Memorandum Служебная записка

Active vocabulary


1. memorandum (memo) – служебная записка

2. to – кому

3. from – от кого

4. subject – тема, предмет

5. welfare – соц.обеспечение, благосостояние

6. nurse – мед.сестра

7. hour – час

8. stationery – канцтовары

9. carbon – копирка

10. access – доступ

11. extension – добавочный

12. current – текущий

Adverbs appointment – по заранее оговоренн. встрече

14.also – также


15.similar – подобный


16. to be available – быть в распоряжен., доступным

17. to see – видеть

18. to warn – предупреждать

19. to upgradе – поднять на более высокий уровень


  • A memorandum (plural memoranda, abbreviation memo) is sent to people or whole departments inside the organization, never to a customer.
  • Most companies print their own memo stationery, but the headings are always the same.
  • c.c means carbon copies, and indicates that you have sent a copy of the memo to someone else.
  • The subjectline should summarise what the memo is about.
  • There’s no greeting in a memo.
  • The text is divided into paragraphs. Use bullet point ( · ) to list items.
  • Put your initials at the end, not your full name.

This is a memo warning staff that they may have problems with their computers.

BLOGGS & BLOGGS MEMO   To: All staff From: Michael McGovern, I.T. Centre C.C. M.D. Subject: Computer Access Date: 18 April 2000 We will be upgrading the software installed on the network over the weekend. It is therefore possible that you may have problems accessing your computer on Monday morning. If this is the case, please do one of the following:
  • Press the restart key when “access denied” message comes up.
  • Phone extension 2291 for help from a technician.
We are doing everything we can to make sure things go smoothly, and will be glad to help if you have any problems.   MM

Exercise 152

Look at the memo from Howard Spencer.

Memorandum Служебная записка -

Write a similar memo to the staff from the company nurse, Jane Seymour. It’s about the medical room hours. Say what time the nurse is available and where the medical room is. Look at the plan of the BOS building to see where room 203 is.

This is the information:

Medical roon hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 10.30–3.30 or by appointment

Medical room: Room 203

Exercise 153

Complete the memo. Use these words.

is inviting is coordinating
is planning are looking

To:Pedro Silva, Manager, general Affairs From:Eric Hide, New Chemical Plant Project Coordinator Re:Project Update Date:June 23, 2001 This is to update you about the current activities of our plant project staff. Jim Davis and Lin Zhiang ________________ at locations for the plant. Marta Blades ___________________ all work on environmental issues. Mark White ________________________ the ground–breaking ceremony. Finally, Key Shoda __________________ the guests.   EH  

Exercise 154

Read the memo and write the correct questions for these answers. Some are present simple and some are present continuous.

  1. Q ________________________________?
  2. A Manchester.
  3. Q ________________________________?
  4. A They are recruiting staff.
  5. Q _______________________________ ?
  6. A No, it is not.
  7. Q ________________________________?
  8. A Someone to come in and examine the software.
  9. Q ________________________________?
  10. A This week.

Memo Clothescom To: Bill Lomax Date: 24 Oct. From: Phil Murray Subject: Problem with new office/shop   The new sales office and shop in Manchester is opening next week. The problem is that the new computerized ordering system is not working. We are recruiting staff at the moment and have no time for this problem. I need someone to come here and examine the software. Can you send someone this week?   PM



Lesson 12 Урок 12

Time Время

Active vocabulary

1. time – время

2. clock – настенные часы

3. watch – наручные часы

4. hour – час (длительность)

5. o’clock – час (количество)

6. minute – минута

7. second – секунда

8. noon, midday – полдень

9. midnight – полночь

10. past – после

11. to – (зд.) без

12. quarter – четверть

13. half – половина

14. a.m. (ante meridiem) – время до полудня

15. p.m. (post meridiem) – время после полудня

16. approximately – примерно

17. to tell – сказать

18. can – мочь

19. certainly – конечно

20. on the dot/sharp/exactly – ровно


Как сказать время.

· При ровном количестве часов в английском языке употребляют структуру “o’clock”:

It’s seven o’clock. – Семь часов.

· Первые 30 минут употребляют предлог “past”:

It’s ten minutes past two. – Десять минут третьего. (десять минут после 2)

· Вторые 30 минут употребляют предлог “to”:

It’s twenty minutes to five. – Без 20 минут пять. (20 минут до 5)

· Вместо 15 минут иногда употребляют слово “ четверть”:

It’s a quarter past three. – Четверть четвертого. It’s a quarter to six. –Без четверти 6.

· Вместо 30 минут иногда употребляют слово “половина”:

It’s half past five. – Пловина шестого.

· В некоторых странах пользуются 12 часовым циклом. Но для расписания движения транспорта используют 24 часовой цикл.

· 1200 hours – noon, midday

2400 hours – midnight

approximately 12 noon to 5 pm – afternoon

approximately 5 pm to 8 pm – evening

approximately 8 pm to 6 am – night

approximately 6 am to 12 noon – morning

Memorandum Служебная записка -

Exercise 155

Look at these clocks. Ask and say what the time is, like this:

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the time,please?

B: Certainly. It’s quarter past five.

Memorandum Служебная записка -

Exercise 156

How many different times can you make with these numbers?

0925 –twenty–five past nine

0529 – twenty nine minutes past .................................................................……..

2059 – one minute to ...................................................................................……..

0952 –...........................................................................................................……

0259 –...........................................................................................................……

1208 –...........................................................................................................……

Exercise 157

Write these times in numbers, like this: half past one – 1.30.

1. quarter past nine _______

2. twelve o’clock __________

3. quarter to two __________

4. twenty past three _______

5. half past seven _________

6. five to seven ___________

7. twenty past eleven ______

8. ten to one _____________

Exercise 158 º (Global Links 1, ex. 5, p. 19)

Listen. Write the time you hear. Say the time.

Exercise 159 º (Global Links 1, ex. 6, p. 19)

Listen. Write the times you hear. Check with a partner. Say the times.

Exercise 160

Read the article and fill in the missing sentences. Then talk about a typical day in the life of an astronaut aboard a space shuttle.

a) In the “evening” we all have a couple of hours to have dinner and relax.

b) For example, they might wake up to a traditional Japanese song one day, and a new American rock song the next!

c) They need a lot of energy, so they eat a lot of food.

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