IV. This time make negative sentences with have to.

Example: 'Did they have to change trains?'

'No, it was a through train so they didn't have to change (trains).'

1. 'Did you pay to get into the concert?'

'No, we had free tickets so we_____________________'

2. 'Does Jack shave?' 'No, he's got a beard so___________'

3. 'Did you get up early this morning?' 'No, it's my day off so____________________________________________'

4. 'Do you work?' 'No, I'm extremely rich so___________'

5. 'Will you have to walk?' 'No, we have a car so________'

6. 'Did you have to ask a doctor in?' 'No, my sister is a doctor so______________________________________'

7. 'Did you have to hire a taxi?' 'No, the hotel is not far from the station so______________________________'

8. 'Shall I have to wait?' 'No, the boss is free so_________'

V. Complete the sentences with any appropriate form of have to. Include any words in parentheses.

1. A: (You) ... leave so early?

B: I'm afraid I do. I have some work I ... finish before I go to bed tonight.

2. Last night Jack ... go to a meeting. (You) ... go to the

meeting last night too?

3. Joan travels to Russia frequently. Luckily, she speaks

Russian, so she (not) ... rely on an interpreter when she's there.

4. I (not) ... water the garden later today. Joe has agreed to do it for me.

5. I ... write three term papers since the beginning of the semester.

6. Why (Tom) ... leave work early yesterday?

7. I found some milk in the refrigerator so we (not) ... go to the store after all. There is plenty.

8. (John)... buy a round-trip ticket when he went to Egypt?

9. Matt is nearsighted. He ... wear glasses ever since he was ten years old.

10. By the time this week is finished, I ... take eight examinations in five days. The life of a student isn't easy!

11. (You, not) ... return these books to the library today? Aren't they due?

12. If Jean stays in Brazil much longer, she ... teach English part-time so that she'll have enough to support herself. (She) ... apply for a special work visa? Or can she work part-time on a student visa?

13. Because it was Emily's birthday yesterday, she (not) ... do any of her regular chores, and her mother let her choose anything she wanted to eat for dinner.

VI. Use must not or do not have to in the following sentences.

1. I've already finished all my work, so I ... study tonight.

2. I ... forget to take my key with me. 3. You ... introduce me to Dr Gray. We've already met. 4. In order to be a good salesclerk, you ... be rude to a customer. 5. I ... go to the doctor. I'm feeling much better. 6. Johnny! You ... play with sharp knives. 7. We ... go to the concert if you don't want to, but it might be good. 8. This is an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime. We ... let it pass. We must act. 9. If you encounter a growling dog, you ... show any signs of fear, it is more likely to bite a person. 10. A person ... get married in order to lead a happy >.nd fulfilling life. 11. The soup is too hot. You ... eat it yet. Wait for it to

cool. 12. You ... have soup for lunch. You can have a sandwich if you like. 13. Liz finally got a car, so now she usually drives to work. She ... take the bus. 14. Tommy, you ... say that word. That's not a nice word. 15. Mr Morgan is very rich. He ... work for a living. 16. If you are in a canoe, you ... stand up and walk around. If you do, the canoe will probably turn over. 17. When the phone rings, you ... answer it. It's up to you. 18. When you have a new job, you ... be late the first day. In fact, it is a good idea to be a few minutes early. 19. A: You ... tell Jim about the surprise birthday party. Do you promise? B: I promise. 20. I... forget to set my alarm for 5.30. B: Why do you have to get up at 5.30? A: I'm going to meet Ron at 6:00. We're going fishing. 21. A: Listen to me carefully, Annie. If a stranger offers you a ride, you ... get in the car. Never get in a car with a stranger. Do you understand? B: Yes, Mom. 22. A: Do you have a stamp? B: Uh-huh. Here. A: Thanks. Now I ... go to the post office to buy stamps.

VII. Use must not or need not to fill the spaces in the following sentences.

1. You ... ring the bell; I have a key. 2. Notice in cinema: Exit doors ... be locked during performances. 3. You ... drink this: it is poison. 4. We ... drive fast; we have plenty of time. 5. You ... drive fast; there is a speed limit here. 6. Can­didates ... bring books into the examination room. 7. You ... write to him for he will be here tomorrow. 8. We ... make any noise or we'll wake the baby. 9. You ... bring an umbrella. It isn't going to rain. 10. You ... do all the exercise. Ten sentences will be enough. 11. We ... reheat the pie. We can eat it cold. 12. Mother to child: You ... tell lies. 13. You ... turn on the light; I can see quite well. 14. You ... strike a match; the room is full of gas. 15. You ... talk to other candidates during the exam. 16. We ... make any more sandwiches; we have plenty now. 17. You ... put salt in any of his dishes. Salt is very bad for him. 18. You ... take anything out of a shop without paying for it. 19. You ... carry that parcel home yourself; the shop will send it. 20. You ... clean

the windows. The window-cleaner is coming tomorrow. 21. Mo­ther to child: You ... play with matches. 22. Church notice: Visitors ... walk about the church during a service. 23. I ... go to the shops today. There is plenty of food in the house. 24. You ... smoke in a non-smoking compartment. 25. Police notice: Cars ... be parked here. 26. We ... open the lion's cage. It is contrary to Zoo regulations. 27. You ... make your bed. The maid will do it. 28. I want this letter typed but you ... do it today. Tomorrow will do. 29. I'll lend you the money and you ... pay me back till next month. 30. We ... climb any higher; we can see very well from here. 31. You ... ask a woman her age. It's not polite. 32. You've given me too much. — You ... eat it all. 33. We ... forget to shut the lift gates. 34. Mother to child: You ... interrupt when I am speaking. 35. If you want the time, pick up the receiver and dial 8081; you ... say anything.

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