Ex.II. Write the 3 forms of the verbs and translate.

perform, set, help, concentrate, involve, achieve, deliver, sell, locate, possess.

Ex.III. Answer the following questions:

1.What is management?

2. Do you agree that management is one of the most exciting and interesting professions? Why?

3. What factors do a number of company managers depend on?

4. What duties is each manager responsible for?

5. Identify the levels of management and the skills required at each level.

6. What is the main responsibility of executives?

Ex.II. Write the 3 forms of the verbs and translate. - student2.ru REMEMBER! Phrasal verb: set

set about (doing) smth.– приняться за что-то, начать что-то


They set about their work at 9.

I don’t know how to set about it.

set smb.to smth./to do smth. –заставить кого-либо приняться за


Mother set John to work.

Who(m) did you set to do this?

set out/off –1) помещать, выставлять

They set out vegetables for sale.

2)отправляться (в путешествие, экспедицию и т.д.)

They set out/off on their journey late in the afternoon.

He set out early the next morning.

Turn off the light.

set up –основывать, учреждать, открывать (магазин)

They have already set up a new shop.

Ex.IV. Make up your own sentences with the phrasal verb: set

Ex.IV. Match the following terms with their definitions:

(a) management, (b) planning, (c) strategic plan, (d) organizing, (e) directing,( f) a goal

1. An overall plan that a business formulates to reach its goals.

2. The process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the activities of an enterprise to achieve specific objectives.

3. A final state that the organization is expected to achieve over a certain period of time.

4. Setting objectives and developing strategies and tactics for reaching those objectives.

5. The function of dividing up the work to be done and developing a structure to see that it is completed.

6. The act of motivating and guiding subordinates to achieve organizational objectives.

Ex.V. Translate into English:

1. Управление заключается в координировании таких процессов как планирование, организация, руководство и контролирование деловой активности.

2. Каждый управляющий обязан распорядиться факторами производства таким образом, чтобы максимально достичь целей той организации, в которой он работает.

3. Управление человеческими ресурсами - одна из сложнейших задач.

4. Большинство организаций имеют 3 ступени управления.

5. Высшие управляющие включают распорядительного директора, совет директоров и управляющих подразделений или отделов организации.

6. Среднее звено управляющих состоит в основном из руководителей, которым высшее руководство делегирует повседневное управление делами организации.

Lesson 2.


What is marketing?

Ex.II. Write the 3 forms of the verbs and translate. - student2.ru A jeans factory in Durham, North Carolina, produces a particular brand of designer jeans for men and women. These jeans can be purchased in stores throughout the United States from Portland, Oregon, to Miami, Florida. What happens from the time the jeans are produced in North Carolina to the time a shopper in Portland or Miami decides to buy the jeans?

To an economist, everything that takes place between production and consumption falls into the category of marketing.

A market is where buyers and sellers come together. Marketing, then, includes the activities that bring the buyer and seller together. It is more than product advertising. Marketing includes buying and selling, transporting and storing, product planning, market research, product support, customer service, financing, insuring and other activities.

In a simple terms, marketing means the movement of goods and services from manufacturer to customer in order to satisfy the customer and to achive the company’s objectives.

Businesses market their goods and services to people they think will buy them. To accomplish this goal businesses assign different marketing jobs to different parts of their work force. A major corporation may have hundreds of people testing new product ideas. Others will be assigned to develop and perfect packaging designs. Still others will work on promoting and advertising the products.

Active vocabulary

marketing – маркетинг, создание рынков сбыта или спроса

to produce – производить

to purchase – покупать

market - рынок

to market – сбывать, продавать, реализовывать на рынке

buyer – покупатель

seller – продавец

advertising – реклама, рекламирование

transporting – транспортировка

storing – складирование

promoting – содействие, продвижение

to accomplish – совершать, достигать

production – производство

consumption – потребление, расходование

product planning – разработка новых продуктов, планирование

номенклатуры изделий

market research – рыночные исследования

Speech practice

Ex.I. Pronounce the following words and words combinations and translate:

market, research, financing, customer, transporting, include, promoting, advertising, packaging, accomplish, particular, brand, designer.

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