Ex.II. Fill in the gaps with the word and expression from the text.

1. Everything that takes place between production and … falls into category of … .

2. A market is … and seller come together.

3. Others still will work on … and advertising the products.

4. … includes the activities that bring the buyer and seller together.

Ex.III. Match the terms from the text with their synonyms or definitions:

1. objective 1. to achieve

2. manufacturer 2. to occur, to happen

3. to accomplish 3. producer

4. to purchase 4. various

5. to take place 5. goal

6. different 6.to buy

Ex.IV. Make up 4 types questions to the following sentences:

1. A market is where buyer and sellers come together.

2. A major corporation may have hundreds of people testing new product ideas.

Ex.V. Translate from Russian into English

1. Маркетинг включает покупку и продажу, транспортировку и складирование, планирование и рыночные исследования и другую деятельность.

2. Все, что происходит между производством и потреблением относится к категории маркетинга.

3. Фабрика по производству джинсов производит особую марку джинсов для мужчин и женщин.

REMEMBER! Phrasal verb: take

take back– вернуть, возвратить

The coat I boughtis too small for me, do you think I should take it

back to the shop?

take after –иметь сходство, походить на кого-либо/что-либо

He takes after his father very much

take down –1) записывать, 2) опустить, 3) снижать(цену)

Jack was carefully take down what the teacher was saying.

take for –перепутать, принять к-л. или ч-л. за другого

She took this girl for her group-mate.

take away – взять с собой

I’d like a cheese pizza, please.- To eat here or take it


take off –снимать

I won’t take off my coat. I’m not staying long.

Ex.VII. Make up your own sentences with the phrasal verb: take

Ex.VI. Retell the text.

Lesson 3


Product, price, promotion and place: the four pies of marketing.

There are four principal controllable factors that provide the most effective choice for the consumer - the Four P's: product, price, placement and promotion. The owner of a factory manufacturing transportation equipment could produce an economy car, a luxury car, track, tractor, motorcycles and apply different marketing techniques.

PRODUCT.The most controllable of these factors is the first "P" - product (or service). The product element of marketing refers to the goods or service that a company wants to sell. This often involves research and development (R&D) of a new product, research of potencial market, testing of the product to insure quality and then introduction to the market.

All products and services have what have been traditionally called "product life cycles".

The stages of the product life cycle are: introduction, growth, maturity and decline.

The length of a product life cycle depends upon the

- intensity of the competition;

- extent to which the new product is an innovation, a modification of

an existing product;

- introductory timing of technologically superior products;

- marketing techniques.

PRICE. Price is another major part of marketing. Companies have to decide on a product price that will cover all costs and also return a profit. Included in costs are such fixed expences are rent and insurance. Variable expences must be anticipated too. Those include the costs of material and commissions.

PROMOTION. Promotion includes all forms of marketing communication (advertising, direct mail, customer service, image, special events, sales and the product or service itself). Promotion is the most complex thing - how to select and divide your market according to the type of product, its price and where it will be available. Each group of the population has its own values to which you want to make your product appeal.

PLACE. Place is the final part of marketing. Placement includes location of production and distribution. The place to see your product could be in dealers’ showrooms or directly from the factory or from catalogs, direct-mail coupons, even telemarketing with telephone sales people or through computer shopping services.

The four elements of marketing work together to develop a successful marketing operation that satisfies customers and achieves the company’s objectives.

Active vocabulary

controllable factors – управленческие факторы

marketing communication – маркетинговые коммуникации

to involve – привлекать, задействовать, включать в себя, вызвать, повлечь за собой

concept – концепция

distribution –рапространение, распределение

promotion – продвижение, содействие

product life cycle – жизненный цикл продукции

customer – потребитель

timing - рапределение по времени (по срокам)

maturity - срок, зрелость, высокий уровень развития(экономики)

expenses – расходы, издержки, затраты

a purchase – покупка

sample – образец

fixed expenses – постоянные затраты (расходы)

variable expenses – переменные затраты

profit – прибыль

insurance – страхование

product warranty – гарантия качества изделия

commission – комиссионный сбор

to appeal – привлекать, притягивать, нравиться

to make an appeal to smb. – привлекать кого-либо к себе

showroom – выставочный (демонстрационный) зал

demand – спрос

steady – устойчивый, стабильный, неизменный

income – доход

growing – рост

surge – подъем, повышение.

vital – существенный насущный

Speech practice

Ex.I. Pronounce the following words and words combinations and translate:

growth, fixed, expenses, variable expenses, insurance, advertising, a long-range concern, surges, growing demand, sophisticated, warranty, surveys, research.

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