The taxation and distribution of incomes of the enterprise

The internal maintenance of taxes is embodied in their functions. As one of them admits fiscal, defined constant and uniform, in target dates, receipt in the budget of the tax payments allowing rationally to distribute means between budgets of various levels.

Adjusting and stimulating functions open essence of the tax as the tool used for realization of economic influence of the state on structure and dynamics of manufacture, for stimulation of investment and business activity, regulation of a supply and demand, motivation of work, maintenance of social guarantees.

Control function enables to keep account and supervise tax revenues, to compare their volume to needs of the budget for financial resources, to estimate weight of tax burden and efficiency of functioning of separate taxes and tax system as a whole. All these functions are interconnected and interdependent. The tax system reflects specificity of development of the state and should be based on the certain standard principles.

The principle of validity assumes generality of the taxation, and also uniform distribution of tax burden between objects of the taxation.

The principle of stability consists that the size, the way and time of payment should be precisely known to the tax bearer. It enables subjects of managing to plan the activity, to avoid the infringements connected with frequent changes of the tax laws. They should react to changes of an economic situation, need of the budget for additional receipts operatively. Therefore the principle of stability assumes an optimum combination to principles of mobility and sufficiency.

Principle of economy - necessity of reduction of costs on collection of taxes and rationalization of tax system; it is considered in two aspects: from the point of view of efficiency of collection of debts, i.e. minimization of expenses for gathering, achievement of timeliness and completeness of their payment; from a position of an estimation of stability of performance of adjusting function in which it has been incorporated at creation.

In parallel with these principles there is a principle of the flexibility, capable to react to changes in a tax policy. For it privileges by means of which conditions for successful conducting manufacture are created are characteristic.

However most full economic maintenance of taxes and their influence on a social production is reflected in their division on direct and indirect. Proceeding from character of action, as straight lines consider those taxes, an occasion for which taxation is possession (on the income, resources, property). And indirect taxes - following from economic certificates (the VAT, excises, duties). Direct taxes are characterized by that their size directly depends on size of incomes, property which the legal person owns.

Indirect taxes assess consumption, they influence incomes of the consumer through its expenses as are established in the prices for the goods, works and services.

Obligatory components of this system are: subjects and objects of the taxation, tax rates, sources of payment of taxes. It should be under construction on the certain principles, to correspond to requirements and opportunities of a national economy and its tax bearers.

The tax mechanism consists of the order of calculation of taxes, its payment, provides privileges and sanctions to separate categories of tax bearers.

Decrease in the tax rate creates stimulus for economic activity that promotes during the certain period of time to expansion of taxable base and reduction of motivation for evasion from payment of taxes.

There are following kinds of taxes:

1. Surtax from physical and legal persons.

2. The value-added tax.

3. Excises.

4. Gathering for registration of issue of securities.

5. Special payments and taxes (bonuses, royalty, taxes to super profit).

6. The social tax.

7. Gathering for travel of vehicles.

8. The ground tax.

9. The tax to property from physical and legal persons.

10. The tax to vehicles.

11. The uniform ground tax.

12. Gathering on registration of the physical and legal persons, engaged enterprise activity.

13. Leasing gathering for the right of employment by separate kinds of activity.

14. Gathering of auction sales.

Profitableness of business of the enterprise is considered, how ability to receive the income of the activity and is defined:

· Parity of the net profit and total amount of sales in cost in natural calculation;

· Parity of the net profit and own capital;

· Parity of the gross revenue and cumulative costs.

For any enterprise acceleration оборачиваемости means is extremely important. It is defined as a difference between reception of cashes and the spent sums. Ways of increase of a level of profitability and use of internal reserves of the enterprise.

In conditions of the market interest in movement of the capital, instead of profit has raised. In planning the capital it is important to accelerate gathering дебиторской debts. To define, whether during enough short time the enterprise collects the means at debtors, it is necessary to know term of the collection. With this purpose in the beginning define the average sum of sales on credit daily:

Срс = Сгтг/365дней,

Where: Срс - the average sum of sales on credit, in tenge;

Сг - the annual sum of sales, of tenge.

Then define average term of the collection in days:

N =.36/Срс

Where: 36 - a total sum.

The important feature of an estimation of results of financial activity is that it is carried out from a position of interests of separate social groups of participants of manufacture (proprietors, heads, creditors, the personnel, trade unions, a society as a whole).

Interests of heads or managers lay in two main planes:

· Estimations of efficiency and profitableness of industrial activity;

· Estimations of efficiency of use of resources.

The estimation of efficiency of industrial activity is based on the analysis « the report on profits and losses ». With this purpose « the vertical analysis » which sense consists in calculation of a percentage parity between clauses of expenses and total proceeds (taxes from sales, discounts, etc.) is made. Various variants of parities of expenses and the gross revenue allow to judge a degree of efficiency of industrial activity under various conditions of its realization.

The level of profitableness is established in practice of foreign countries by means of factors of operational expenses and profitableness of industrial activity.



Where: Кэз - factor of operational expenses, in %; Спр - the cost price of the sold goods; Вр - proceeds from realization; Кп - factor of profitableness, in %; Мв - total profit.

Rn - displays a parity of the prices, volume and expenses. From here its dynamics can be displayed by combinations: in the price on which production is realized; a level of the industrial cost price; volume and structure of production made by the enterprise.

Parity of net profit after payment of taxes and proceeds from realization (a level of profitability):


Where: Mz - the net profit, shows ability of heads effectively to operate the enterprise, covering the cost price of the goods and services, общепроизводственные expenses in size of the income of realization to receive profit. This parity reflects a essence of efficiency from a position of expenses and the prices.

The parameter of profitableness shows, how much effectively heads use the total size of the actives representing the attitude of declared net profit by a total cost of actives, specified in balance:


Where: Rgq - a parameter of profitableness

Mr - net profit, Cor - a total cost of actives.

In connection with necessity of increase of profitableness of actives the great value gets knowledge of the factors influencing this increase. In practical activities of foreign firms with this purpose in a basic formula of the rate of profitableness of actives-


Enter a number of the elements reflecting dependence of profit on the price, proceeds from realization and from оборачиваемости actives. The taxation and distribution of incomes of the enterprise -

Rgq = (Br-Co) (1-r)/R xQ xPxQ/CK +OK +Aпр

Where: Вр - proceeds from realization; With - expenses; г - the rate of the tax; Р - the price; Q - volume from sales; Ск - a fixed capital; Ок - a working capital; Апр - other actives; To - the rate of profitableness of actives. The rate of profitableness of own capital (Rc):

Rc = Mr х А*100

And Сс

Rc = Mr хВо х And * 100

In And And-»

Where: And - actives; П - passives; With - own capital.

Increase of the rate of profitableness of own capital depends on profitableness of sales under condition of an effective utilization of actives and effect from use of debts in structure of the capital.

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