Remixing transfer vehicle
ROAD MACHINES and other products
More comfort, higher vibes
Bomag and Hypac have introduced new 66-inch and 78-inch tandem rollers that feature a redesigned operator's cockpit and a top vibration frequency of 4,000 vpm, up from 3,800 vpm. The 66-inch-wide Bomag BW266 and Hypac C766D have a maximum centrifugal force of 32,800 pounds, while the 78-inch BW278 and C778D develop up to 37,100 pounds of force.
The new cockpits have a sliding, swivel seat that allows the operator to work from either side of the machine without switching seats. Also featured are intuitive joystick controls, a mat temperature gauge, and an engine management system that matches engine speed to demand and automatically idles the engine during pauses and breaks.
tandem rollers | каток-тандем, двухвальцовый каток |
operator's cockpit | кабина оператора |
vibration frequency | частота вибрации |
vpm | виб/мин |
centrifugal force | центробежная сила |
swivel seat | вращающееся кресло |
joystick control | координатная ручка |
mat temperature gauge | указатель температуры коврика |
engine management system | система контроля работы двигателя |
idle | работать на холостом ходу или на малых оборотах |
Short-turn graders
Champion has given its single-rear-axle compact graders a re-engineered front axle that gives them the highest ground clearance and tightest turning radius in their class. The single-axle-drive C60 C and all-wheel-drive C66 C now have 50 degrees of steering angle left and right, giving them a turning radius of 17 feet, 6 inches with the frame fully articulated.
Also new: a 35% larger, wide-stance blade lift and a taller moldboard. The widened blade lift is said to improve operator control in feathering out the grade, while the taller moldboard minimizes spillover and improves performancewhen the blade is tilted forward for a clear view of the bottom edge.
rear axle | задний мост |
ground clearance | клиренс, расстояние от поверхности земли |
turning radius | радиус поворота |
single-axle-drive | одноосный привод |
all-wheel-drive | полноприводный |
steering angle | угол поворота управляемых колёс |
turning radius | радиус поворота |
articulated frame | шарнирно-сочленённая рама |
blade lift | подъём отвала |
moldboard | плужный отвал |
feather out | распылить |
grade | градиент, уклон, градус наклона, профиль, |
spillover | выход за заданные пределы |
performance | показатели работы, производительность, эксплуатационные качества |
tilted | наклонять(ся), устанавливать под углом |
bottom edge | нижняя кромка, нижняя бровка отвала |
Remixing transfer vehicle
Weiler has launched a new entry in the asphalt transfer vehicle market. The E1250 Remixing Transfer Vehicle features a 250-horsepower engine and hydrostatic drive. The company says it has a low center of gravity and tight turning radius. Drip out floors in the elevator, remix hopper, and conveyor speed maintenance and clean up. The remix hopper is designed to allow both side-to-side and top-to-bottom mixing.
launch | запускать в производство |
asphalt transfer vehicle | тележка для транспортировки асфальта |
feature | отличаться, иметь характерные черты |
250-horsepower engine | двигатель мощность 250 л.с. |
hydrostatic drive | гидростатический привод, гидрообъёмная передача |
gravity | сила тяжести |
elevator | цепной транспортёр |
remix hopper | бункерное загрузочное устройство, приёмная воронка, загрузочная воронка с бункером |
maintenance | техническое обслуживание и текущий ремонт |
clean up | очистка |
mixing | приготовление смеси, смешивание |