катання на санчатах 18)гімнастика 19)змагання з легкої атлетики 20)атлетика 21)чемпіон 22)різнобічний 23)переможець 24)чемпіонат 25)кубок 26)гімнастика 27)басейн 28)ковзанка, скейт ринг 29)стадіон 30)змагання 31)матч 32) вид спорту 33)змагання в бігу 34)суперник 35)переможець 36)команда 37)перемога 38)результат 39)приз, кубок 40)рекорд 41)медаль 42)бронза 43)рахунок;забивати у ворота 44)гол;влучення м’яча у кошик 45)шанувальник, фанат 46)голкіпер 47)гра на полі супротивника 48)гра на своєму полі 49)професіонали 50)спортсмен-любитель   a)to play chess b)to keep fit c)to spend time on sports d)to kick at the goal e)to win the game with the score … f)to be fond of … g)to be good at … h)to be keen on … i)to go in for sports j)to have a lot of fun in k)to watch … with great interest l)to be successful in … m)to score … points n)to be a champion o)to end in a draw p)to win a match q)to win the first prize a)Грати в шахи b)Тримати себе у формі c)Захоплюватись спортом d)Забивати у ворота e)Перемогти у грі з рахунком… f)Захоплюватися… g)Бути лідером у… h)Мати хист до… i)Захоплюватись спортом j)Отримувати задоволення від… k)Стежити з великим інтересом l)Бути успішним у… m)Підраховувати результати n)Бути чемпіоном 0)Закінчити боротьбу p)Перемогти у поєдинку q)Посісти 1 місце
Ex. 4 Act out the following situations. 1. Imagine, your classmate became a famous sportsman. Ask him questions to know how he managed to do it. 2. Imagine that a new sport club is opened in your school. You want to attend it that’s why you want to know as much information as possible. Ask the director about everything you want toknow. 3. Imagine, you have missed the game of your team. Ask your friends about it. 4. Imagine, you are a famous boxer. Tell the reporter about your career.
Ex. 5 Insert the necessary words 1. We usually skate at the___________________ 2. I … fond of playing hockey________________ 3. He is the best … in our team._______________ 4. We play football at the____________________ 5. He has won this__________________________ 6. We have a good basketball … in our school.____ 7. They’ve lost the last ______________________ 8. Peter scored three ________________________ 9. Running, jumping are the kinds of ___________ 10. Bob’s got a … medal for the first place._____________________________________

ТО 2.Дозвілля

Тема 9: «Спорт в Україні»

1-6 балів: Ex.3 ACTIVE VOCABULARY WORD COMBINATIONS - student2.ru Письмовий переклад тексту “Sports”. Вміти переказувати основні події. Знати про спортивні події в Україні. Вміти будувати розповідь.
7-11 балів: Детальний переказ тексту: “Sports”

Ex.1 Essential vocabulary:

archer — стрілець із лука

horseman — наїзник

wrestler ['reslə] — борець

wrestling ['reslɪŋ] — боротьба

pole-vaulting [vɔ:ltlŋ] — стрибки з жердиною

to proclaim — проголошувати

a score of — два десятки

all-round champion — абсолютний чемпіон

weight-lifting ['weɪt'hftɪŋ] — важка атлетика

track-and-field athletics — легка атлетика

Ex.2 Text:

SPORTS Since ancient times Ukrainians were skilful archers, horsemen and wrestlers. In the late XIX century European sports and games were introduced here; football and wrestling became the most popular. Kyiv's famous soccer team "Dynamo" won the European Cup Holder's Cup twice, in 1975 and 1985. Oleg Blokhin and Ihor Bielanov were named Europe's best soccer players.The "Spartak" handball team from Kyiv, led by Senior Coach Ihor Turchyn, has won 13 European Champion's Cups. Zinayida Turchyna and Larysa Karlova were named best players in the World and European Championships several times.The Ukrainian school of gymnastics is recognized the world over. Its representatives — Iryna Deriuhina, Oleksandra Tymoshenko, Oksana Skaldina and others — have won World and European Championships. Larysa Latynina has the longest history of records in the Olympic Games: 18 medals, including 9 gold, 5 silver, and 3 bronze.Valery Borzov, the famous sprinter, won 2 gold, 1 silver, and 2 bronze medals at the 20th and 21st Olympic Gaines. Serhiy Bubka, eight times world champion and Olympic champion in the pole-vaultingholds 35 world records. He has been named World's Best Athlete.Having just proclaimed its independence, Ukraine sent the national team to the 1992 Olympic Games, where young figure skater Oksana Baiul won the first gold medal for independent Ukraine.At the 26th Olympic Games in Atlanta Ukrainian athletes won 9 gold medals, plus a score of silver and bronze. The names of the winners have become known the world over: all-round Olympicchampion in gymnastics Lilia Podkopaieva; Olympic champion in women's freestyle gymnastics Katya Serebrianska; Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling Viacheslav Oliynyk; Olympic champion inweight-lifting Tymur Taimazov; Olympic champion in boxing Volodymyr Klichko; Olympic chempions yachtsmen Yevhen Braslavets' and Ihor Matvienko; Olympic champion in track-and-field athletics Inesa Kravets' and others.

Ex.3 Questions:

1. What were the most popular sports and games in the late XIX century?__________________

2. What do you know about Kyiv's soccer team "Dynamo"?_____________________________

3. What can you tell about the "Spartak" handball team from Kyiv?_______________________

4. What do you know about the Ukrainian school of gymnastics?_________________________

5. What can you say about the participation of Ukrainian sportsmen in the Olympic Games?_______

ТО 2.Дозвілля

Тема 10: «Спорт у Великобританії»

1-6 балів: Ex.3 ACTIVE VOCABULARY WORD COMBINATIONS - student2.ru Письмовий переклад тексту “Sports in Great Britain”. Вміти переказувати основні події. Знати про спортивні події в Англії. Вміти будувати розповідь.
7-11 балів: Детальний переказ тексту: “Sports in Great Britain”

Ex.1 Essential vocabulary:

cricket ['krɪkɪt] — крикет

to attract [ə'trækt] attention [ə'tenʃ(ə)n] — привертати увагу

soccer ['sɔkə] — футбол

amateur ['æməla(:)] — аматорський, любительський

Cup Final [-kʌp'faɪn(ə)l] — фінал розиграшу кубка

spectator [spek'teɪtə] sport — видовищний спорт

racing ['reɪsɪŋ] — змагання у швидкості

boat-racing [ bəut'reɪsɪŋ] — змагання з веслування

donkey ['dɔŋkɪ] — осел, віслюк

tournament ['tuənəmənt] — турнір; спортивні змагання

to toboggan [tə'bɔg(ə)n] — кататися на санках (з гори)

hunting ['hʌntɪŋ] — полювання

Ex.2 Text:

SPORTS IN GREAT BRITAIN The British are known to be great sports-lovers, so when they are neither playing, nor watching games, they like to talk about them. Many of the games we play now have come from Britain.One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities, and by club teams all over the country. Summer isn't summer without cricket. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and the way of life. But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game, which attracts the greatest attention, is football, or soccer. There are plenty of professional and amateur soccer clubs all over Britain. International football matches and the Cup Finals take place at Wembley Stadium. Rugby football is also very popular, but it is played mainly by amateurs. Next to football, the chief spectator sport in British life is horse-racing. A lot of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse, which they think, will win. Derby is perhaps the most famous race-course competition in the whole world. Britain is also famous for motor-car racing, dog-racing, boat-racing, and even races for donkeys. The famous boat-racing between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge attracts large crowds of people. A great number of Englishmen play tennis. Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon are known all over the world. The British also like to play golf, baseball, hockey, and grass-hockey. Various kinds of athletics, such as running, jumping, swimming, boxing are also popular. You can sometimes hear that there are no winter sports in England. Of course, in England it's not always cold enough to ski, skate or toboggan, but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing.

Ex.3 Questions:

1. What do the British do when they are neither playing, nor watching games?______________

2. What kind of sports is especially associated with Britain ?____________________________

3. What is cricket for an Englishman ?______________________________________________

4. What is the most popular game in the world?_______________________________________

5. Where do the Cup Finals take place?______________________________________________

6. Is rugby played by professionals?_________________________________________________

7. What kinds of racing are popular in Britain ?________________________________________

8. What do you know about Wimbledon ?____________________________________________

9. What other kinds of sports do the British go in for?___________________________________

10. What winter sports are popular in Britain ?________________________________________

ТО 3.Навколишній світ

Тема 11: «Традиції в Україні»

1-6 балів: Ex.3 ACTIVE VOCABULARY WORD COMBINATIONS - student2.ru Письмовий переклад тексту. Вміти переказувати основні події. Знати про звичаї та традиції на Україні.
7-11 балів: Детальний переказ тексту: «CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS»

Ex.1 Essential vocabulary:

kindness ['kaɪndnɪs] — доброта

hospitality ['hɔspɪ'tælɪtɪ] — гостинність

friendliness ['frendlɪnɪs] — дружелюбність

deceased [dɪ'si:st] — покійний, мертвий

sense [sens] of humour [hju:mə] — почуття гумору

craftsman ['kra:ftsmən] — майстер, ремісник

mastery ['ma:st(ə)rɪ] — майстерність, мистецтво

wood-carving ['wud,ka:vɪŋ] — різьблення по дереву

skill [skɪl] — майстерність, уміння

diligence ['dɪlɪdʒ(ə)ns] — старанність, ретельність

to plough [plаu] — орати

to sow [səu] — сіяти

pagan ['peɪgən] — язичеський, язичницький

fragrant ['freɪgr(ə)nt] — ароматний, духмяний

Ex.2 Text:

CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS. WHAT ARE THE TRAITS OF THE UKRAINIAN CHARACTER? First, there is kindness. There is also hospitality and friendliness. There is respect for elders, for the deceased; love for children, nature, and animals.Ukrainians have a sense of humour, they are musical, artistic. They are wonderful craftsmen famous for their mastery in weaving, wood-carving, and ceramics.But skill and diligence in working the land is perhaps the greatest talent the Ukrainians possess.Life depended on the rhythms of cultivating the oil.Holidays were celebrated during periods of transition from one type of agricultural activity to another.Easter, for example, is a spring holiday. Spring is a time of ploughing and sowing in the fields, a time of warmth and awakening after a cold, hungry winter. In pagan times Ukrainians believed that the gods died tad were reborn every year. An example of pagan customs is the dyeing of eggs.To the Christian Ascension Day (the 40th day after Easter)Ukrainians added a pre-Christian tradition of going to the field to inspect the progress of the wheat.The Trinity is celebrated in summer, on the 50th day after Easter. Traditionally people decorate their homes with green tree branches and fragrant herbs. Another summer holiday is Ivan Kupala's Day on July 7. During the day everyone has to be at least immersed inwater. This was the last holiday before the harvest. August 2, St. I Ilia's Day, marked the beginning of autumn. "Until dinner it's summer, after dinner it's autumn", people said. On the 19th of August, or on "Saviour Day", vegetables, fruit, mushrooms, and honey were blessed. Weddings usually took place in the middle of October.A unique feature of Ukrainian Christmas festivities is the "vertep", or puppet theatre". Young people get together, dress as angels, kings, Herod, Satan, Death, and even animals. They walk from house to house singing about the birth of Christ, greeting everyone with the holiday.

Ex.3 Questions:

1. What are the traits of the Ukrainian character?_________________________________

2. What is the greatest talent the Ukrainians possess?______________________________

3. What are the spring holidays?______________________________________________

4. What summer holidays do you know?_______________________________________

5. What is a unique feature of Ukrainian Christmas festivities?______________________

6. What holiday do you like best of all?_________________________________________

ТО 3.Навколишній світ

Тема 12: «Традиції у Великобританії»

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