Basic rules of how to use the telephone.

When an ill-mannered person is at the other end, the telephone is a real instrument of torture*. Here are some hints to consider:

-"Mr. Smith speaking". That might be acceptable greeting over a business telephone, but the only correct way to answer a home phone is "Hello".

Don't say: Do say:

Who's calling? May I ask who is calling? Please?

Who wants him? Who's calling, please?

What number is this? Is this 229 8896?

When you are on the receiving end:

- I'm afraid you have the wrong number, this is 229 8896.

If you’re settled down for along conversation, ask first if this is a convenient time for your friend talk.

-“Hold on a second, will you, please?” If it is only a second, okay-but if it is going to be a longer interruption give your caller an option:

“Someone’s at the door (or whatever) –may I call you back?”

It is particularly rude to keep the other waiting if you are the caller.

-“Okay” or “See you” or just plain old “goodbye”.

The person who placed the call is usually the one to end the conversation.

-Don’t shout or mutter*.

Active vocabulary

instrument of torture - орудие пытки.

don’t shout – не кричите

mutter - мямлить

Speech practice

Ex. I. Pick out the following expressions from the text:

невоспитанный человек, приемлемый вариант приветствия, не вешайте трубку, перезвонить, отвечать на телефонный звонок, заставлять кого-либо ждать.

Ex. II. Give the corresponding English equivalents:

телефонная трубка, телефонный звонок, набирать номер, номер занят, передать что-либо по телефону, слушаю, соединять, вы ошиблись номером, простите за беспокойство, я не могу дозвонится.

Ex. III.Give the corresponding Russian equivalents:

you’ve got the wrong number, to put smb. through to smb.; I can’t get through, sorry to have bothered(troubled) you, I can’t get smb. on the phone, receiver, to dial the number, the line is busy, to leave the message, speaking, call.

Ex. IV. Match English and Russian equivalents and learn them by


No complaints.

How are things with you?

I’m doing fine. Thank you.

4. What a pleasant surprise!

Glad to hear it.

Excuse my being late. I was delayed by the traffic.

Never expected to meet you here.


а) Никогда не ожидал встретить тебя здесь

б) Как ваши дела?

в) Какой приятный сюрприз!

г) Извините меня за опоздание. Меня задержал транспорт.

д) Не жалуюсь.

е) Рад это слышать.

ж) У меня все хорошо. Спасибо.

Lesson 7.


Discussing Contract Terms

Basic rules of how to use the telephone. -

Mr. Blake studied the Buyer's contract terms and on Tuesday came to the Russian Trade Delegation to discuss them with Voronin.

Voronin: Good morning, Mr. Blake.

Blake:Good morning, Mr. Voronin. Sorry, I'm a bit late.

Voronin: Never mind. How are things ?

Blake:Not too bad, thanks.

Voronin: Would you like a cigarette?

Blake:No, thank you, I don't smoke.

Voronin: May I offer you a cup of coffee?

Blake:Yes, thank you. Well, Mr. Voronin. I think we can discuss

business now. I'd like to clarify some details with you. How

many compressors would you like to buy?

Voronin: We can buy 40 compressors.

Blake:And when do you require the goods?

Voronin: As soon as possible, say in December.

Blake:In December? Let me see. I'm afraid, that's impossible. Our

compressors are selling very well, and we are heavy with

orders. We can deliver only 15 compressors in December.

Voronin: And what about the other 25 compressors?

Blake:We can deliver them only in six month.

Voronin: All right. And how about the terms of delivery? I hope they suit


Blake:Yes, we agree to sell the goods FOB English port4 and we can

accept payment for collection too.

Voronin: Fine. Now comes the question of price. I must say mat your

price is not attractive to us. Can you give us a 10 % discount.

Blake: That’s a bit difficult. The fact is our compressors are in great

demand. However we can offer you a discount of 5 % as

we've been good partners for a long time.

Voronin: I think we can agree to a 5% discount. Could we meet

tomorrow at 10 to sign the contract, Mr. Blake?

Blake: Yes, certainly. Mr. Voronin, would you like to have dinner with

me tonight?

Voronin: With pleasure.

Blake: I can pick you up ar the Russian Trade Delegation at 6.30 if

that's convenient to you.

Voronin: Yes, thank you.

Active vocabulary

Never mind. — Ничего, ничего страшного, (ответ на извинение)

say in December — скажем, в декабре

FOB (free on board) — ФОБ (условия поставки, по которым продавец доставляет товар на судно за свой счет).

GIF (cost, insurance, freight) — СИФ (условия поставки, по которым продавец фрахтует судно, страхует товар и доставляет в порт назначения)

to be sorry – сожалеть

to be late for – опаздывать (на)

to stay late – поздно

too – слишком

may – можно (модальный глагол, выражающий разрешение)

can (could) – мочь, уметь, быть в со стоянии (модальный глагол, выражающий возможность соверше­ния действия)

to offer – предлагать

to clarify – уточнять, вносить ясность

in detail – подробно

to require –требовать(ся)

When do you require the goods? – Когда вам потребуется товар?

soon – скоро, быстро

possible – возможный

as soon as possible –как можно скорее (раньше)

if it is possible – если возможно

heavy – тяжелый

to be heavy with orders – иметь много заказов

there's a heavy demand for these goods – существует большой спрос на эти товары

to deliver – поставлять

to hope – надеяться

tosuit – устраивать,подходить

to agree – соглашаться

to agree to smth. – согласиться с чём-л.

to agree with smb. – согласиться с кем-л.

to accept – принимать

payment for collection – платеж в форме инкассо

Now comes the question of price (обратите внимание не на отсутствие артикля перед словом price). – А теперь вопрос о цене

a discount – скидка

a discount on the price – скидка с цены

a discount of 10% – десятипроцентная скидка

fact – факт

the fact is... – дело в том, что …

great – великий, огромный

a demand - спрос

demand for goods – спрос на товары

however – однако

to sign – подписывать

to pick up – заезжать за кем-либо

convenient – удобный

a case – случай

in that case – в этом случае

to open – открывать

Hold on! – Не вешайте трубку!

line – телефонная линия

to speak on another line – говорить по другому телефону

I’m afraid, that’s impossible – Боюсь (к сожалению), это не возможно

Speech practice

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