The market and investment process

The investment is a long-term investment of means English Investor-investor (material and intellectual values) in industrial, enterprise and other activity with the purpose of the organization of production, works and services and receptions of profit (income); capital investments in development of manufacture and non-productive activity.

Distinguish financial and real investments. To financial carry purchase of securities, actions, bonds, an investment of money for depositary accounts in banks under percent and so forth Real are an investment of money in expansion and development of manufacture, etc.

The enterprise to remain on плаву, in the modern world of a competition should enter in process of the opportunities innovations. To it compel its objective processes: obsolescence of technologies, the equipment, reduction of profit at the enterprise, increase of specific expenses for manufacture owing to a rise in prices on energo-, a manpower.


- Demand for let out production increases;

- Charges on a labour safety, improvement of professional skill of workers, etc. increase

- The competition to similar commodity producers, etc. becomes hardened

In such conditions stably working enterprise with a management, tries to bring improvement in the technological process.

First of all internal opportunities of the enterprise are considered:

- Ability to modernization of technological process;

- Introduction in manufacture of new technologies, materials, разумность invitations of new experts on these technologies.

Marketing opportunities are investigated, potential consumers and competitors on new products are defined. On the basis of it directions of technical development of new technological manufacture and sector of the market on which the enterprise is going to increase profit are defined, and, that will be innovative process.

At calculations of the general (absolute) efficiency of investments into capital investments on the enterprises, their divisions and separate objects use a parameter of profitability of capital investments. It estimate as the attitude of an annual gain of profit to the capital investments which have caused it. Thus profit define in view of established prices of realization of production (procurement prices):

Жп = 3 / Н,

Where: 3 - an annual gain of profit on the basis of use of capital investments; Н - the sum of capitals.

In some cases investments into capital investments direct to such branches and on such actions where at existing procurement prices of a facilities do not receive the net profit. In such conditions at definition of efficiency consider economy on decrease in the cost price of production as a result of application of capital investments:

Жс = The market and investment process -

Where: Ло and Л1 - the cost price of comparable volume of production before realization of capital investments.

In an estimation of efficiency of the investment of capital investments the great value has a time of recovery of outlay. It shows, for how many years the enclosed means due to annually received effect - a gain of the national income, a net production, profit or economy on the cost price of production pay off. A time of recovery of outlay define by division of the sum of capital investments into the annual sum of the effect received on the basis of use of these investment capital investments. For example, if a time of recovery of outlay (Cook) estimate on a gain of the net profit the formula of calculation looks so:

The cook = Н х СА

Where: Н - the sum of capitals;

СА - the sum of annual economic benefit.

Similar by define a time of recovery of outlay of capital investments and on other effects. The estimated parameters compare to normative times of recovery of outlay of capital investments.

For more detailed estimation of productivity of investment capital investments use also other, additional parameters. Among them - an output of gross output for 1000 tenges of investments, labour productivity, volume of specific capital investments. Specific capital investments (Сз) represent the size of capital expenses counting upon certain unit on 1 т production or for 1000 tenges of gross output, etc. In practice at realization of capital investments all these and other parameters are used in view of concrete conditions.

The investment policy should be directed on stimulation of capital investments and include all tools of tax and budgetary regulation, increase fund of the enterprise and the businessmen necessary for investment.

The main tendency of investment policy should be following: private capital investments should be fixed to the most profitable industries; state - goes to those branches which serve creation of favorable conditions for expansion of enterprise activity or which initial volume does not involve attention of private investors.

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