Concept of economic strategy

Economic strategy defines the general orientation of economic development of the enterprise to long term. It is subdivided on:

· The strategy of development counting on the investment and other receipts, precise legal and economic mechanisms focused on economic growth;

· The strategy of a survival providing preservation of the vital objects, the goods at crisis situations, reduction of unprofitable manufacture.

Any enterprise in aspiration of continuous growth of manufacture and duly selling of production with profit puts the strategic purposes which should promote the decision of the operative questions connected with a situation in the markets, in particular about supply by raw material, the staff and financial resources at which presence the enterprise can carry out effective manufacture and selling of the made goods.

Modern strategy is more elastic in planning long-term objectives.

Directors, businessmen usually put some strategic problems:

· To master manufacture of new production for any market;

· To make the goods or to render the services which earlier have been not stipulated at demand for them of buyers.

In all cases potential opportunities of the enterprise on achievement of the purpose are estimated. We shall take for an example strategy of pricing.

The method of " a throwing of arrows » is widely used. Its essence consists in "brainstorming" the several heads responsible for questions of pricing, for definition of the price for the concrete goods.

When the price policy is directed on penetration on the market, the method « high quality is used at the low prices », that demands constant decrease in costs to not admit decrease in a production efficiency.

Having developed the preferable price policy, it is necessary to pass to the complex analysis of the factors influencing a level of a sale price of the goods.

To provide selling production in conditions of the market, the manufacturer should estimate the goods not only proceeding from own interests, but also from positions of the consumer. In this connection it is meaningful to define borders of a variation of the price on which it would be favourable to manufacturer to realize, and to the consumer to get the given product. As the bottom limit of a sale price the price of manufacture, and as top - the result (effect) received in sphere of consumption can act.

One of the main axioms of pricing in conditions of the free sufficient market consists in the following: to reduce the price is much easier, to raise - much more difficultly. Orientation to the low prices, an output with them on the market are presumed to themselves only by those firms which are assured of the goods, in the prices, in financial well-being and in an opportunity of a gain enough the big share of the market since the low prices cause inevitable drop in prices in competitors.

Other prominent aspect of pricing - the account of consequences of reciprocal measures of competitors. The price is the powerful tool not only for capture of a share of the market, but also for returning lost before its share. Any actions (price and not price) can be eliminated action in the field of the prices at presence of such opportunity at competitors.

One of practical tools of forecasting of possible reciprocal actions of competitors is development of the script which assumes:

· Definition of the basic purposes of pricing;

· The state-of-the-art review of probable reciprocal actions of competitors at the similar price policy;

· Estimation of merits and demerits in parameters of the goods;

· Estimation of internal factors of activity of the enterprise (an opportunity of expansion of manufacture, introduction of new technologies, optimization of efficiency of expenses, etc.).

The leading tool for formation of own capital by external financing are ordinary actions or securities. They give their owners a number of the rights as the shareholder. To them concern:

· The right to a share in profit (at balance - from the general distribution);

· The right to a share from the liquidating sum.

If the enterprise with the purpose of a covering of the needs for own capital in the strategic purposes will organize investors by sale of actions or in addition plans under the credit financial assets the acted money will go on manufacture of the goods.

Strategy of decrease transaction costs.

Distinguish following economic forces of decrease in production costs:

· Increase of labour productivity by improvement of the organization of work;

· Perfection of existing structure of management of the enterprises;

· Change of the nomenclature of the let out production, corresponding demand of the market;

· Whenever possible introduction of new technological lines, technics for output.

All strategic plans should be supervised on performance in time and to achievement of objects in view. Despite of obstacles, losses in a way of their realization, they should be executed.

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