Exercise 6. Answer the questions. 1) What are the principal parts of the human body?

1) What are the principal parts of the human body?

2) Where is the brain located?

3) What is the organ of sight?

4) What do ears serve as?

5) What is the organ of taste?

6) What is the function of the nose?

7) What parts does the trunk consist of?

8) What organs are there in the abdomen?

9) Where is the heart located?

10) What parts does the arm consist of?

11) What are the parts of the leg?

Exercise 7. Find the pairs of words with the opposite meaning.

upper wide
narrow long
weak soft
short lower
apart strong
hard sick
healthy together

Exercise 8. Add one letter to the beginning and the end of each word below to make a part

Of the body

1) …ris…

2) …hee…

3) …tomac…

4) …high…

5) …inge…

6) …ne…

7) …lbo…

8) …out…

9) …houlde…

10) …nkl…

11) …hum…

Exercise 9. Read the definitions below. What parts of the body do they describe?

1) … -any of the digits of the hand.

2) … - the joint between the thigh and the lower leg.

3) … - the part of the head between the natural hairline and the eyes.

4) … - the movable muscular organ in the mouth that is used for tasting and eating food and for speaking

5) … - an upper limb of the human body.

6) … - the part of an organism connecting the head with the rest of the body.

7) … - a pair of breathing organs in the chest.

8) … - the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen.

Exercise 10. Translate into English

Тулуб та кінцівки, орган зору, орган смаку, орган слуху, пальці рук та ніг, вміщувати мозок, язик і губи, грудна клітка, сечовий та жовчний міхур, печінка і селезінка, верхні та нижні кінцівки, стегно і коліно, підошва і п’ята, плече і лікоть, вкритий шкірою, щоки і підборіддя, серце і легені, з’єднаний за допомогою шиї, печінка і селезінка, захищати від пошкодження, зап’ястя і кисть руки

Exercise 11. Find out the wrong use of words, correct mistakes

1) The human body consists of the head, the trunk, the limbs, and the extremities.

2) Each foot has five fingers.

3) The hand consists of the upper arm, the elbow, the forearm, the wrist and the upper limb.

4) The liver and the gallbladder are located in the right part of the stomach.

5) The high part of the trunk is called the chest.

6) Humans have twenty fingers.

7) The mouth consists of 32 teeth.

Exercise 12. Put questions to the underlined words

1) The skeleton protects the organs from injury.

2) There are two kidneys in the human body.

3) Many ancient scientists studied the structure of the human body.

4) The lower part of the trunk is called abdomen.

5) The bones are covered with muscles.

6) The most sensitive finger on the human hand is the index finger.

7) The eyebrows are over our eyes.

8) Sigmund Freud studied the human brain disorders.

Exercise 13. Open the brackets. Translate.

1) She (to cut) her finger yesterday.

2) The elbow (to connect) the upper arm and the forearm.

3) When he (to be) 10 years old he (to jump) from the roof and (to break) his leg.

4) The heart (to include) in the chest.

5) In 1543, the book “On the Structure of the Human Body” (to write) by Andreas Vesalius, the famous anatomist.

6) The skull (to protect) the brain from injury.

7) The skin (to cover) the surface of the human body.

8) The eyelashes (to grow) along the edges of the eyelids.

*Exercise 14. Prepare a brief report on ‘Cat/dog anatomy’

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів

1) Перекладіть словосполучення на англійську мову і складіть з ними речення

Тулуб та кінцівки

Пальці рук і ніг

Грудна клітка і живіт

Рот і язик

Лоб і підборіддя

Вкритий шкірою

Плече і лікоть

Стегно і коліно

Захищати від пошкодження

2) Дайте відповідь на питання

1) What are the principal parts of the human body?

2) What is the organ of sight?

3) What organs are there in the abdomen?

4) What is the organ of taste?

5) What is the organ of hearing?

3) Опишіть терміни

Тіло людини




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