Introductions in the Business World Знакомства в деловом мире

Active vocabulary/Активный словарь

1. How do you do? – Здравствуйте!

2. Hello – Привет!

3. Good morning – Доброе утро

4. Good afternoon – Добрый день

5. Good evening – Добрый вечер

6. Good night – Доброй ночи

7. Goodbye – До свидания

8. It’s nice to meet you – Приятно познакомиться с Вами

9. It’s good to see you (again) – Приятно видеть Bас (снова)

10. How are you? – Как дела?

11. Very well – Очень хорошо

12. Fine, thanks. – Прекрасно, спасибо

13. Fine – Прекрасно

14. Thank you/Thanks – Благодарю/Cпасибо

15. Welcome – Добро пожаловать

16. this – это, этот

17. of course – конечно

18. spell – произнести по буквам

19. haven’t met – не встречались

Grammar notes/Грамматический комментарий

Личные местоимения

Единственное число Множественное число
I – Я You – Ты, Вы He – Он She – Она It – Он, она, оно (для животных и предметов) We – Мы You – Вы They – Они

Exercise 12

Замените подчеркнутые слова местоимениями.

1. Kate is a secretary. She is a secretary.

2. Where is BOS?

3. How old is the company?

4. George and Ken are BOS’s representatives abroad.

5. Luisa is from Spain.

6. The computers are in the office.

7. You and your friend are late for the meeting.

8. Sheila and I are receptionists.

9. Maria and her husband are Brazilian.

10. Where is Fred from?

11. What country is the telephone made in?

12. Is Jenny single?

13. The book is not on the shelf.

14. The boss and the secretary are in the office.

15. What are Joy and Mary doing?

16. What colour are the desks?

17. The managing director is in the office.

18. What does Derek do?

19. Derek is Research and Development Department manager.

20. Are Peter and Barbara married?

Presentation: 1. Introducing yourself.

Greeting Introduction Response
Hello     Good morning/afternoon   How do you do?   Let me introduce myself. My name’s ……………...   My name’s ……………...   I’m ……………………... Pleased to meet you. I’m …………………………..   Nice to meet you. Mine’s ………………………….. Nice to meet you. I’m …………………………..

Exercise 13 º (Global Links 1, ex.1, p. 2)

These businesspeople are meeting for the first time. Read and listen to the conversations.

1. – Hello. I’m Joan Mead.

– It’s nice to meet you. I’m Mario da Costa.

2. – Hello, my name’s Rick Lopez.

– I’m Kenji Takeda. Nice to meet you, Mr. Lopez.

– Please, call me Rick.

3. – Hi, I’m Emily Park.

– Nice to meet you. My name’s Linda Dumas.

Exercise 14

Practice introducing yourself to a partner. Use the words from the conversations above and the words from the active vocabulary sector.

Exercise 15 º (Global Links 1, ex.3, p. 3)

Read and listen to the conversations.

  • Good morning, Mr. Lopez. Good afternoon.
  • Good morning.Good afternoon.
  • I’m Emily Park. It’s nice to meet you. Pleased.
  • Nice to meet you, Ms Park. I’m glad.
  • Let’s go to Mr. Hunt’s office. This way, please. Follow me.
  • OK. All right.
  • Hello, Mr. Lopez. It’s good to see you again. Good.
  • How are you?
  • Fine, thanks.Fine, thank you.

Exercise 16 º (We Mean Business p 1)

Listen to the tape, read and translate.

– How do you do, Mr. Passas. I’m Fred McLean.

– How do you do?

– It’s nice to meet you. Welcome to Harlow.

– Thank you.

– This is Miss Mackie, my secretary. Mary, this is Mr. Passas.

– How do you do.

– How do you do, Mr. Passas.

– As you know, Mr. Passas is from Greece. He’s our representative in Athens. And this, of course, is Paul Johnson, our sales representative.

– Hello, George. It’s good to see you again.

– Hello, Paul. How are you?

– Very well, thank you. And you?

– Fine, thanks.

Exercise 17

Try to answer the questions.

1. What is the visitor’s name?

2. Where does the visitor come from?

3. Does George know Mary?

4. What does Paul Johnson do?

5. Does George know Paul?

Presentation: 2. Introducing someone else

Request for introduction Introduction Response
Could you introduce me to ………………………?   I haven’t met ……………   I don’t know anyone here. You’ll have to introduce me. Of course. Let me introduce you to ………..   I’m sorry. This is ……….   Of course. I’ll introduce you to ………………….., this is …………………   Let me introduce you two. ……………………… , this is ………………… Nice to meet you.     Very nice to meet you.   Nice to meet you.   Nice to meet you.

Exercise 18

Read some samples of introductions.

1. – Peter, could you introduce me to the Marketing Manager?

– Of course, John…. Philip, let me introduce you to John, our new Computer Manager.

– Nice to meet you, John, we’re going to be working together.

2. – Herr Tubingen, I haven’t met your Managing Director yet.

– Oh, I’m sorry. Come and meet him. Dr Mannheim, this is Mr. Roberts. He’s over from the States on a visit.

– Very nice to meet you, Mr. Roberts. How long are you here for?

3. – Jane, I don’t know anyone here. You’ll have to introduce me.

– Of course, I’ll introduce you to Roger first. He’s the host … Roger, this is Susan. She’s just moved to the area.

– Nice to meet you, Susan. Do you come from these parts?

4. – Let me introduce you two. Maxine, this is Francis.

– Nice to meet you, Maxine. Are you an old friend of Tony’s?

– Oh, yes, Tony and I have known each other for years, haven’t we?

– Yes, that’s right.

Exercise 19

Complete these introductions.

1. Peter King introduces himself to Jack Simpson:

PK: Hello, …………………… My name’s Peter King.

JS: …………………………… I’m Jack Simpson.

2. Philip introduces Sarah to James:

S: Philip, I ……………………… her. You’ll have to ………………………

Ph: Of ………………… , I’ll ………………… to James. He’s an old friend of mine.

James, ……………………Sarah. She’s just joined the company.

J: ……………………., Sarah. Where do you come from?

3. Rod Burton introduces Pete Taylor to an important customer:

P: Rod, I …………………….. Mrs. Rogers, the Purchasing manager from Kentons.

R: I’m ……………………… Come and meet her. Mrs. Rogers, ……………………. Pete Taylor, our Export Sales Manager.

Mrs. R: ……………………….. What countries do you cover?

4. Klaus Fischer introduces himself to an American visitor:

KF: How …………………..? My …………………………..

American: ……………………. ………………….. Brenda Cole.

Exercise 20

Read the dialogues. Act out the dialogues.

§ Hello!

§ Hello! Can I help you?

§ Yes. My name is Edward Green. I am here to see Don Bradly.

§ Oh, yes! Just a moment. Have a seat.

§ Thank you.

§ Are you Edward Green?

§ Yes.

§ I am Jenny Ross. How do you do?

§ Hello! Pleased to meet you!

§ Kate, this is Edward Green, our new marketing executive.

§ Ah, yes! I’m Kate MacKenna.

§ Pleased to meet you!

§ Welcome to Bibury Systems!

§ Thank you!

Exercise 21

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