Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text.

ПЦК иностранных языков



Часть 1


Английский язык для студентов

II-х курсов


40.02.01, 38.02.01, 38.02.06, 38.02.07, 38.02.02

Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru

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Цвиренко О.В.



Lesson 1

TEXT Businessman’s presentation

Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru Let me introduce Mr.Bell. His name is Alex. He lives in London now. He is English. He is 39 (years old). He was born in Brighton. He is married and he has got his own family. He has a wife, a son and a daughter. They are 11 and 14. They are schoolchildren. His wife is 35. She is an economist. She is very fond of her work and she is also interested in music. Alex’s children like sport. Their sport's results are good.

Mr.Bell is the Managing Director of a large company. His company sells the goods to various countries. It is based in London. The address is 15, Bolton Street, London E.C.3. The telephone number is 01-636, extension 458. He begins his working day at 9 o’clock. Every morning Mr.Bell first looks through fresh newspapers. He takes much interest in the latest political and business news. His work is very important, as he is responsible for the overall running the company. He is very busy the whole day. Mr.Bell’s wife Jane works at the same company. Mr.Bell has a lot of friends. His best friend is Mr. Green. He is a Sales Manager. They often discuss business. Mr.Green is not married, he is still single. He is a very good friend and Alex can always rely on him.

Active vocabulary

own - собственный

to be born – родиться

to be married – быть женатым

to be busy – быть занятым

single – одинокий, холостой, незамужняя

economist - экономист

to rely on somebody – полагаться на кого-либо

to be fond of- любить

to be interested in – интересоваться чем-либо

various – разный, различный

Managing Director– управляющий директор; директор-распорядитель

to be based – быть основанным

to discuss business- обсуждать деловые вопросы

to look through - просматривать

extension - добавочный

to be responsible for – быть ответственным

overall running – общее руководство

So am I – я тоже

It was very kind of you – это очень мило с вашей стороны. Вы

очень любезны.

Speech practice

Ex. I. Translate into Russian:

various countries, always rely on, own family, looks through fresh newspapers, latest political and business news, very busy the whole day, at the same company, sport's results, often discuss business, still single.

Answer the questions.

1. What is your name? (first name)

2. Where are you from?

3. What are you? (What is your occupation?)

4. How old are you?

5. Where were you born?

6. When were you born?

7. What's your nationality?

8. Are you married or single?

9. What are you interested in?

REMEMBER! Phrasal verb: look Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru

look at– смотреть на

Look at this wonderful picture, please!

look after –присматривать (заботиться)

Could you look after my liitle dog?

look in –навещать, заходить

I’ll look in and see your aunt next Sunday.

look up –искать, посмотреть что-либо (в словаре)

If you don’t know this phrasal verb look it up in the


look for –искать

Have you seen my umbrella? I’ve been looking for it


look through – просматривать

Every morning Mr.Bell looks through fresh newspapers.

Look out! –Осторожно!

Look out! The car is coming.

Ex.VII. Make up your own sentences with the phrasal verb: look

Lesson 2


Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru Presenting the company

Part I

My name’s John Brown. Let me tell you about our company. We produce processing equipment.Our firm consists of 6 departments: Production, Sales, Export, Financial, Personal and Research and Development. The last one is the newest at the company. It was created five years ago. The meeting of the Shareholders and the Board of Directors manage our company. The Managing Director is Mr. Thomas. Currently we employ about 1,600 people. We export our equipment to 5 countries. Our turnover is more 300 million pounds. No doubt, our company is profitable. We also have two subsidiary companies in Holland and Germany with headquarters in those countries. Each company trades under its own name. We are looking for new partners in Eastern Europe. We also would like to expand our activities.

Active vocabulary:

processing equipment - обрабатывающее оборудование

to manage - управлять. руководить

department - отдел

Research and Development (R&D) – исследование и развитие

to create - создавать

shareholder – акционер, владелец акций, пайщик

the Board of Directors – совет директоров

currently - ежегодно

to employ – нанимать, использовать

subsidiary- дочерняя компания, фирма (контролируемая, с помощью

пакета акций)

headquarters – руководство, главное правление

looking for - искать

to expand – расширять

turnover - товарооборот

profitable – прибыльный

to deal (in/with)- торговать (чем-либо/с кем-либо)

activity – деятельный, деятельность

objective – цель, задача

target – цель, задание, достигнуть намеченной цели

to depend upon – зависеть от

adjust – регулировать, приспосабливать, приводить в порядок

accordingly – соответствующим образом, согласно принятому


to be in charge – руководить

to be in charge of business – руководить предприятием

Speech practice

Ex. I. Match English equivalents:

1. responsible 1. stockholder

2. to manage 2. to purchase

3. to trade 3. to hire

4. company 4. to direct

5. shareholder 5. accountable

6. to buy 6. to deal in

7. to employ 7. firm

Ex. II. Answer the questions:

1. Who presents the company?

2. How many departments are there in the company?

3. When was the company created?

4. Who is the Managing Director?

5. Wher does the firm export their equipment?

6. Is the company profitable?

7. Where do they have subsidiary companies?

Ex. III. Discuss the text.

Ex. IV. Make up all types of questions to the sentences:

1.We export our equipment to 5 countries.

2. Our turnover is more 300 million pounds.

3.Each company trades under its own name.

Company structure

Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru

Finance department.

- Miss Roberts is Mr.Marshall’s secretary;

- Dr. Forbes is in charge of…;

- Mr.Twist is the head of…;

- Ada White’s boss is…;

- Miss Regina Stone reports to… .

Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru REMEMBER!

* The objective of the presentation is different depending upon the


*Audience and presentation should be adjusted accordingly.

*It is important to know your audience and what they are looking for.

LTD company

Part II

I’d like to tell you a few words about our LTD company.

Our company deals with production and distribution of consumer goods. Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru Our goods are of high quality. They are in great demand. Sure to say the firm is profitable.

It is headed by Managing Director. He is responsible for overall running the company.

He is accountable to the Board.

The managing director controls the activity of Regional managers.

“Think before you speak”

(proverb) Presenting the product

Part III

Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Brenda Morgan.

I represent the New Zealand Electronics Corporation. It’s big, profitable and successful. I am going to talk to you about our company’s products, in particular, about our weighing machine. Our weighing machine can weigh, print the label and stick it on to the goods. It does all that in some seconds. The weighing machine can be used in all sorts of shop, markets, supermarkets. It’s super thing absolutely necessary for trade and service.

Active vocabulary:

LTD – Limited – с ограниченной ответственностью

to deal with – иметь дело ( c чем-либо)

distribution – распределение

consumer – потребитель

production – производство

goods – товары

board – совет, правление

to be in great demand – быть очень востребованным

successful - успешный

accountable – ответственный

activity – деятельный

to represent – представлять

in particular – в частности, в особенности

weighing- mashine – весы

label- ярлык, этикетка, бирка

stick (stuck-stuck) – наклеивать, приклеивать

device - устройство, прибор

Speech practice:

Ex. I. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the company deal with?

2. Are the goods in great demand?

3. The firm is profitable, isn’t it?

4. What is the company headed by?

5. What is the Managing Director responsible for?

6. Who controls the activity of regional managers?

Who is a secretary?

2. E.C.3. is a postcode.(Is?)

3. Mr Green is in Rome.(Where?)

4. Our managers are in Rome.(Are?)

5. The head office is in Oxford.(What?)

6. Our company deals with production of electronic devices (What?)

7. He is responsible for overall running the company.(What….for?)

8. Mr. Bell works for a big company.( Does?)

9. His wife Jane works at the same company.(Where?)

10. Alex can always rely on his friend.(Can?)

Lesson 3



Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru My name’s John Brown. Our company isn’t big. There are some of the people who work for Ltd. Company.

The Managing Director. He is responsible for the overall running of the firm. He frequently meets representatives of different firms. They discuss prices, terms of payment and delivery. Sometimes he goes to different cities to discuss business with their customers. He looks through mail, reads telegrams and letters, speaks on the phone with customers. He also makes appointments with his business partners.

The secretary. She stands between her boss and his visitors. She helps her boss to plan his time and to finish his work. She has got a computer, a fax and a telephone on her desk. She looks through the mail. She receives both snail-mail and e-mail. She types the answers on her computer and sends e-mail correspondence.

The personnel officer. She is responsible for hiring staff and for staff welfare.

The chief accountant. She is responsible for all the money in the firm. She handles payments from customers and wages for the staff.

The receptionist. She answers the phone and greets visitors. She is terribly busy. Every day she meets lots of people. She also does lots of typing and filing.

The sales manager. He is responsible for supplying goods to customers.

Active vocabulary

frequently – часто

personnel – персонал, кадры

chief accountant – главный бухгалтер

Managing Director – управляющий директор

representatives - представители

sale – продажа, сбыт

goods – товары

snail-mail – обычная почта ( snail - улитка)

e-mail – электронная почта

customer - клиент, заказчик

business partners – деловые партнеры

makes appointment – назначать встречу

supplying goods – поставка товаров

distribute – распределять

receptionist – секретарь, ведущий прием

personnel officer – служащий отдела кадров

hire (to make hiring) – нанимать на работу

staff – штат

to be on the staff – быть в штате

to reduce the staff – сокращать штат

to file – подшивать

fire (to make firing) – увольнять

correspondence - корреспонденция

welfare – благосостояние

accounts department – расчетный отдел

handle – иметь дело с …

payment – платеж

wages – заработная плата

terms of payment and delivery – условия оплаты и доставки

Speech practice

Ex. I. Answer the questions according to the text:

1. Who is responsible for the overall running of the firm?

2. What does the secretary do?

3. Is the head of the accounts department responsible for supplying goods to the customers?

4. Who is responsible for supplying goods to the customers?

5. The personnel office is responsible for hiring and firing, isn't she?

6. Does the chief accountant handle personnel or wages for the staff?

7. What else is the chief accountant responsible for?

8. What does the receptionist do?

Ex. II. Agree or disagree, use either:

I agree (with you), Sorry (Excuse me), I disagree (with you).

1. The secretary receives both snail-mail and e-mail.

2. The head of the accounts department is responsible for the overall running of the firm.

3. The Sales Manager is responsible for supplying goods to the customers.

4. The receptionist is responsible for hiring and firing in the firm.

5. The receptionist is terribly busy. She answers the phone and greets visitors.

Ex. III. Tell everything that you have learned from the text about:

• the Managing Director;

• his secretary;

• the receptionist of the firm;

• the personnel officer;

• the Sales Manager;

• the head of the accounts department;

Ex.IV. Translate into English:

1. Я работаю в небольшой компании в качестве бухгалтера.

2. Управляющий компанией ответственен за общее руководство.

3. Я отвечаю за заработную плату, а главный бухгалтер за все деньги в фирме.

4. Секретарь помогает управляющему планировать его время.

5. Зав. отделом по сбыту отвечает за доставку товара клиентам.

6. Начальник отдела кадров отвечает за прием и увольнение.

7. Секретарь, ведущая прием, очень занята.

8. Она также много печатает и подшивает документы.

Ex.V. Say that you do the same, use adverbs of frequency:


Lesson 1


What does сommerce mean ?

Commerce is a process that is concerned with the production and distribution of goods and the providing of services. The process can be summarized by the Chain of Commerce: raw materials - manufacturer - wholesaler - retailer - consumer

The production of goods starts at the raw material stage. Most of our raw materials come from overseas countries. Examples are: oil from the Middle East, metals from South Africa, rubber from Malaysia and, wood from Canada. These raw materials are made into finished goods by our factories. This process is called manufacturing. There are three kinds of manufacturing: unit production, batch production and mass production.

The next stage in the cycle is the wholesaler, whose principal task is to store the goods, usually in large quantities and in many varieties. The wholesaler sells the goods to the retailers, who display the goods and sell them to consumers. Retail shops may be large, such as a supermarket or departmental store, or small, as in the case of a corner shop.

If the goods and the raw materials are to be distributed and sold efficiently the services of banking, transport, insurance and advertising will be needed by every link in the Chain of Commerce, from the raw material stage to the consumer stage. These services are called the Aids to Trade (or sometimes the Services of Commerce).

The Aids to Trade
Banking Transport Insurance Advertising

British banking is controlled by the Bank of England, which has its headquarters in London, but manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers deal mostly with the commercial banks.

There are three main kinds of transport: land, sea and air. Insurance is a financial protection against an event which may happen. Advertising also plays a very an important part in commerce.

Our main industries may be classified as:

1) manufacturing;

2) extractive;

3) construction;

4) agriculture and forestry;

5) fisheries;

6) tourism.

Manufacturing industries produce Britain’s major exports, including heavy electrical and mechanical machinery such as power stations and generators, motor vehicles, oil, clothing, radar, equipment, defence equipment, pharmaceuticals and aircraft. Construction concerned with the building of houses, shops and factories.

Active vocabulary

rubber - каучук

unit production – единичное производство

batch production – серийное производство

headquarters – руководство, глава правления

equipment - оборудование

commerce – коммерция,бизнес

services – обслуживание, сервис

raw materials – сырье

manufacturer – производитель

wholesaler – оптовый покупатель

retailer – розничный торговец

consumer – покупатель; потребитель

store the goods – снабжение товарами

insurance – страхование

advertising – реклама

production (manufacturing) – производство

aids – вспомогательные средства

extractive industries – добывающие отрасли промышленнсти

power station - электростанция

Speech practice:

Ex.IV. Fill in the gaps

1. The production of goods starts at the r___ mat___________ stage.

2. Goods made by the factories are called fin__________ goods.

3. The principal task of the wholesaler is to st_______ the goods in l______ quantities.

4. One example of a large retail shop is a s____________.

5. The c______ s________ is a small retail shop.

6. Banking, transport, insurance and advertising are known as the A__________ to T___________.

7. Oil drilling is an example of an ex_________ industry.

8. The headquarters of the Bank of England are in L________.

9. The three main kinds of transport are l_______, s_______ and a_______.

Ex. VII. Retell the text.

Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru REMEMBER! Phrasal verb: come

come across– случайно встретить, натолкнуться на что-либо

Bob came across this book in a little store.

come along –пойти с кем-нибудь

Come along with us, or you will miss the bus.

come back –вернуться, возвращаться

Come back here. I want to talk to you.

come off –1)оторваться, отлететь 2) произойти, случиться

The button has come off my coat.

come on –поторапливаться, пойдем

Come on or we’ll be late.

come in –войти

May I come in?

Ex.VIII. Make up your own sentences with the phrasal verb: come

Lesson 2

“Business is business”



What is business?

Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru Business is a word that is commonly used in many different languages. But exactly what does it mean? The concepts and activities of business have increased in modern times. Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed. Today it has a more technical definition. One definition of business is the production, distribution, and sale of goods and services for a profit. To examine this definition, we will look at its various parts.

First, production is the creation of services or the changing of materials into products. One example is the conversion of iron ore into metal car parts. Next, these products need to be moved from the factory to the marketplace. This is known as distribution. A car might, be moved from a factory in Detroit to a car dealership in Miami.

Third is the sale of goods and services. Sale is the exchange of a product or service for money. A car is sold to someone in exchange for money. Goods are products that people either need or want; for ехаmplе, cars can be classified as goods. Services, on the other hand, are activities that a person or group performs for another person or organization. For instance, an automechanic performs a service when he repairs a car. A doctor also performs a service by taking care of people when they are sick.

Business, then, is a combination of all these activities: production, distribution, and sale. However, there is one other important factor. This factor is the creation of profit or economic surplus. A major goal in the functioning of an American business company is making a profit. Profit is the money that remains after all the expenses are paid. Creating an economic surplus or profit is, therefore, a primary goal of business activity.

· “What a business it is to run a government!”

«Управлять правительством – целое дело!»

Active vocabulary

definition – определение

dealership – фирма, уполномоченная вести операции по продаже

commonly – обычно

to increase – возрастать, расти, увеличивать(ся)

concept – понятие, идея, концепция

production – производство

creation – распределение, размещение

activities – деятельность

profit – прибыль

services – услуги

iron ore – железная руда

expenses – расходы

economic surplus – экономический излишек (остаток)

goal – цель, задача

to repair – ремонтировать, чинить

Speech practice:

Ex.I. Read and translate the following words:

exactly, services, exchange, definition, various, activities, distribution, creation, conversion, profit, economic, surplus, remain, expenses, however, therefore.

Ex.II. Make up your own sentences, using these word combinations:

sale of goods and services;

in modern times;

in exchange for money;

to take care of people;

to repair a car;

the creation of profit;

economic surplus;

a primary goal

Ex.III. Answer the following questions:

1. What is business?

2. What did business traditionally mean?

3. What does business consist of?

4. Give the meaning of production and distribution.

5. What do we call goods?

6. What is the definition of profit?

7. What is a primary goal of business activity?

Ex.IV. Make up questions (4 types: general, special, alternative, disjunctive) to the following sentences:

1. The concepts and activities of business have increased in modern times.

2. Sale is the exchange of a product or service for money.

3. Business is a combination of production, distribution and sale.

4. A car is sold to someone in exchange for money.

5.A doctor performs a service by taking care of people when they are sick.

Learn the proverbs!

1. “Business before pleasure” –Сначала дело-потом удовольствие.

Дело прежде всего.

Кончил дело-гуляй смело.

Lesson 3


Active vocabulary

business – дело;

businesses – коммерческие структуры

benefit – выгода, прибыль

to own – владеть;

sole proprietorship – частная собственность; единоличное владение


partnership – товарищество; партнерство(некорпорированная фирма,

которой владеют и которой управляют два лица и


corporation– корпорация;

entrepreneurs–антрепренер (фр.), предприниматель

advantages - преимущества

drawbacks (disadvantages) – недостатки

to gain - получать, приобретать

for gaining profits – для получения прибыли

charter – 1)документ, содержащий согласие государственного органа

на создание корпорации;

2)учреждать, создавать

a unique entity – уникальная организация

headquarters – главное правление (фирмы)

be sued – преследоваться в судебном порядке

contractual agreement – контракт, договор

debt – долг

decisions - решение

unlimited liability – неограниченная ответственность

to oversee – наблюдать, следить

to tax – облагаться налогом(пошлиной)

Speech practice:

Ex.VI. Make up the dialogue

You are going to start your own business. Ask a lawyer or an experienced person how to do it.



Lesson 1


Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru Banks and business

Banks are organizations that carry out the business of banking, taking deposits, and then using these deposits to make loans. Banks are different in different countries: retail banks, merchant or investment banks, savings banks, universal banks and others.

Let’s speak about the banks in the United States of America. There, commercial banks are classified into two main groups. First, there are national banks. They are charted and supervised by the Federal Government. Secondary, there are state banks. They are charted and supervised by the state in which they are operated. All commercial banks can make loans to borrowers.

Major commercial banks in such cities as Tokyo, Paris, Rio cooperated with each other. In this way they finance imports and exports between countries.

An importer buys merchandise form another country using the currency of that country. For that purpose he buys this currency from the foreign exchange department of his bank. And in the same way if an exporter receives foreign money from sales to other countries, he sells this currency to his bank. By this method the currency of any country can usually be exchanged.

Active vocabulary

carry out – выполнять

to take deposits – принимать вклады (депозиты)

retail bank – банк, занимающийся обслуживанием мелкой клиентуры

merchant or investment bank – (англ.) торговый банк

savings bank – сберегательный банк

universal bank – универсальный банк

commercial bank – коммерческий банк

national bank – национальный банк (категория коммерческих банков в


to charter – учреждать, создавать

to supervise – заведовать, контролировать

state bank – государственный банк; банк штата (в США банк,

действующий по юрисдикции штата)

merchandise – товары

currency – валюта, деньги

foreign exchange department – отдел обмена валюты

to exchange currency– обменивать валюту

loan - заем, ссуда

borrower – заемщик, получатель ссуды

Speech practice:

Ex. I. Answer the questions according to the text:

1. What are banks?

2. What are the types of banks?

3. What do all commercial banks do?

4. What kinds of commercial banks in the USA do you know?

What are they called?

5. Who supervises the operations of national banks?

6. What kind of currency does an importer generally use when he buys goods from another country?

Lesson 2


“Money makes the world go round”



Money is anything that is generally accepted by people in exchange for the things they sell or the work they do.

Money refers to coins or paper notes with their value printed on them, given and taken in buying and selling. Money can be associated both with coins and notes.

When we receive money regularly we think of it as income, pension, benefit, salary, allowance, grant or scholarships. One more aspect of money is shown through what we gain or lose in business. When we start a business we become interested in the finance, funding, subsidies, investments or capital. If one become a loser, he or even the company may become or go bankrupt, having no money; be broke or go broke.

Foreign exchange

Importers and exporters do not use the same currency. When they buy and sell goods they change money from one currency to another. There are two ways of doing this. First, the importer can pay in his own currency and the exporter changes it on the international currency market. Secondly, the importer sells his own currency and purchases the exporter's. Then the importer pays. Usually the banks buy and sell currency for their clients.

The international currency market consists of a net of international banks. Exchange brokers and dealers deal in foreign exchange (Forex) transactions. The exchange rates change (or fluctuate) from day to day. Dealers and banks choose the best rates and profit by forex dealing.

*** *** ***

The unit of currency in Britain is the pound ₤, sometimes called the pound sterling. The pound is a yellow coin. There are 100 pence (p) in a pound. There are 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p coins. There are 5, 10, 20 and 50(pound sterling) notes.

*** *** ***

The unit of currency in the USA is US dollar $. This name comes from the old German word Taler. There are 100 cents in a dollar. The dollar is a bill, green on the back(“greenback”) and grey on the front.There are dollar bills for 1,2,5,10,20,50,100,500 and 1000 dollars.All these bills are the same size and the same colour.

*** *** ***

The euro (plural euro, banking code: EUR ?) is the official currency of the European Union and single currency for over 300 million Europeans in the following 12 European Union member states: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain: collectively also known as the eurozone. The euro was introduced to world financial markets in 1999 and launched as a currency in 2002.

*** *** ***

Active vocabulary

currency - валюта

way – путь, способ

way of doing – способ совершения чего-либо

rate – ставка, курс

pound sterling – фунт стерлингов

change - менять

exchange -обменивать

exchange broker – брокер, совершающий операции по обмену


deal – иметь дело, совершать сделку, сделка

dealer – дилер

dealing - дилинг, проведение сделок

foreign exchange – валютный рынок, операция на валютном рынке,

иностранная валюта

forex – сокр. от foreign exchange

exchange rate – обменный курс

fluctuate – колебаться (о курсах, ставках и пр.)

purchase – приобретать

the same – та же, тот же

another – другая (одна из многих)

consist of – состоять (из)

need- нуждаться

profit by – получать выгоду на чем-либо

bill – вексель

launch - выпускать

Speech practice:

Ex I. Answer the questions according to the text.

1. Do the importers and exporters use the same currency?

2. How do the importers get the currency they need?

3. What is the first way the importers use?

4. Where does the importer change money?

5. Who buys and sells currency for their clients?

6. What does the international currency market consist of?

7. Who deals in forex transactions?

8. Do the exchange rates fluctuate?

9. What rates do the dealers choose to profit by foreign currency transactions?

Text for additional reading.

Proverbs about money.

Ex. II Match the English and Russian equivalents:

1. Money burns a hole in the pocket. * 1. Деньги не пахнут.

2. Money is a good servant but a * 2. Грязь и деньги ходят рядом.

bad master.

3. A friend in court is better than a * 3.Хочешь потерять друга, одол

penny in purse. жи ему денег.(Друга не теряй-

денег не давай).

4.A penny saved is a penny gained. * 4. Деньги горят в руках.

5.Lend our money and lose your friend.* 5.Умный человек- хозяин

деньгам, а скупой – слуга.

6. Money has no smell. * 6. Больше денег-больше

хлопот. (Богатому не спит

ся, он вора боится.)

7. Muck and money go together. * 7. Не истратил – все равно что


8. Time is money. * 8. Деньги правят миром.

9. Money makes the world around. * 9. Время – деньги.

10. Money spent on the brain is * 10. Расходы на обучение

never spent in vain. всегда окупаются.




Lesson 1


Active vocabulary

business and social contacts– деловые и социальные контакты;

talks – переговоры

obstacle – препятствие

exception – исключение

to deny – отрицать

to solve – решать

equal opportunities – равные возможности

agreement – соглашение

arrangement – организация

it is customary – традиционно

to draw up – составлять

tentative – предварительный, предполагаемый

to include – включать

appreciate – оценивать, высоко ценить, принимать во внимание

promote – способствовать;

keep in touch through the correspondence – поддерживать связь при помощи переписки;

counterpart – коллега, должностное лицо, занимающее аналогичный пост (в другом учреждении, в другой стране)

make an appointment by phone or by cable – договориться о встрече по телефону или телеграммой;

take up – зд. рассматривать, обсуждать;

notify in advance – информировать, сообщать заранее;

fix – назначать;

outing – прогулка за город, экскурсия;

be dressed casually – носить повседневную одежду;

elsewhere – (где-нибудь) в другом месте.

Speech practice:

Speech patterns

Secretary speaking. - Говорит секретарь.
The sooner the better. - Чем скорее, тем лучше.
Can (could) I speak to Mr. X., please? - Я хотел бы поговорить с мистером Х.
Who's calling. - Кто говорит?
Any time you say. - В любое время.
Will 2 p.m. be all right with you? - 2 часа дня Вас устроит?
Have you met Mr. N.? - Вы знакомы с мистером Н.?
I haven't had the pleasure. - Не имел удовольствия.
Do you mind if we get down to the business right now? - Вы не возражаете, если мы сразу приступим к делу?
May I introduce you to our Minister? - Разрешите мне представить вас нашему министру?
Make yourselves comfortable - Устраивайтесь поудобнее.

Lesson 2


My Business Trip

Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru

I'm Alison. I work for IBM as the Sales Manager. Next week the Managing Director and I will go on a business trip to Moscow. We'll go there by plane, because it is the best way for travelling. At first I'll ask my secretary to book tickets in our names. As we are going to stay at a hotel, it's important to reserve rooms there as well.

Business we decided to finance a significant project there. We hope that we'll establish good trade relations with our new partners. Mr. Bell will discuss the prices and terms of payment, shipment and delivery.

On the second day we'll go to Chamber of Commerce where Mr. Bell will give a speech promoting our new products.

If I have free time I'll go sightseeing as I have never been to Moscow before.

I'll visit some museums, galleries and the Kremlin, of course. But if the weather is bad I'll go to the Opera House. I like operas.

I hope business trip will be successful.

Active vocabulary

trip – поездка, путешествие (travelling)

business trip – командировка

to book tickets – купить билеты

to be going to do smth – собираться, намереваться что-то сделать

to reserve a room – заказать комнату

project – проект, план

to establish - устанавливать

price - цена

terms of payment – условия оплаты

shipment - погрузка

delivery - доставка

Chamber of Commerce – торговая палата

to go sightseeing – осматривать достопримечательности

successful – успешный

Speech practice

Ex.I. Answer the following questions:

1. Who will go on a business trip next week?

2. What will Alison do at first?

3. Where will they go on a business trip?

4. How will they go there?

5. What do they hope for?

6. What will Mr. Bell discuss?

7. Where will Mr. Bell give a speech promoting new products?

8. What will Alison do if she has free time?

9. With whom do they hope to establish good trade relations?

Ex. II. Agree or disagree:

1. Alison works for Travel Services as a chief accountant.

2. Mr. Bell and Alison will rest in Moscow in two weeks.

3. They will go to Moscow by train, because it's the best way for travelling.

4. At first Alison will book tickets and reserve rooms at a hotel.

5. Mr. Bell will discuss political problems with his partners.

6. On the second day Mr. Bell and Alison are going to visit an exhibition of consumer goods.

7. Alison was in Moscow many times but still if the weather is good she will go sightseeing.

8. Mr. Bell and Alison hope that their business trip will be suc­cessful.

Ex. III. Say what you have learned from the text about:

• the business trip to Moscow of Mr. Bell and Alison;

• the first day of Mr. Bell in Moscow;

• the second day of their business trip.

Ex. IV. Translate into English:

1. На следующей неделе мистер Белл и Элисон отправятся в командировку в Москву.

2. Они полетят туда самолетом, т.к. это самый лучший способ для путешествия.

3. Секретарь купит билеты на наши имена.

4. Так как мы собираемся остановиться в отеле, то так же важно заказать номера в отеле.

5. Мистер Белл обсудит цены, сроки поставки и оплаты.

6. Я надеюсь, наша командировка будет успешной.

7. Мы решили профинансировать значительный проект в Москве.

8. Мы надеемся установить хорошие торговые отношения с нашими партнерами.

Lesson 3


At the Airport

John:Excuse me! Are you Norman Baker?

Norman: Yes, that's right. I am Norman Baker from GLC Elec­tronics.

John:How do you do, Mr. Baker? I am John Brown from Lin­coln Freight Services.

Norman:Nice to meet you. And please, call me Norman.

John:O.K. And you call me John.


John:I want you to meet Alice Bell from our Sales department. Alice, this is Norman, Norman Baker.

Alice: Do, please.

Norman: Thanks a lot! And may I introduce Nancy Brown? She is my secretary.

John andAlice: Hello, Nancy. Welcome to Lincoln!


A t the Office

- Let me introduce General Director, Mr.Frolov.

- Glad to meet you Mr. Frolov.

- Glad to meet you too. Is it your first visit to Volgograd? What are your impressions of it?

- I like Volgograd. It’s a very nice city. So legendary and beautiful!

- I hope you will enjoy your visit.

And now let’s look through the contract and clear up some

points. Here you are.

- I’d like to discuss it with my people.

- Oh, yes! By the way, Mr.Frolov, how can I get in touch with you?

- Well. Here is my card.

Active vocabulary

Excuse me! – прошу прощения, извините (чаще всего используется как средство привлечения внимания)

That's right (that is right) – это так верно, правильно

How do you do! – здравствуйте (офиц. вариант)

Hello! – здравствуйте (неофиц. вариант)

Hi! - привет

nice – хороший, милый, хорошо

to please – доставлять удовольствие

to meet – встречать, встречаться, знакомиться

Nice (pleased) to meet you – очень приятно (рад встрече)

Thanks!– спасибо

a lot – много, множество

Thanks a lot – большое спасибо

Welcome – добро пожаловать!

to clear up – уточнить,

to get in touch - связаться

At a Hotel

Mr. Bell: Good mornig!

Receptionist: Hello! What can I do for you?

Mr. Bell: I’d like to stay at your hotel?

Receptionist: How long do you expect to stay?

Mr. Bell: I think for a week. And I want a room with a bath?

Receptionist: Single or double?

Mr. Bell: I want two single rooms. By the way, what can you tell me about your hotel?

Receptionist:Well, it's a "three star" hotel.

Mr. Bell: What does it mean?

Receptionist: It means expensive.

'Mr. Bell:How much does one week cost?

Receptionist: It costs $350.

Mr. Bell: OK, it's all right with me. And I don’t want a noisy room. I'd like a quiet room, please.

Receptionist:Don't worry. It's a very quiet room.

Mr. Bell: Good. May I have the key, please?

Receptionist: Here's your key, Mr. Bell. Your room num­ber is 105. Do you want breakfast in your room?

Mr. Bell: Yes, please. I'd like a Continental breakfast.

Receptionist: What time?

Mr. Bell: At ten o'clock, please.

Active vocabulary

What can I do for you – что вы хотите?

I'd like to... – мне бы хотелось...

want – хотеть, желать

How long do you expect to stay – на сколько времени вы намерены остановиться?

single or double – на одного или на двоих?

expensive - дорогой

How much does one week cost – сколько стоит неделя?

It's all right with me – да, меня это устраивает

noisy - шумный

quiet – спокойный, тихий

to worry – волноваться, беспокоиться


by the way - кстати

How much does a room cost a day? – Сколько стоит в сутки?

a double (single) room – на двоих (одного).

*a Continental breakfast - consists of coffee with milk or tea, a bun with butter and jam


At the Receptionist

Active vocabulary

to have a reservation in ...'s name – иметь зарезервированный номер на чье-либо имя.

Can I help you? – Могу я Вам помочь?

Copy and complete

Copy and complete a registration form.

Hotel Registration Form

Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru

DATE_________________ HOTEL______________________

All visitors must complete this form on arrival.


FIRST NAME________________________

PASSPORT № _____________

ISSUED IN_________________________

DATE OF ISSUE_______________________________________________

LENGTH OF VISIT: FROM___________TO ___________________.

ARRIVING FROM_____________________________________________

GOING TO____________________________________________________

Signed ___________________Date ___________

Lesson 4


Active vocabulary

it amounts to the same thing - это одно и тоже;

slaves- рабы;

that goes for the mail clerk as well as for your assistant- это в равной мере относится как к курьеру, так и к вашему заместителю.

promises – обещания

anger – гнев

Speech practice

Ex. I. Answer the following questions:

1. How can you formulate the main responsibilities of the manager (the boss)?

2. What are “pros” and “cons” (apryменты "зa" и "npoтив") of this job?

3. What line of behaviour would you choose if you were the manager?

4. How could you comment on the following sayings: "The measure of a man is what he does with power", "Whatever you have, you must either use or lose".

Ex. II. Very often in a certain situation people expect us to say some particular thing. It is important to know how to react to people’s words. Check yourselves and match the phrases in these colomns.

1. How do you do?------------------------Oh, that doesn’t matter.

2. Thank you for a wonderful meal-------- It’s nice to see you too.

3. Hallo.Mr.Hay here. Can I speak to Mr.Forex?------Yes, I’d love one

4. Have a nice weekend.-------I’m glad you enjoyed it.

5. How nice to see you again.-------- Thanks, the same to you.

6. How about a nice cup of tea before you go ?-----Hold the line, please.

7. I’m awfully sorry, I’ve broken a cup.------ How do you do?

Lesson 5


Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru Meeting a Businessman

It’s 21st of October, 10 o’clock in the morning. Mr Blake has come to the Russian Trade Delegation.

Blake: Good morning! My name’s Blake. I’m from Blake and C. I’ve got an appointment with Mr Voronin at 10.15.

Recept: Good morning, Mr Blake. Mr Voronin is expecting you. Will you take a seat, please?

Blake:Thank you. I'm a bit early, actually.

Recept:That's all right, Mr Blake. (In a few minutes Voronin comes downstairs to meet him.)

Voronin:Oh, Mr Blake, it's nice to see you here. How are you?

Blake:Fine, thanks! And you?

Voronin:Pretty well too, thank you. This way,


(They come into the conference room and take their seats at the table).

Voronin: Would you like a cup of coffee?

Blake:Yes, please. It's very cold and wet outside today.

Voronin:Yes, the weather hasn't been very good lately.

Blake:That's right, but it's usually warm here in October.

Now, Mr.Voronin, how about our quotation and catalogues? Have

you looked through them?

Voronin:Sure! We've studied them closely. The new model is certainly


Blake:Yes, it's of high quality. We've just starting producting the model

and we've already received a lot of orders. Our turnover is more

300 million pounds.

Voronin:Your machines meet our requirements and we are interested in

buying them. Mr Blake, have you seen our contract form?

Blake:Not yet.

Voronin:Would you like to look throught it?

Blake:I certainly would.

Voronin:Here you are, Mr Blake. Please study our terms and let's meet

again next Tuesday.

Blake:All right, Mr Voronin» Good-bye for now.

Active vocabulary

an appointment – встреча

to expect – ожидать

quotation – котировка

catalogue – каталог

to look through – просматривать

quality – качество

order – заказ

to meet smb’s requirements – отвечать чем-либо требованиям

contract form – типовой контракт

Will you take a seat - садитесь, пожалуйста

That's all right - ничего страшного, все в порядке

This way, please - сюда, пожалуйста (при указании пути,


Here you are - вот, пожалуйста

All right - хорошо (выражает согласие)

The Russian Trade Delegation - Российское торговое представительство (в Великобритании)

Blake and Сo - название фирмы

Speech practice

Ex. I. Answer the following questions according to the text:

1. Who has come to the Russian Trade Delegation?

2. With whom has Mr Blake got an appointment?

3. What is Mr Blake going to discuss with Mr Voronin?

4. Is Mr Blake interested in buying the new model of machines

from Blake and Co..

5. Why is Mr Blake interested in the new model?

6. What should Mr Blake study?

7. When will Mr Blake and Mr Voronin meet again?

Lesson 6


Telephone Conversations.

Ex.II. Answer the questions according to the text. - student2.ru Norman(over the telephone): Hello. Operator., I need 364 285 38. Thanks. Yeah... Is this 364 285 38? What ? Wrong number... O, God!.. Hey, operator, I need 364 285 38,... yeah 38... O.K.

Operator:I'm putting you through.

Nor:Is this 291? Could I speak to Mrs Johnson, please?.. No, I am calling from Lincoln, Florida... United States, yeah. Who is speaking? Oh, hello, Linda. Norman here.

Linda Johnson:Hello, Norman, how are you?

Nor:I'm O.K. You know, we are signing a contract with Lincoln Freight on Wednesday...

Lin:Wednesday. That is November, the twenty fifth?

Nor:Yes, that's right. November the twenty fifth. Now, look, Linda. I need information on our latest transactions on Guatemala. It's about our bank's L/Cs dated July the fourth and August the thirteenth.

Lin:Referense numbers? Terms?

Nor:Yeah. Both.

Lin:Hold on a moment, please...

Active vocabulary

operator - оператор телефонного узла

extention - добавочный номер

L/C - letter of credit – аккре

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