Key words on the topic: read, translate, train the pronunciation, memorize. Behavior, hypnosis, clinical technique, associate professor, neurology, Freidian psychiatry, psychoanalysis

behavior, hypnosis, clinical technique, associate professor, neurology, Freidian psychiatry, psychoanalysis, defense mechanisms, unconscious, the development of the personality, impulse(id), self-esteem, superego, capacities, identification.

2. Read the text:

“The ego is not master in its own house”

Key words on the topic: read, translate, train the pronunciation, memorize. Behavior, hypnosis, clinical technique, associate professor, neurology, Freidian psychiatry, psychoanalysis -

Born 6 May 1856 in the Moravian town of Austrian Empire, which is now part of the Czech Republic

Died 23 September 1939 (aged 83) London, England, UK

Residence Austria, UK

Nationality Austrian

Ethnicity Ashkenazi Jew

Fields Neurology, Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Literature

Institutions University of Vienna

Known for Psychoanalysis

Notable awards Goethe Prize

Sigmund Freud was one of the trailblazers of modern-day psychology. As the originator of Psychoanalysis, Freud distinguished himself as an intellectual giant. He pioneered new techniques for understanding human behavior, and his efforts resulted in the most comprehensive theory of personality and psychotherapy ever developed. Freud was the firstborn in a Viennese family of three boys and five girls. He was born in Freiberg, a rural town in northwestern Moravia. Even though Freud's family had limited finances and were forced to live in a crowded apartment, his parents made every effort to foster his obvious intellectual capacities.

From a very early age he had many interests, unfortunately his career choices were limited because of his Jewish heritage. He attended school and took his leaving exam in July 1873. This was also the year that Freud registered at the faculty of Medicine at the University of Vienna. In 1881 he obtained his doctorate in medicine. From 1876 to 1882 he worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Physiology, with neurology as his main focus. In 1885 Freud received a One-year scholarship in Paris. In 1886 Freud opened his first neurologist's office in Vienna. Freud practiced and observed hypnosis as a clinical technique, and began to formulate the beginnings of his theory on the mind.

Freud went on to make nervous ailments his speciality, concentrating on hysteria. By 1895, the year he published Studies on Hysteria, he had made significant progress in mapping out and defining his own theory of the mind. A period of intense work and self-analysis, further inspired by the death of his father, led Freud to his publication of The Interpretation of Dreams in 1900 and Psychopathology of Everyday Life in 1901. The latter work, offering amusing and easily applicable anecdotes of Freudian slips, found a wide audience for his theories of the mind. By 1902 he finally gained the position of associate professor at the University of Vienna. In 1908 Freud established a Psychoanalytic society in Vienna, and thus his new field began to gain wider acceptance. Also in this period Freud published papers on religion, literature and more importantly his introductory lectures, which secured him a wide and popular audience. In 1920, inspired by the death of his daughter Sophie, Beyond the Pleasure Principle was published. Soon after in 1923 The Ego and the Id were published. This work contained a final formulation of his structural theory of the mind. In late 1923 Freud suffered from cancer and had surgery. However he continued to publish his work and in 1927 he published a series of papers on female sexuality.

Freud died in 1939. Today he falls under criticism from most sides, as his speculative theories fail to find support. However, Freud's work presented a new way of thinking about human nature, and his legacy lives on in the vocabulary and beliefs of millions.

Sigmund Freud is the father of Psychoanalysis. Freudian psychology maintains that each individual experiences painful inner conflicts between impulses (id) and internalized ideals (superego) that the conscious self (ego) tries to keep out of awareness by using defense mechanisms that distort reality. He continued to modify his theory over a period of nearly half a century. Psychoanalysis focuses on the unconscious aspects of personality.

According to Freud the human mind is like an iceberg. It is mostly hidden in the unconscious. He believed that the conscious level of the mind was similar to the tip of the iceberg which could be seen, but the unconscious was mysterious and was hidden. The unconscious also consists of aspects of personality of which a person is unaware. The conscious on the other hand is that which is within our awareness. The preconscious consists of that which is not in immediate awareness but is easily accessible.

In 1923 Freud described his constructs of the id, ego and the superego. The id is the most primitive part of our personality. It operates according to the pleasure principle and it simply seeks immediate gratification. Freud believed that every human had a life and death instinct. The life instinct is called eros while the death instinct is called thanatos. Both are integral parts of the id. And the energy for this mechanism is libido, a flowing, dynamic force.

The ego is different from the id as it is extremely objective. It operates according to the "reality principle" and deals with the demands of the environment. It regulates the flow of libido and keeps the id in check, thus acting as a "control center" of the personality. It is the superego which represents the values and standards of an individual's personality. It acts as an internal judge, it punishes the ego with feelings of guilt or it rewards, which lead to feelings of pride and heightened self esteem.

The superego is a characteristic of the personality which strives for perfection. According to Freud, the disparity and development of the id, ego and the superego, determines an individual’s behavior in a given situation, which in turn results in the development of the personality.

Freud placed great importance on the early years of a child as he believed that what we are as adults is determined by childhood experiences. Freud called these early years of development the psychosexual years of development. These early years proceed through a number of stages. Each child undergoes the different stages. These stages are the oral stage (first year of life), the anal stage (second year), phallic stage (third through fifth year), a period of latency (from 6 to 12), and the genital stage (after puberty). Freud believed that as every child passes through these stages there might be a likely possibility that a child may spend more time in a particular stage then they ought to. This condition can lead to a fixation or an incomplete development of the personality. A critical event during the first five years of life is the experience of Oedipus and Electra conflicts. Freud believed that both sexes encounter and must deal with these turmoils, which result from boys developing sexual attraction toward their mothers, and girls developing sexual attraction towards their fathers. A boy may have feelings of jealousy towards his father as he is an obstacle between him and his mother. And, they fear retaliation by their fathers if they are caught (fear of castration). Since the boy loves his father, these feelings are repressed and he begins to identify with the father, adopting his values. Similarly girls develop hostility towards their mothers, unconsciously blaming their mothers for not being equal with boys. They assume that something is missing and feels inadequate (penis envy).

Another major aspect of psychoanalysis is the development of defense mechanisms. According to the theory defense mechanisms are used by the ego to protect the person from anxiety. Repression is when information is pushed down into the unconscious. This information is either unpleasant or undesirable and may cause anxiety. Very often this information is pushed so deep down into the unconscious that is hard to retrieve. Reaction formation is when due to anxiety feelings are replaced by the extreme opposite. For instance a person feeling hate will be replaced by love. Undoing is when the ego completely changes actions which lead to feelings of anxiety. In this mechanism the truth may be drastically distorted. Projection is when an individual tends to assign one's own shortcomings on to someone else. Rationalization is when an irrational act is made to appear rational. Denial occurs in cases where the ego is threatened and a person refuses to acknowledge the reality or seriousness of the situation. Identification involves empathizing with the qualities or characteristics of another favorable person. Fixation and Regression are related mechanisms which occur during psychosexual development.

Such Freudian emphases as childhood attachments, intrapsychic conflict, and unconscious processes continue to be important in psychology. Psychoanalysis is also a therapy. It is based on the observation that individuals are often unaware of many of the factors that determine their emotions and behavior. It helps the patient gain insight into unconscious conflicts. Psychoanalytic treatment demonstrates how these unconscious factors affect current relationships and patterns of behavior, traces them back to their historical origins, shows how they have changed, and helps individuals to deal better with the realities of adult life.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What was the background of the invention of Freud’s theory of the mind?

2. What are the major works of S. Freud?

3. What is the human mind like according to Freud?

4. How does the id operate?

5. What are the functions of the ego?

6. What are the features of the superego?

7. Why did Freud place great importance on the early years of a child?

8. What are the psychosexual years of development?

9. How can you describe the theory defense mechanisms?

10. Why is Psychoanalysis believed to be a therapy?

4. Match the following English words and expressions with their Russian equivalents:

1) trailblazer a) беспокойство

2) originator b) нервные


3) heritage c) первопроходец

4) nervous ailments d) сочувствие

5) heightened self esteem e­) наследие

6) turmoil f) недостатки

7) anxiety g) создатель

8) shortcomings h) модель


9) empathizing i) расстройство

10) pattern of behavior j) завышенная


5. Mark these statements TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):

1. Sigmund Freud was the originator of Psychotherapy.

2. His career choices weren’t limited because of his heritage.

3. When he worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Physiology, his main focus was neurosurgery.

4. Psychoanalysis focuses on the unconscious aspects of personality.

5. The unconscious is that which is within our awareness.

6. The id is the most primitive part of our personality.

7. The disparity and development of the id and the superego, determines an individual’s behavior in a given situation, which in turn results in the development of the personality.

8. The theory defense mechanisms are used by the ego to protect the person from anxiety.

9. Psychoanalysis is a therapy.

10. Psychoanalytic treatment demonstrates how the unconscious factors affect current relationships and patterns of behavior.


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