Present Perfect and Past Simple

1. The Present Perfect always connects the past and the present; the Past Simple tells us only about the past:

a. We use the Present Perfect We use the Past Simple to talk

to talk about something which about something which started

started in the past and and finished in the past, continues up to the present.

I've lived in London for I lived in Manchester for ten

ten years. (=1 still live years. (=1 do not live in Manchester

in London now.) now.)

He has worked in a shop for He worked in a factory for ten

five years. (=He still years. (= He does not work in

works in the shop now.) the factory now.)

How long have you been How long were you there? (=

here? (=You are still here now.) You are not there now.')

• b. We also use the Present We use the Past Simple when

Perfect when the result of a the result of a past action is

past action is connected to not connected to the present, the present.

I've lost my wallet. (= I have I lost my wallet, but I've got

not got the wallet now.) it back again now.

We often use the Present Perfect We use the past to give

to announce "news". details of the news.

Someone has stolen my motorbike. I left the bike outside for

a few minutes and when I came back, it wasn't there.

2. When we say a definite past time eg yesterday, last week, six weeks ago, we always use the Past Simple, never the Present Perfect.

I lost my wallet yesterday, (not: I've lost my wallet


Someone stole my bicycle last week, (not: Someone has

We use the Present Perfect to talk about an indefinite time up to the present eg ever, never, recently. Compare:

Present Perfect Past Simple

Have you ever seen a ghost? Did you see your friend yesterday?

I've never been to New York. I went to London last week.

I've started taking driving I started taking driving lessons lessons recently. six weeks ago.

In conversations, we often begin indefinitely, with the Present Perfect, then we use the Past Simple when we think about the definite time that something happened.

"Have you ever been to the United States?" "Yes, I went

there in 1985." "Did you go to New York (= when you

were there in 1985)?"

I've seen that film. I enjoyed it (= when I saw it) very


3. We can use today, this morning, this afternoon, etc:

with the Present Perfect when with the past when these

these periods of time are not finished. periods of time are finished. I've spoken to Peter this morning. I spoke to Peter this morning.

(It is still morning.) (It is now afternoon, evening,

or night time.)

4. We normally use a past tense, not the Present Perfect, to ask when something happened.

When did you arrive home last night? (not: When have

you arrived home last night

Present perfect and present tense

To say how long something has continued, we can use the Present Perfect, but not the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

She has been waiting for an hour, (not: She is waiting for 60

an hour.) I've lived here since last year, (not: I live here since last year.)

Self check

I. Choose the correct form.

A. Lynne Carter, the manager of the Timeways Travel company, is interviewing a young man called Paul Morris for a job.

Lynne: Your present company is Sun Travel, isn't it? How long have you worked/did you work there?

Paul: I've worked/I worked for them for two years.

Lynne: I see. And what were you doing before that?

Paul: I've worked/I worked for a student travel company in Spain.

Lynne: Oh, really? How long have you been/were you in Spain?

Paul: For nearly a year. I've moved/I moved back to Lon­don from Spain two years ago to join Sun Travel.

Lynne: I see. And do you drive, Paul?

Paul: Yes, I do. I've had/I had a driving license for five years.

Lynne: And have you got your own car?

Paul: No, not at the moment. I've had/I had a car in Spain, but I've sold/ I sold it before I've come/I came back to Britain.

B. 1. We've been working/We're working since 9 o'clock. 2. I've been cleaning/I'm cleaning my flat for the past two hours. 3. Look. Can you see Simon over there? He's been sitting/He's sitting in the corner. 4. "How long have you been/are you ill?" "Since yesterday." 5. Have you known Sarah/Do you know Sarah for very long? 6. I've been learning English/I'm learning English since last year. 7. They've lived/They live in London now. They've been/They're there for the last six months.

C. 1. "Can I have a look at your newspaper?" "Certainly. You can keep it if you like. I've been reading/I've read it." 2. They've been repairing/They've repaired the road all this week, but they haven't finished it yet. 3. I'm very sorry, but I've been breaking/

I've broken this chair. 4. Sally has been saving/has saved nearly two thousand pounds so far this year. 5. What's the matter? Have you been losing/Have you lost something? 6. I've always been working/I've always worked in the music industry. 7. Someone has been eating/has eaten my chocolates. There aren't many left.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Simple Past.

1.1 (buy) a new house last year, but I (not sell) my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. 2. When Ann (be) on her way to the station it (begin) to rain. Ann (run) back to her flat for her umbrella, but this (make) her late for her train. 3. I'm sorry I'm late, (you, wait) long? 4. At 7 a.m. Charles (ring) Peter and (say), "I'm going fishing, Peter. Would you like to come?" "But it's so early," (say) Peter. "I (not have) breakfast yet. Why you (not tell) me last night?" 5. Tom (meet) Paul at lunch time and (say), "I (not see) you at the bus stop this morning. You (miss) the bus?" "I (not miss) it," (reply) Paul. "I (not miss) a bus for years. But this morning George (give) me a lift." 6. Those two men (stand) outside the house for over two hours. Do you think we should call the police? 7. Ann (go) to Canada six months ago. She (work) in Canada for a while and then (go) to the United States. 8. You look tired. I think you (work) too hard lately and you (not/get) enough fresh air and exercise. 9. Peter (try) to come in quietly but his mother (hear) him and (call) out, "Where you (be)? Your supper (be) in the oven for an hour." 10. "Annie's clothes are very dirty. What (she/do)?" "She (play) in the garden." 11. Mary (be) in Japan for two years. She is working there and likes it very much. — How she (go)? — She (go) by air. 12. Bill usually has breakfast at 8.00. Yesterday at 8.30 Peter (meet) Bill and (offer) him an apple. "No, thanks," (say) Bill. "I just (have) breakfast." 13.1 (read) his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them very much. 14. The clock is slow. — It isn't slow, it (stop). 15. He (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up. 16. The actors (arrive) yesterday and (start) rehearsals early this morning. 17. It (be) cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer. 18. You (lock) the door before you (leave) the house9 19. You (wear) your hair long when you were at school? — Yes, my mother (insist) on it. But when I (leave) school I (cut) my hair

and (wear) it short ever since. 20. Sally and her boyfriend Peter (go out) together since last winter. 21. The concert (begin) at 2.30 and (last) for two hours. Everyone (enjoy) it very much. 22. We (miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk. 23. He (break) his leg in a skiing accident last year. 24. Mr Count (work) as a cashier for twenty-five years. Then he (retire) and (go) to live in the country. 25. You (be) here before? — Yes, I (spend) my holidays here last year. — You (have) a good time? — No, it never (stop) raining. 26. Where is Tom? — I (not see) him today, but he (tell) Mary that he'd be in for dinner. 27. Where you (find) this knife? — I (find) it in the garden. — Why you (not leave) it there? 28.1 (lose) my black gloves. You (see) them anywhere? — I'm afraid I.... When you last (wear) them? — I (wear) them at the theatre. — Perhaps you (leave) them at the theatre. 29. He (leave) the house at 8.00. — Where he (go)? — I (not see) where he (go). 30. Why you (not bring) me the letters for signature? You (not type) them yet? 31. Tom: You (sunbathe)? Mary: Don't be ridiculous! It (rain) all day. 32. You (finish) checking the accounts? — No, not quite. I (do) about half so far. 33. How you (get) that scar? — I (get) it in a car accident a year ago. 34. I (make) cakes. That is why my hands are all covered with flour. 35.1 (not know) that you (know) Mrs Pitt. How long you (know) her? — I (know) her for ten years. 36. You (hear) his speech on the radio last night? — Yes, I... — What you (think) of it? 37.1 (not know) that you (be) here. You (be) here long? — Yes, I (be) here two months. — You (be) to the Cathedral? — Yes, I (go) there last Sunday. 38. You ever (try) to give up smoking? — Yes, I (try) last year, but then I (find) that I was getting fat so I (start) again. 39. Peter: You (telephone) for ages. You not nearly (finish)? Jack: I (not get) through yet. I (try) to get our Paris office but the line (be) engaged all morning. 40. You (see) today's paper? — No, anything interesting (happen)? — Yes, two convicted murderers (escape) from the prison down the road. 41. Mary (feed) the cat? — Yes, she (feed) him before lunch. — What she (give) him? — She (give) him some fish. 42. How long you (know) your new assistant? — I (know) him for two years. — What he (do) before he (come) here? — I think he (be) in prison. 43. Arm (fail) her driving test three times because she's so bad at reversing. But she (practise) reversing for the last week and I think she (get) a bit better at it. 44.1 (not see) your aunt recently. — No. She (not

be) out of her house since she (buy) her colour TV. 45. How long that horrible monument (be) there? — It (be) there six months. Lots of people (write) to the Town Council asking them to take it away but so far nothing (be) done. 46. Tom is convinced that there is gold in these hills but we (search) for six months and (not see) any sign of it. 47. How long you (be) out of work? — I'm not out of work now. I just (start) a new job. — How you (find) the job? — I (answer) an advertisement in the paper. 48. Peter (be) a junior clerk for three years, lately he (look) for a better post but so far he (not find) anything. 49. He (lose) his job last month and since then he (be) out of work. — Why he (lose) his job? — He (be) rude to Mr Pitt. 50. Her phone (ring) for ten minutes. I wonder why she doesn't answer it. 51.1 just (be) to the film "War and Peace". You (see) it? — No, I.... Is it like the book? — I (not read) the book. — I (read) it when I (be) at school. — When Tolstoy (write) it? — He (write) it in 1868. — He (write) anything else? 52. I (bathe). That's why my hair is wet. 53. You (book) your hotel room yet? — Well, I ( write) to the hotel last week but they (not answer) yet. 54. Mary (cry)? — No, she (not cry), she (peel) onions. 55. He walked very unsteadily up the stairs and his wife said, "You (drink)!" 56. Peter: You (see) any good films lately? Ann: Yes, I (go) to the National Film Theatre last week and (see) a Japanese film. Peter: You (like) it? — Ann: Yes, I (love) it, but of course I (not understand) a word. 57. Father: Tom (not come) back yet? Mother: Yes, he (come) in an hour ago. He (go) straight to bed. Father: Funny. I (not hear) him. 58. You (be) to Cornwall? —Yes, I (be) there last Easter. — You (go) by train? — No, I (hitch-hike). 59. When 1 (be) seventeen I (start) my university course. — When you (get) your degree? — Oh, 1 (not get) my degree yet; I'm still at the university. I only (be) there for two years. 60. You look exhaus­ted! — Yes, I (play) tennis and I (not play) for years, so I'm not used to it. 61. The man (stand) at the bus stop for half an hour Shall I tell him that the last bus already (go)? 62. I wonder if anything (happen) to Tom. I (wait) an hour now. He often (keep! me waiting but he never (be) quite so late as this. 63. I hope you're enjoying your visit to England. You (meet) an\ Englishmen yet? — Yes, I (meet) a man called Smith at a party last night. — What you (talk) about? — We (talk) about tht weather.

64. Ann: Hello, Jack! I (not see) you for ages! Where you (be)? Jack: I (be) in Switzerland. I (mean) to send you a postcard

but I (not have) your address with me. Ann: Never mind. You (have) a good time in Switzerland?

How long you (stay) there? Jack: I just (get) back. Yes, I (enjoy) it thoroughly. I (ski)

all day and (dance) all night. Ann: I (ski) when I (be) at the university, but I (break) a

leg five years ago and since then I (not do) any.

65. Kate: You (be) to Hampton Court?

Jane: Yes, I (go) there last week. The tulips (be) wonderful. Kate: You (go) by car?

Jane: No, I (go) with my English class. We (hire) a coach. Kate: Where else you (be) since you (come) to England? Jane: Oh, I (be) to Stratford and Coventry and Oxford. Kate: You (see) a lot. When you (go) to Stratford? Jane: I (go) last week. The people I work for (take) me. Kate: You (see) a play at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre

when you (be) at Stratford? Jane: Yes, we (see) Macbeth. We were very lucky. We just

(walk) in and (ask) if they (have) any returned tickets,

and the girl at the box office (say), "Yes, a man just

(return) three stalls." Kate: You (be) to Wales? Jane: No, I (be) to Scotland but I (not be) to Wales. I'd like

to go.

66. There (be) a very good programme on TV last night. You (see) it? — No, I (take) my set back to the shop last week because there (be) so much distortion; and they (say) it (need) a new part. They (not be able) to get the new part so far, so I (not watch) television for about ten days.

67. A: Do you do much travelling? B: Yes, I like to travel.

A: What countries (visit, you)? '

B: Well, I (be) in India, Turkey, Afganistan, and Nepal,

among others. A: I (be, never) in any of those countries. When (be,

you) in India? B: Two years ago. I (visit, also) many of the countries

in Central America. I (take) a tour of Central America

about six years ago. A: Which countries (visit, you)? B: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. A: I (want, always) to travel to other countries, but I (have not) the opportunity to travel extensively. I (go) to.England six years ago, but I (go not) anywhere since then. 68. Rachel: Hello, Bob.

Bob: Hello. I (not see) you for a long time. Rachel: I (see) you in town two or three weeks ago, but

you (not see) me. I (be) on a bus. Bob: Well, how are things? Are you still living over

the shop?

Rachel: No, I (move) now. I (find) a super flat just befo­re I went on holiday. I (be) there three months. Bob: (pass) your driving test yet? Rachel: Yes, I have. I (pass) in October. I (not buy) a car yet, though. But what about you, Bob? ... anything exciting (happen) to you lately? Bob: No, not really. My mother (not be) very well

for a few months now. Rachel: Oh, dear. I'm sorry to hear that. Bob: And my brother's out of work. Rachel: ... he (leave) school in the summer, then? Bob: Yes. He (not do) very well in his exams and he

(not find) a job yet.

Rachel: Are you still working at Scott's? Bob: Yes. They ... just (give) me a pay rise. Rachel: Well, that's one piece of good news. 69. Jill phones Pam at the office.

Jill: How long you (work) for Barnett & Company? Pam: For three weeks, since the beginning of August.

Jeff (know) Graham Barnett since their college


Jill: Do you like the work? Pam: Yes, but it's very hectic here. I (type) letters —

three hours and I (not finish) yet. I (not have) a

cup of tea since breakfast at 7, and I (not smoke) a

cigarette since after breakfast.

Jill: Cigarettes? But you don't smoke! (you, start) smo­king again?

Pam : Yes, unfortunately. Jill: And how long you (smoke) again? Pam: For three weeks, since I (start) work in this hectic


70. Carol: Do you want a magazine? Tom: No thanks I (read) them all. Carol: Oh, how long (you/wait)? Tom: I feel as if I (wait) for hours but I suppose I (only/

be) here for fifteen minutes. Carol: What time is your appointment? Tom: I (not/make) an appointment. I (just/drop in)

on the off-chance of seeing someone. Carol: Have you got bad toothache then? Tom: Yes, it (give) me trouble for over a week now. Carol: (you/be) to the dentist before? Tom: No, it's the first time I (ever/be) here. Carol: Well, I (come) here for about five years. They're

very good.

Tom: (you/just/come in) for a check-up? Carol: No, I (lose) a filling so it needs replacing. Woman: Mr Hill, the dentist will see you now. (you/fill in)

the card yet?

Tom: Yes, I (already/give) it to the receptionist. Woman:Thank you. Perhaps you could go to Surgery 2.

Mr Sharp is ready for you. Carol: Good luck.

71. Ann Jones is one of the most interesting people I (meet): she is only twenty-five, but she (travel) to over fifty different countries. Five years ago, she (be) a typist in Birmingham, but she (decide) to give up her job and see the world. Since then her life (change) completely

The first time she (go) abroad was seven years ago, when she (be) just eighteen. She (take) a boat to France and then (hitch­hike) around Europe for five weeks. She (visit) Europe many times since that first trip, of course, but this holiday (be) the one which (make) her start travelling. She (never forget) the excitement of those five w ^eks — although it was not all enjoyable. When she (be) in Munich, somebody (steal) her purse;

she (lose) all her money, and (have) to work in a restaurant for a fortnight. She (make) some good friends there, however, and (return) several times since then.

How did she find the money for her travels? After her first trip abroad, she (go) home and (work) for two years, saving all the time. Now she travels continually, finding work when her money gets low. She (make) a lot of friends, she says, and (learn) quite a few languages. Although she (have) occasional difficulties and (often/be) sick, she (never/think) about giving up her travels. "The first time I (go) abroad (change) my life," she says, "and I (want) to travel ever since."

III. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Тебе не придется идти в кассу. Я уже заказал билеты по телефону. 2. Где ваш брат? Я давно не вижу его. — Он сей­час живет во Франции. Они эмигрировали три года назад. 3. Я давно видела эту пьесу. Я уже забыла ее. 4. Ты уже перевел текст? — Нет еще. В нем слишком много незнакомых слов. 5. Вы хорошо знаете город. Как долго вы живете в Лондо­не? — С 1985 года. 6. Могу я поговорить с мистером Сми­том? — Он только что вышел. 7. Я звоню ей с трех часов, но ее нет дома. 8. Я никогда не бьш в Риме и с нетерпением жду поездки туда в мае. 9. Почему вы пропустили занятия по английскому языку в четверг? — Я уезжал в командировку. 10. Поезд из Варшавы уже пришел? — Нет, он прибывает через полчаса. 11. Сколько лет ты уже живешь в общежи­тии? — Два года. 12. Целый вечер моя жена пишет письма. Она написала уже пять писем. 13. Вы когда-либо бывали в Вашингтоне? — Да, я ездил в Вашингтон пять лет назад. Там проходила конференция по правам человека, и я делал док­лад. 14. Где Анна? — Она вышла погулять час назад и еще не вернулась. 15. В библиотеке было много народу, и я ре­шил пойти туда вечером. 16. Она выглядит очень усталой. — Ничего удивительного. Последнее время она очень много ра­ботает. 17. Я хотел посмотреть этот фильм на прошлой неде­ле, но смог посмотреть его юлько вчера. 18. Как долго ты здесь находишься? — С пяти часов. 19. Я не вижу Лену по­следнее время. — Я тоже. 20. Что ты читаешь? — "Унесен­ные ветром." Это очень интересная книга. Ты читал ее? —

Нет еще. 21. Где Николай? Я жду его уже целый час. — Я видел его в библиотеке минут десять назад. 22. Мы не виде­лись с Виктором с тех пор, как были в театре в последний раз. 23. Когда дети вернулись из школы? — Часа три назад. — Они уже сделали уроки? — Нет еще. Сейчас они отдыхают. 24. Я потерял ключи. Вы их не видели? — Посмотрите на том письменном столе. Там лежат два ключа. Возможно, они ваши. 25. Пойдем погуляем. — К сожалению, не могу. Я еще не написал сочинение. 26. Нина чем-то огорчена.—Да, она гото­вилась к экзамену целую неделю, но получила тройку. 27. Где ты был вчера вечером? — Я ходил навестить своего друга. Он уже две недели болеет. 28. Раз или два раза в месяц я полу­чаю письма от родителей. Но в прошлом месяце я не полу­чал письма от них и очень волнуюсь. 29. Мы уезжаем рано утром. Я заказал такси, чтобы не опоздать на поезд. 30. Наконец, я нашел справочник. Я искал его везде. 31. Ты уже уложила вещи? Мы выезжаем через час. 32. Мы выполняем лабора­торную работу уже полчаса. Некоторые студенты уже за­кончили ее. 33. Вы уже переехали на новую квартиру? — Нет, мы переезжаем на следующей неделе. 34. Кого ты ждешь? —Марию. — Ты давно здесь стоишь? — Около два­дцати минут. 35. Пока мисс Грин печатала письмо, мистер Уэст просматривал документы. 36. Когда ты уезжаешь в Рим? — Через неделю. Я уже заказал билет на 15 мая. 37. Я никогда не был в Китае, но я был в Японии. В прошлом году я ездил туда в командировку. 38. Я печатаю документы уже час, но еще не закончила печатать их. 39. Вы давно живете в Минске? — Нет, мы переехали в Минск два года назад. 40. Что ты делаешь? — Выполняю домашнее задание. 41. Когда они вернулись из Москвы? — Вчера вечером. — Они принимали участие в выставке, не так ли? — Да, и выставка им очень понравилась. 42. Вы бывали здесь раньше? — Да, я провел здесь свой отпуск в прошлом году. — Вы хорошо провели время? — Да, погода была хорошая, было весело. 43. Изви­ни, что я опоздал. Ты давно ждешь? 44. Виктора сегодня нет на работе. Он уже две недели болеет. 45. Ты не знаешь, они Уже заказали номер в гостинице? — Думаю, что да. 46. Что ты делала все утро? — Работала в саду. Я только что при-Шла. 47. Ты видел сегодня Роберта? — Да, он недавно при-Ходил сюда и вскоре ушел. 48. Ты купил продукты, о кото-

рых я просила? — Да, я ходил за покупками после обеда. 49. Экзаменаторы уже пришли; три студента уже готовятся отвечать. 50. Я никогда не забуду вашу добро гу. Вы всегда были так внимательны ко мне. 51 Я знаю его много лет, он всегда был мне хорошим другом. 52. Где вы купили этот чудесный ковер? — Он у меня с тех пор, как я переехал на эту квартиру. Я купил его три года назад в Центральном универмаге.

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