Irregular verbs

Verb past tense past participle verb past tense past participle
begin began Begun hurt hurt hurt
bind bound Bound keep kept kept
bite bit Bitten know knew known
blow blew Blown lay laid laid
break broke Broken learn learned, learnt learned, learnt
bring brought brought leave left left
build built built lend lent lent
burn burned, burnt burned, burnt let let let
burst burst burst lie lay lain
buy bought Bought lose lost lost
can could Could make made made
cast cast cast may might might
catch caught Caught mean meant meant
choose chose Chosen meet met met
come came Come pay paid paid
cost cost cost read read /red/ read /red/
cut cut Cut ring rang rung
deal dealt /delt/ Dealt rise rose risen
dig dug dug run ran run
do did Done say said said
draw drew Drawn see saw seen
dream dreamed, dreamt dreamed, dreamt sell sold sold
drink drank Drunk send sent sent
drive drove Driven set set set
eat ate Eaten shake shook shaken
fall fell Fallen shoot shot shot
feed fed Fed shut shut shut
feel felt Felt sing sang sung
fight fought Fought sink sank, sunk sunk
find found Found sit sat sat
fly flew flown sleep slept slept
forbid forbade, forbad Forbidden speak spoke spoken
forget forgot forgotten stand stood stood
forgive forgave Forgiven steal stole stolen
get got got (gotten AmE) strike struck struck
give gave Given swim swam swum
go went Gone swing swung swung
grow grew Grown take took taken
have had Had teach taught taught
hear heard Heard tell told told
hide hid hidden, hid think thought thought
hit hit Hit throw threw thrown
hold held Held understand understood understood
      wear wore worn


Noun formation

The endings -er, -ment, and -ation can be added to many verbs to form nouns, like this:

-er -ment -ation
drive driver amaze amazement admire admiration
open opener develop development associate association
teach teacher pay payment examine examination
fasten fastener retire retirement organize organization

John drives a bus. He is a bus driver.

Children develop very quickly. Their development is very quick.

A can opener is a tool for opening cans.

The doctor examined me carefully. He gave me a careful examination.

The endings -ity and -ness can be added to many adjectives to form nouns, like this:

-ity / -ty -ness
cruel cruelty dark darkness
odd oddity deaf deafness
pure purity happy happiness
stupid stupidity kind kindness

Don’t be so cruel. I hate cruelty.

It was very dark. The darkness made it impossible to see.

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