This desk under what is a in are your office that the ? on telephone these books those

1. What is that?

2. Those are your books.

Exercise 110

Read and translate the text.

This is an office. There are two people in it. They are a man and a woman. They are at the desk. The desk is in front of the window. But the window is behind the people.

There is a small table below the window. There is a photocopier on the table. To the right of the window there is a clock on the wall. Next to the clock you can see a notice board. There is a calender on the board. Below the notice board there is a computer on the table.

To the left of the woman you can see three trays, a pot plant and a desk lamp. Next to the lamp and in front of the woman there is a telephone. In the middle of this desk there are some magazines. There are two pencils in front of the man.

The wastepaper bin is under the desk. There are many bookshelves to the right of the door. There is a radio on the top shelf.

Exercise 111

Translate from Russian into English.

1. Где карты (maps)?

2. Карты на стене.

3. Где компьютеры?

4. Компьютеры на столах.

5. Где файлы?

6. Файлы в нижнем ящике стола.

7. Где автоответчик (answering mashine)?

8. Автоответчик в приемной

9. Где доска объявлений?

10. Доска объявлений над столом справа от окна.

11. Где книги по продажам?

12. Книги по продажам на нижнй полке.

13. Где факс?

14. Факс на маленьком столике под окном.

Exercise 112

Read and translate the text.

The Office

When we see or hear the word “business”, however we think first of all not of different shops, factories or mines, but offices. Modern business is done chiefly there, a day of a modern businessman is a day spent at an office. That is probably why business people pay so much attention to the way their offices look like.

I am sure you can easily imagine this place.

Usually it’s situated in a large or not very large well–planned building somewhere in the centre or in a prestige district of the city. An office should be light and clean and have necessary comfortable furniture of good quality. One more very important thing is the air. It should always be fresh and neither hot nor cold. For this purpose a lot of modern businessmen use various types of air–conditioners.

Office work usually means different forms of communication. A businessman often needs to speak to other people and he can do this by using the telephone, which is an important part of the communications system. The head of a large firm usually has two telephones on his desk. One is a usual telephone, which connects the businessman with other people in the town and in other countries. But the other one is connected to a private internal system and this makes it possible for members of the staff in different parts of the same building to talk to one another without leaving their rooms.

A businessman also communicates by writing. But he doesn’t write his letters himself, he dictates them to his secretary, usually a woman, who types them on a typewriter or with the help of a computer, and then takes them to be signed.

After that she posts all the letters or sends them using fax. Thus we can say for sure that different technical means and equipment like personal computer, fax, photocopier, printer occupy a considerable part of the office interior.

And of course speaking about offices of any kind we shouldn’t forget the person, who actually organizes the work there, who arranges meetings, makes appointments, cancels them, does most of the paper–work and answers telephone calls thus helping her boss in his business.

Exercise 113

Read the fax.

KITA Systems, Inc.

Fax: (650) 997–8511 10 Buena Vista Way

Phone: (650) 993–5820 Palo Alto, CA 94303


To:Anna Lopez From:Joe Young

Fax:(650) 681–9729Pages:1

Company:Northstar HoldingsDate:February 12, 2001

Re:New Office Design

Dear Ms. Lopez:

We want to redesign our office space at 10 Buena Vista. Here is the general layout of the space now and a diagram. Please forward this information to your architect.

The entrance is between a meeting room on the right and a reception room on the left. There are two rows of desks near the window on the right side of the office area. A work station is on the left side of the room. There’s a copier next to a fax machine and printers. Across from the work station is a long table, in the middle of the room, is a row of filing cabinets. The director’s office is in the left corner of the room, near the work station.

Please let me know when the architect can inspect the site.

Thank you,

Joe Young

Exercise 114

Write a fax to your building’s manager. Describe your office and ask for a plan for a new design. Use at least eight location words (next to, near, in the corner, etc.)

Exercise 115

Ask and answer each other’s questions about places in the picture.

A: Where’s the coffee shop?

B: It’s on the first floor, in the corner.

This desk under what is a in are your office that the ? on telephone these books those -

Lesson 9 Урок 9

In the Office В офисе

Active vocabulary


1. medical room – мед. кабинет

2. postroom – почтовая комната

3. basement – подвальное помещение

4. canteen – столовая

5. department – отдел

6. floor – этаж, пол

7. customer – заказчик

8. visitor – посетитель

9. someone – кто–то

10. magazine – журнал


11. upstairs – наверх (–у)

12. downstairs – вниз (–у)

13. at the moment – в данный момент

14. now – сейчас

15. around – вокруг

16. probably – вероятно

17. which – который, какой


18. to have lunch – обедать

19. to welcome – принимать (гостя)

20. to read – читать

21. to visit – посетить

22. to take shorthand – стенографировать

23. to interview – брать интервью

24. to type – печатать

25. to send – посылать

26. to talk on the phone – говорить по телефону

27. to call somebody – звонить кому–либо

Exercise 116º (We Mean Business p 18)

Joy is showing Anne around the BOS building. Listen to the tape, read and translate.

Joy: The medical room is upstairs, on the second floor. This is Paul’s office.... Oh, he isn’t here at the moment. Look, he’s having lunch. He’s probably in the canteen.

Anne: Where’s that?

Joy: It’s downstairs, in the basement. The postroom is in the basement, too... Come on. I think, you know Mary, Fred McLean’s secretary... Where’s Fred, Mary?

Mary: He is visiting a customer.

Joy: And this is the personnel department... Good, Helen isn’t busy.

Helen: No, I am only reading tha BOS magazine.

Joy: Helen is Howard Spencer’s secretary.

Anne: Hello, Helen. I’m Anne, Sheila’s new secretary.

Exercise 117

Answer these questions.

1. Where’s the medical room?

2. Is Paul in his office?

3. Which rooms are in the basement?

4. What is Fred doing?

5. Who is reading a magazine?

Grammar notes

The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense (Настоящее Продолженное Время)выражает длительное действие, происходящее в определенный момент (или отрезок) настоящего, в момент речи. Момент речи может быть выражен следующими наречиями или словосочетаниями: now, at present, at the moment, а может быть ясен из контекста.

What’s that smell? Something is burning. – Что это за запах? Что–то горит.

Настоящее продолженное время образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола “to be” в настоящем времени и основного глагола с окончанием “– ing”.

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма Краткие ответы
I am typing (I’m) You are typing (You’re) He is typing (He’s) She is typing (She’s) It is typing (It’s) We are typing (We’re) They are typing (They’re) I’m not typing   You’re not typing He’s not typing   She’s not typing   It’s not typing   We’re not typing   They’re not typing Am I typing?   Are you typing?   Is he typing?   Is she typing?   Is it typing?   Are we typing?   Are they typing? Yes, I am No, I’m not. Yes, you are. No, You’re not. Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Особенности правописания.Конечная согласная удваивается в глаголах с предшествующей краткой гласной:

sit – sitting, swim – swimming

Немое –е не пишется перед –ing:

write – writing, smile – smiling

Exercise 118

Put the verbs in the correct form.

1. I ................................... (watch) television at present.

2. He ................................ ( type) a letter now.

3. They ..................................... (play) tennis at the moment.

4. Look! She ................................... ( ride) a bicycle.

5. What .................. you ....................... (do) now?

6. Victor .......................................... (not/swim), he ................................ (play) volley–ball.

7. Where .................. we ...................... (go) now?

8. I .................................. (read) a magazine at present time.

Exercise 119º (We Mean Business ex 30, p 19)

Look at these pictures and the notes and listen to the tape. Two people are talking about what the BOS staff are doing. It is exactly midday. Write each picture number with the correct note, like this: 1 – b

This desk under what is a in are your office that the ? on telephone these books those -


a. have lunch f. interview someone

b. welcome a visitor g. type a letter

c. read a magazine h. send a telex

d. visit a customer i. talk on the phone

e. take shorthand

Exercise 120

Write sentences, like this:

Paul is having lunch.

Exercise 121

Ask and answer the questions, like this:

What is Luisa doing? She’s welcoming a visitor.

Is Luisa typing a letter? No, she isn’t.

Are Simon and John having lunch? No, they aren’t.

Exercise 122

Ask to speak to people at BOS on the phone and say what they are doing, like this:

Caller: Can I speak to Howard Spencer, please?

Secretary: I’m afraid not. He is interviewing someone.

Exercise 123

Give short answers.

1. Are you watching TV? – No, ....................

2. Is it raining? – No, ............................

3. Is Simon sleeping? – No, .........................

4. Are they playing chess? – Yes, ..........................

5. Are we speaking English? – Yes, .............................

6. Is Anne having lunch? – No, ...................................

7. Is it snowing? – Yes, ............................

8. Are you typing a letter? – Yes, ...........................

Exercise 124

Write sentences in the Present Progressive Tense about what people are doing, like this:

The managers (have) a meeting. The managers are having a meeting.

1. He (think). _____________

2. They (visit) customers. ___

3. Luisa (greet) a visitor. ___

4. Mary (take) shorthand. __

5. You (have) lunch. ______

6. You (write) a letter. _____

7. I (speak) on the phone. __

8. Helen (sit) in the office. __

9. He (read) a report. ______

10.She (get) on the bus. ____

Exercise 125

Translate into English.

1. Луиза принимает посетителя. _______________________________

2. Саймон читает доклад. _

3. Энн и Джой обедают. __

4. Ты говоришь по телефону? __

5. Нет, я беру интервью у посетителя. ___________________________

6. Вы стенoграфируете. ___

7. Джой показывает офис. ____

8. Она сейчас пьёт кофе? __

Exercise 126

Read the text and translate.

It’s seven in the morning. Tessa Saunders works in an advertising agency. She’s having breakfast and reading a newspaper. There’s a radio on the table, so she’s listening to music.

Richard Knight is Tessa’s boss. He’s having a shower.

James Chen is dressing. He’s from Hong Kong. He’s having an interview for a job at ten o’clock in the morning.

Now Richard Knight is driving to work. He isn’t going very fast because the traffic is very heavy this morning.

Now Tessa is talking to Richard Knight. They are in his office. He’s smoking.

James is talking to a policewoman. He’s asking the way to Blake Street. James Chen is in Tessa’s office at the moment. She’s interviewing him.

At present time James is waiting for a bus. It’s cold and it’s raining, but he’s happy because he has the job now.

New words:

· advertising – реклама

· agency– агенство

· to have breakfast – завтракать

· to have a shower – принимать душ

· to dress – одеваться

· to drive – вести машину

· traffic – транспорт

· fast – быстро

· heavy – (зд) интенсивный

· cold – холодный

· wait – ждать

Exercise 127

Write sentences with a present continuous negative.

  1. I/not/visit/a customer/in Rome – I’m not visiting a customer in Rome.
  2. We/not/spend/much time/in Milan
  3. The company/not/look at/new markets in southern Europe
  4. At the moment many companies/not/invest/in new products
  5. Our marketing experts/not/change/our present sales strategy
  6. You/not/stay/in a hotel

Exercise 128

Read and translate. Ask questions.

We are not increasing our prices this year. The market is not strong enough. We are launching new products for the domestic market. Most of our products are selling well at home.

At present, we are not planning any new products for export. Sales are not increasing in our export markets. The company is not expecting improved sales this year.

Exercise 129

Make questions to complete the dialogue below. Use the words in brackets.

  1. What is Mary doing? (What/Mary/do?) She is telephoning Signor Fini.
  2. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________? (Why/call/him?) To invite him to the meeting on Friday.
  3. ____________________? (Why/we/have a meeting?) To talk about the La Paz report.
  4. _____________________? (You/work on/the report now?) Yes, I’m still working on it.
  5. _____________________? (Anyone/help/you?) No, I’m doing it alone.
  6. _____________________? (Kim and James/come/to the meeting?) No, they aren’t.

Exercise 130

Match the headlines on the left to the newspaper extracts on the right.

1. Virgin Book a) THE MUSIC industry giant is aiming to be the number one company in its field.
2. EMI HIT b) The fast food retailer is opening its 25,000th restaurant in Chicago.
3. Financial Times online c) The information and news provider is launching a new multi–media news service via the internet.
4. Virgin Atlantic Offer d) is providing financial data on more than 10,000 companies.
5. Reuters Expansion e) As part of its competitive battle with other airlines it is offering free Internet access to its presenters.
6. McDonald’s groundwork f) The group’s financial services company is providing a free book to help its customers choose a personal pension.

Exercise 131

Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

  1. Virgin Atlantic prices are coming down. ……
  2. McDonald’s is closing down an outlet in Chicago. ……
  3. Virgin is helping people to make financial decisions. ……
  4. Reuters is developing its online news services. ……
  5. The Financial Times is increasing its newspaper production. ……

Exercise 134

Read the article. Mark the sentences in Continuous form.

When customers call you “on the phone” they often aren’t calling you from a telephone on their office desk. More and more, people are calling you when they’re walking down the street or riding in a car. And they are making their calls on their cell phones.

In the early 1990s, the cell (mobile) phone market was small. Makers sold 10 million units. Personal computer makers sold about 40 million units in the same period. In 1997, the picture changed. Consumers bought 100 million cell phones, compared to 80 million PCs. In 1998, over 160 million cell phones were sold. By 1999, about 3000 million people owned PCs, but 400 million had cell phones.

Sales of cell phones are continuing to grow each year. Cell phone makers Nokia and Motorola believe that one billion people will own at least one cell phone by 2003.

And the cell phone of the future will be more that a mobile telephone. It will be a pocket–sized computer that can do everything a personal computer can do. In fact, Nokia thinks that by 2004, more people will connect to the internet by cell phones than from PCs.

Exercise 135

Retell the text.

Exercise 136

Read nad translate.

Business is in a “technology revolution” these days. The Internet is changing the way we do business, and everyone is talking about technology companies such as Microsoft and But in the future, many ordinary, “nontech” companies and their customers will be the big winners in the technology revolution.

For example, instead of selling products through stores or agents, producers can sell directly to customers on the Internet. This will save producers a lot of money because they will need fewer stores and agents to sell their products.

But producers will also have more competition because customers can see and buy products from around the world on the Internet. So, fast delivery and high–quality products and services will be the keys to profitable business.

This is just the beginning of the technology revolution in business. Companies that can change and move quickly are going to be very successful in the Internet economy.

Exercise 137

Make up 5 questions to the text above.

Lesson 10 Урок 10

Наши рекомендации