Introduce Yourself and Set the Theme

Introduce Yourself and Set the Theme - At the beginning of the presentation, it's important to introduce yourself, giving your full name, position and company you represent. Some people also include their contact information on the first slide. That's in case you want someone from the audience to contact you after your presentation. After the introduction, don't forget to state the topic of your presentation.

Useful phrases in English:

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming…"
"The topic of today's meeting is…"
"Let's get the ball rolling"
"Shall we get started?"

Provide an Outline or Agenda of Your Presentation

Introduce Yourself and Set the Theme - Providing an outline of the presentation is a must, as people want to know why they should listen to you. That's why the opening part is very important. It should be cheerful, interesting and catchy. You should know it by heart, so you don't lose track of your thoughts even if you are nervous.

Useful phrases in English:

"I'd like to give you a brief outline of my presentation…"
"Here is the agenda of the meeting…"
"My presentation consists of the following parts…"
"The presentation is divided into four main sections…"

Explain When the Listeners Can Ask Questions

A Question & Answer period (Q&A) usually takes place at the end of the presentation, so you have enough time to deliver the main message of your speech without being interrupted by multiple questions. If you want the audience to ask questions during or after the presentation, say so.

Useful phrases in English:

"There will be a Q&A session after the presentation"
"Please feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions"
"I will be happy to answer your questions at any time during the presentation"

Make a Clear Transition in Between the Parts of the Presentation

Introduce Yourself and Set the Theme - Using transition words and phrases in English makes your presentation look smooth and easy to follow.

Useful phrases in English:

"I'd like to move on to another part of the presentation…"
"Now I'd like to look at…"
"For instance…"
"In addition…"
"This leads me to the next point…"

Wow Your Audience

Introduce Yourself and Set the Theme - If you are not excited by your presentation, your audience will not be excited either. When presenting, you should plan to wow your audience. Use adjectives and descriptive words as they will help to attract the audience's attention and make your speech more vivid and memorable.

Useful phrases in English:

"The product I present is extraordinary."
"It's a really cool device"
"This video is awesome"
"This is an outstanding example"

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