Illustrative Text Frank and Helen Martin Go to Work

Frank Martin works in a factory. Work starts at 7. Frank is never late for work. He always gets to the factory early. He is ten minutes early today. It is 6.50. Frank Martin usually drives to work.

Frank's wife, Helen, works in an office. Work starts at 9 but she sometimes gets there late. The manager doesn't know about it because he is often late for work too.

/. Listen to the text "Frank and Helen Martin Go to Work" and answer the questions:

Where does Frank Martin work? Is he ever late for work? Frank usually walks to the factory, doesn't he? When does he get to the factory? Does Helen always come to work on time? Why doesn't her boss know she is sometimes late for work?

//. Tell about Frank Martin and his wife Helen.

III. Where do you work? When does work start? Are you ever late for work? And what about your colleagues? How do you get to work?


/. Respond to the following statements. Observe the position of adverbs:

e.g. — I sometimes dine at this cafe. And you?

— I always dine at this cafe.

I. I sometimes do morning exercises. And you? 2. I sometimes invite Mary to my parties. And you? 3. I sometimes go out in the evening. And you? 4. I sometimes go to work on foot. And you? 5. I sometimes get up early. And you? e.g. — Bill sometimes washes the dishes.

— No, he doesn't. He never washes the dishes.

I. Mike sometimes plays golf. 2. Helen sometimes takes part in school concerts. 3. You sometimes go jogging in the park. 4. Harry sometimes smokes. 5. They usually spend their holidays in Spain. 6. Jack often visits them, e.g. — Mr. Smith often drives to work, (walk)

— No, he doesn't. He rarely (seldom) drives to work He usually walks.

I. Mrs. Baxter often drinks coffee, (tea) 2. Robert often comes home late, (early) 3. She often travels by air. (by train) 4. Peter often does his homework in the evening, (in the morning) 5. The Jacksons often go out on the weekend, (stay in) 6. They often go to the theatre, (to the cinema) e.g. — Joe always walks to school.

— No, that's not true. Joe doesn't always walk to school Sometimes he drives.

1. Helen always gets up early, (late) 2. Betty always goes to work by bus. (by metro) 3. Harry always has dinner at a restau­rant, (at a cafe) 4. They always visit her on Friday, (on Saturday)

5. You always travel by train, (by plane).

e.g. — Jane seldom has dinner at home. And Mary? — Mary doesn't often have dinner at home either. 1. Harry seldom plays golf. And Robert? 2 We seldom watch TV. And you? 3. I seldom go out. And Jane? 4. We seldom go fish­ing. And Jack? 5. I seldom have dinner at home. And Mary?

6. Alice seldom stays at home on the weekend. And Lucy?

//. Answer the questions. Do it as in the model. Use different adverbs of frequency:

e.g. Teacher: Do you ever study in the library?

Student: I . sometimes rarely , never often do always usually

1. Do you ever spend your holidays abroad? 2. Does your bro­ther ever play tennis? 3. Does Mike ever go to the theatre? 4. Does Janet ever study at night? 5. Do you ever miss your English classes? 6. Do you ever go away on business? 7. Does your wife ever go shopping on Sunday? 8. Does your father ever go fishing? 9. Do you ever listen to the news in the morning?

///. Complete the sentences by using adverbs of frequency. Observe their position:

e.g. Susan often plays chess ... (seldom, cards).

Susan often plays chess but she seldom plays cards, e.g. Mike is often late ... (Peter, never).

Mike is often late but Peter is never late. 1. Robert always speaks English ... (never, Italian). 2. My mother is usually at home in the evening ... (seldom, in the afternoon). 3. I don't often travel by air ... (usually, by train). 4. They are always at work at 5 ... (seldom, at 7). 5. I don't often have coffee in the evening ... (always, in the morning) 6. Betty always plays volley-ball ... (never, basketball). 7. Jill is never late for work .. (Steve, sometimes). 8. We always have our classes on week days ... (never, on the weekend). 9. It is often hot here in July ... (seldom, in September). 10. Peter is always on time ... (Tom, never). 11. He usually gets up at 7 . . (someti­mes, at 9). 12. Marian often visits us... (her brother, seldom). 13. I never read in bed ... (my sister, always;. 14. She is usually

in the country in summer (her parents, in town) 15 My father doesn't often dine at home (always, have breakfast)

16 This shop is always closed on Sunday (never, on Saturday)

17 We are usually free on Monday (busy, on Tuesday) 18 They are always at work at 5 (seldom, at 8)

Fluency Before Work

Jill usually gets up at a quarter to eight Steve doesn't often get up before 8 o'clock The alarm-clock wakes them They usually have coffee and toast for breakfast but they never have very much time Jill often runs for the bus, but she seldom arrives late for school Steve is sometimes late for work He often takes his toast with him to the office Before work they are always in a hurry They don't usually say much at breakfast, they never have time1

/ Listen to the text "Before Work" and answer the questions When does Jill usually get up' Steve doesn't often get up before 8 o'clock, does he' What do they usually have for breakfast' Is Steve ever late for work' And what about Jill Before work Jill and Steve are always in a hurry, aren't they' They never have much time, do they'

// Read the text and say what Jill and Steve do in the morning on week days

III What do you (your sister, brother, etc ) usually do in the morning (in the evening)'

After Work

Jill teaches five hours a day, twenty-five hours a week alto­gether She finishes work at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon Then she catches a bus home The buses are sometimes very full, so she takes the underground Twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, she goes to a big supermarket She buys a lot of things there Steve leaves his office at about 6 o'clock Then he hurries home After supper Steve washes the dishes and then he reads or spends time on hobbies Jill relaxes with a book or a woman's magazine, or she sometimes watches a film on television

/ Listen to the text "After Work" and answer the questions How often does Jill teach' When does she finish work' How

does she get home' Where does she go twice a week' When does Steve finish work' What do the Baxters do after supper'

// Read the text and say what Jill and Steve do after work

III Tell us some words about your daily routine

When do you usually get up' What time do you have breakfast as a rule' Are you always in a hurry in the morning' When do you usually leave home for work' How do you get to work' You are never late for work, are you' Are you usually very busy at work' You don't often have dinner at home, do you' When do you usually finish work' Do you ever stay at work late' What do you do at home in the evening'

IV Read the letter below and write a letter to your friend (parents, etc ) describing your daily routine

Dear John,

Well, this is my second week in Pans 1 like it very much I usually get up at ten o'clock and have breakfast in a street cafe French breakfasts are very small, but the coffee's not bad I always go to school by Metro I usually arrive at school at twelve o'clock I'm learning a lot of French School usually finishes at five o'clock In the evening I occasionally stay in the hotel, but I usually go out for dinner with a friend Life is very interesting here Next week­end I'm going to the coast Give my regards to everybody



Free Time

Steve: We don't go out during the week, but we do at the weekend We visit our friends or they visit us On Sa­turday evenings we go to our favourite pub On Sun­days we visit our relatives in the country Jill Unfortunately we haven't got time for sports

Steve Oh, yes, we have' We run for the bus every morning

/ Listen to the text and answer the questions Do the Baxters often go out during the week' How do they spend their weekends' Do they have much time for sports' How do you (the members of your family) spend your weekends'

Self check

/ Put the verbs into the correct forms Observe the position of adverbs

A. I. Jack often (be) late. 2. Mary and John often (go) to the pictures. 3. Mike never (be) home at this time of the day. 4. Betty sometimes (phone) me. 5. They sometimes (be) at the seaside in summer. 6. Alice usually (be) at home at 9 p. m. 7. Paul often (come, not) to see us. 8. Jane always (visit) her parents in summer. 9. James often (watch, not) TV. 10. Donald (know, not) French, he (speak) Swedish.

B. It (be) Saturday. It (be) 9 o'clock in the morning. Mary and James Wilson (be) home. James (be) an engineer. His wife (teach) History at school. The Wilsons (go, not) to work on the weekend. At the moment they (be) in their dining-room They (have) break­fast and (listen) to the BBC news. They always (listen) to the news at breakfast. Their son Peter (be, not) at home. He (be) at school. He (do) very well at school and his parents (be) proud of him. Peter's hobby (be) tennis. He often (play) tennis after school.

//. Translate into English:

1. — Виктор не хочет ехать в город. — Я тоже. 2. Мой брат не курит. 3. Иногда я хожу на работу пешком. 4. — Я много чи­таю. — Я тоже. 5. Моя сестра обычно занята по понедельникам. 6. Он не всегда отдыхает на юге. 7. — Мне не нравится эта кар­тина. — Мне тоже. 8. Мы никогда не ездим на юг летом. 9. Мой сын часто навещает меня. 10. Мы обычно дома в воскресенье вечером. Я люблю проводить вечера дома, послушать музыку, по­смотреть телевизор или почитать книгу. Я ложусь спать не поздно, но люблю рано вставать. 11. Роберт не играет в теннис.— Нет, играет. 12. Он очень занят сейчас. — Я тоже. 13. — Мой сын учится в медицинском институте. — Моя дочь тоже. 15. — Ты когда-либо видишь Петра? — Редко.


Illustrative Situations

/. Listen to the dialogues and learn them:

1. — Do you often travel by air?

— No, I don't.

— Don't you like it?

— Yes, I do, but I can't afford it.

2. — Is Pete a member of the Sports Club?

— No, he isn't.

— Doesn't he like sports and games?

— No, not particularly.

3. — Miss Brown is interested in modern art.

— Does she go to art galleries regularly?

— No, she doesn't. She is too busy.

4. — I need some sugar.

— How much do you need?

— Two pounds, please.

5. — What kind of films do you like best?

— Westerns. And you?

— I like all sorts of films.

6. — How do you come to school?

— By bus.

— How much does it cost?

— Only 20 p.

— How long does it take?

— About twenty minutes.

7. — Is Maria Italian?

— Yes, I think so.

— Does she speak English well?

— No, I don't think so.

— Is she coming to the dance tonight?

— I hope so!

8. — What's the matter?

— I've got a cold.

— Why don't you see a doctor?

— I don't know any doctors.

— Why don't you ask your landlady?

— Yes. That's a good idea.

9. — Would you like to dance?

— Yes.

— Do you come here often? -

— Sometimes.

— Do you live here?

— Yes, I do.

— Where do you work?

— In a bank.

— Do you like it?

— It's О. К.

0. — Excuse me...

— Yes?

— Have you got any change?

— What do you need?

— I need some tens.

— Oh, how many do you want?

— Well, can you change a pound note?

— Yes, I think so.

11. — Do you- like coffee, Mrs Price?

— Yes, I do.

— Do you want a cup?

— Yes, please, Mrs Young.

— Do you want any sugar?

— Yes, please.

— Do you want any milk?

— No, thank you.

I don't like milk in my coffee. I like black coffee.

— Do you like biscuits?

— Yes, I do.

— Do you want one?

— Yes, please.

Questions: What are Mrs Young and Price doing at the mo­ment? Does Mrs Price like coffee? What coffee does she prefer? She likes biscuits, doesn't she?


/. Respond to the following statements asking for additional in­formation. Use the prompt words:

e.g. — Peter knows French, (his sister)

— Does his sister know French?

— Yes, she does. (No, she doesn't)

1. Mrs. Robinson types well. (Miss Smith) 2. Mike enjoys pop-music, (you) 3. Jane watches television every day. (her hus­band) 4. He likes his work, (you) 5. My son goes to school, (your daughter) 6. Mary plays the piano. (Lucy) 7. I smoke much, (your father) 8. I like my tea strong, (you) 9. Alice works at an office, (her sister) 10. Peter teaches Spanish. (Victor) 11. The Browns travel a lot. (the Baxters) e.g. — I speak English. (French)

— Do you speak French, too?

— Yes, I do. (No, I don't)

1. Steve listens to the radio every day. (watch television) 2. They like English tea. (English coffee) 3. Tom reads the Times, (the Guardian) 4. They speak English, (other languages) 5. I like English people, (the English weather) 6. Steve cooks Chinese tood. (Indian food) 7. We visit our friends at the weekend, (during the week) e.g. — We speak English at our English lessons. (Russian)

— Do you ever speak Russian at the lessons?

— Sometimes we do.

1. Mrs Wilson often travels about the country, (abroad)

2. I often translate English texts. (French texts) 3. They usually go to the Institute in the morning, (in the evening) 4. He usually has dinner at 2. (at 4). 5. She often goes to the cinema, (theatre) 6. Mary usually spends her holiday in the country, (in town) e.g. — Paul comes home late, (often)

— Does he often come home 4ate?

— Yes, he does.

1. They go for a walk in the evening, (often) 2. I go to the seaside for my holidays, (always) 3. He leaves home at 10. (al­ways) 4. He sometimes visits me. (often) 5. They sometimes play golf, (often) e.g. — Mike leaves home at 7. (you)

— When do you leave home?

— At 8 as a rule.

1. Ann usually finishes work at 5. (Fred) 2. My mother usual­ly goes shopping on Tuesday, (you) 3. Lucy has dinner at 2. (Mary) 4. Donald comes home at 7. (his father) 5. Jane has her classes in the morning, (you) 6. My son goes to bed at 9. (your children) 7. Our classes begin at 10. (your classes) e.g. — My sister lives in Moscow, (your brother)

— Where does your brother live?

— In Brest.

1. John works at a factory, (his wife) 2. Philip studies at the University, (his friend) 3. I have dinner at a restaurant (you) 4. We rest in the country, (the Browns) 5. I do my homework in the reading-room, (you) 6. Mike keeps his bicycle in the garage. (Peter) e.g. — My sister studies art. (you)

— What do you study?

— Chemistry.

1. Donald collects coins, (his friend) 2. Betty likes comedies. (Helen) 3. Mrs Baxter teaches English. (Mrs Robinson) 4. I have toast and coffee for breakfast, (you) 5. I prefer fish to meat, (you) 6. Mr Smith writes poetry. (Mr Wilson) 7. Mrs Morgan types accounts. (Miss Green) e.g. — Mike trains every day. (Steve)

— How often does Steve train?

— Twice a week.

1. Donald plays golf once a week, (his friend) 2. Jill phones her parents every week. (Mary) 3. I go to the pictures once a month, (you) 4. Betty has music lessons once a week. (Jane) 5. I go shopping twice a week, (your mother) 6. Victor works in the library every day. (Roger) e-g- — I get to work by bus. (Mike) — How does Mike get to work?

— By car as a rule.

1. Mrs Smith spends her weekends gardening, (your mother) 2. I pay by cheque, (you) 3. Donald does very well at school, (your son) 4. John drives carefully, (his friend) 5. Harry usually travels by air. (his wife)

e.g. — It usually takes me an hour to do my homework, (you) How long does it take you to do your homework?

— About an hour and a half.

1. It takes John half an hour to get to work, (his father) 2. Mike stays at work till 5. (Peter) 3. We walk in the park about an hour, (you) 4. We stay at the seaside for a month, (your pa­rents) 5. My working day lasts eight hours, (your working day)

e.g. — It's too cold in the room, (close the window)

— Why don't you close the window?

1. It's 12 o'clock, (go to bed) 2. The working day is over, (go home) 3. I am free today, (go to the cinema) 4. Mary is very busy, (help her) 5. It's ten o'clock, (have breakfast) 6. Mike is absent, (phone him) e.g. — I want to go to the cinema, (to the theatre)

— Who wants to go to the theatre?

— Peter does.

1. I like pop-music, (classical music) 2. I know Mr Smith. (Mr Brown) 3. We want to play volley-ball, (tennis) 4. Peter studies German. (French) 5. Mrs Smith teaches history, (maths) e.g. — Someone phones Mary every day.

— Who phones her every day? e.g. — She meets someone every day.

— Who(m) does she meet every day?

1. Someone sends her flowers every day. 2. Someone always waits for her every evening. 3. Betty goes out with someone every Saturday. 4. She loves someone. 5. Someone sends her parcels every month. 6. She talks to someone on the phone every day. 7. Someone visits her every week, e.g. — I see Robert every day. (where)

— Where do you see him?

— In the library.

1. I come home late, (why) 2. Mike has supper at home, (when) 3. It doesn't take him long to get to work, (how long) 4. Mary often writes to her sister, (how often) 5. Betty usually invites a lot of guests to her parties, (whom) 6. Arthur earns a lot. (how much) 7. Jane studies at the University, (what subject) 8. We often play tennis in the evening, (where) 9. My brother smokes much, (how many cigarettes) 10. Harry doesn't come to our place.

/why) И- I see Robert every day. (where) 12. I come here very often, (why) 13. Alec doesn't like tennis, (what games) 14. My sis­ter studies foreign languages, (what foreign languages) 15. I want to take some books, (which books) 16. I sometimes see Mary. (how often) 17. We rest in the country, (how long) 18. This tape recorder costs a lot. (how much) 19. Victor works hard, (how many hours a day) 20. I go to the ‘cinema. (how often) 21. I have dinner in the evening, (what time). e.g. — I like tea. (strong or weak)?

— Do you like your tea strong or weak?

— I prefer my tea strong.

1. I go in for sports, (football or hockey) 2. Miss Smith deli­vers mail, (letters or telegrams) 3. Donald collects records, (old or modern) 4. Alice enjoys music, (pop music or classical mu­sic) 5. Henry plays tennis, (big tennis or table tennis) 6. Roger always goes to the seaside for a month, (in July or August) e.g. — My sister teaches German, (at school)

— She teaches at school, doesn't she?

— Yes, she does. (No, she doesn't.

She teaches at the Medical Institute.)

1. Mary often goes to the country, (on Sunday) 2. Alec lives in River Street, (with his parents) 3. John plays football, (well) 4. My son studies at the University, (maths) 5. Betty enjoys music, (jazz) 6. We usually walk in the evening, (in the park)

//. Ask the speaker to repeat what he has just said:

e.g. — I rest in the south, (where)

— Pardon? (Sorry?) Where do you rest?

— In the south.

1. The lesson begins at 8. (when) 2. Helen speaks English well, (who) 3. Alec has dinner at two. (when) 4. I get to the office by bus. (how) 5. John works at a plant, (where) 6. I am very busy on Monday, (when) 7. Jane plays chess well, (who) 8. Robert lives in King Street, (where) 9. My sister is at the lib­rary at 9. (when) 10. I go to the pictures twice a month, (how often) 11. My son studies French, (what language) 12. Our lessons are over at-8-. (when) 13. It takes me an hour to get to work, (how long) 14. Peter earns 1000 dollars, (how much). 15. I want to use Jane's typewriter, (whose). 16. I need a dozen eggs, (how many)

///. Make questions to which the following prompts are possible answers:

e.g. At the canteen.

— Where do you usually have dinner?

— At the canteen.

1. Twice a month. 2. At 7 a. m. 3. On Saturday. 4. French 5. Mary. 6. At a plant. 7. 50 pounds. 8. By bus. 9. At the seaside

10. Physics. 11. In River Street. 12. At 6 a. m. 13. At the University 14. Mary does. 15. On Sunday. 16. Every week. 17. About an hour 18. I am too busy now. 19. From 5 till 9. 20. Once a week. 20. Two pounds.

IV. A. This is what Jack does every day:

He gets up at 7 a. m. He eats breakfast at 7.30. He goes to work at 8. He finishes work at 5. He runs in the park at 5.30. He comes home at 7. He has supper at 7.30. He goes to bed at 11. Teacher: What does Jack do at 7? St. 1: He gets up at 7. Т.: When do you get up'

St. 1: I get up at 8. T: Ask Helen when she gets up and then tell us what you

found out.

St. 1 What time do you get up, Helen? St. 2 I get up at 6.30. St. 1 She gets up at 6.30.

The students take over the role of teacher and make dialogues of their own: e.g. St. 1: When does Jack eat breakfast?

St. 2: He ... .

B. Teacher: It takes me about an hour to get to work. Mike, how

long does it take you to get to work? Mike: About half an hour.

Teacher: Ask Bob how long ... (etc.)

The teacher starts giving some information about himself (herself) and the students continue like that.

C. Teacher: What do you have for breakfast? Bacon and eggs?

St. 1: Yes, I have bacon and eggs. What do you have?

Teacher: Just a cup of coffee with toast.

1. Where do you eat? In the canteen? 2. What time do you start work? Nine? 3. What time do you finish? Six? 4. How do you come to the office? By bus? 5. What do you do in the evenings? Watch television? 6. Where do you go for your holidays? Scotland? 7 How many weeks holidays do you have? Three3 8. When do you do your homework? Just before the lesson? 9. What animals do you like best? Dogs? 10. How often do you write home? Every week?

11. How do you like your coffee? Strong? 12. What game do you play best? Tennis? 13. What do you drink? Gin?

V. Respond to the following questions. Observe the direct word-order in complex sentences.

e.g. — Does Gemma speak French?

— I don't know. You ask her if (whether) she speaks French. 1. Does Ronald often see Mary? 2. Does Peter drive a car?

3. Does Ann type well? 4. Do Betty and Susan like pop music? 5. Do they work hard? 6. Does Mary often write to him? 7. Does Mike like tennis? e.g. — Does Alice know Chinese?

— I don't know (I've no idea, I'm not sure) if (whether) she knows Chinese. Perhaps, she does.

1. Does Philip play chess? 2. Does Peter collect coins? 3. Do the Browns ever rest at the seaside? 4. Does Nick go in for sports? 5. Does Mary live in Moscow? 6. Do Helen and Ann study medicine? 7. Does Dick work at the art school? 8. Does Susan drive a car? 9. Does Miss Green type well? e.g. — Where does Peter work?

— I don't know (I've no idea) where he works.

1. What games does Mary play? 2. When does Jack finish work? 3. Where does Helen study? 4. When does Lucy have her classes? 5. How does Jane get to work? 6. How much does John earn5 7. What subject does Mr. Robinson teach? 8. What sports does Mary go in for? 9. Where do the Whites live? 10. When does Mary see Peter? 11. What does Alec want to do? 12. How often do the boys train? 13. Who helps Lucy? 14. Why doesn't he come? 15. What sort of books does she like? e.g. — Paul dines at 2. (where)

— I wonder (I'd like to know) where he dines.

1. Jack lives far. (where) 2. Mike comes early, (when) 3. Betty often visits her parents, (how often) 4. Roger wants to buy a dictionary, (what dictionary). 5. Lucy often misses her classes, (why) 6. Mr. Green earns a lot. (how much) 7. Mrs Baxter teaches foreign languages, (what foreign languages)

VI. Make up dialogues using the prompt words. Do it as in the example:

e.g. — I wonder where Peter lives.

— I don't know I'm afraid.

e.g. — I'd like to know if Peter speaks Polish.

— I've no idea, I'm afraid.

1. Mary/know about the meeting. 2. Where/they spend their holidays. 3. How often/she/ visit her parents. 4. Dick/often/ write to her. 5. Helen /live/ far. 6. Jack /know/ Japanese. 7. Why /Lucy/ not phone us. 8. Betty/play tennis. 9. What films /Mike/ like. 10 Jane/read a lot.

e.g. — Do you know where Victor lives? — I've no idea where he lives.

1. Where /the Browns/ rest. 2. Dick /play/ chess. 3. Mary-enjoy/detectives. 4. When /Dick/ have dinner. 5. Betty /like/ theatre. 6. Who/type her letters. 7. Who/clean the hall. 8. When /Paul/ start work. 9. Susan/listen to the 9 o'clock news 10. Roger/play cards. 11. Where/George/work. 12. When/Henry/ come home 13 Mike/smoke much. 14. Victor /speak/ Swedish

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