Radio and television in the ussr

1. In the modern world, radio and television play an impor­tant role as a means of information, and as a means of people's political and cultural education. 2. The Central Radio Broad­casting Station has seven channels for the Soviet Union which operate for a total of 140 hours a day. 3. The voice of Soviet radio is heard all over the world. 4. Programmes to other coun­tries are conducted in many languages and total more than 200 hours a day. 5 Modern means of radio engineering cover the greater part of the world with long, medium and ultra-short radio waves. 6. Nevertheless, the technical means are being perfected 7. The number of radio stations in our country is growing constantly. 8. The number of receivers will be greatly increased. 9. The considerable growth of radio receivers produc­tion is influenced by the improvement of living standards of the people1. 10. The quality of radio receivers has become much better. 11. Valve radio sets were followed by the transistor radio sets. 12. In connection with the growth of radio broadcasting and with the tasks of perfecting its quality, it is planned to build for Moscow's Central Radio Broadcasting Station another technological studio unit with 56 broadcasting studios. 13. It will be equipped with the most modern transistor devices. 14. In 1956 we had seventeen telecentres which served 5.5 million people. 15. At that time there were only 1.3 million tele­vision receivers; today the number of TV sets has greatly increased. 16. This has become possible primarily due to the development of Central (Moscow) Telecasting, which sends its programmes to a considerable part of our country. 17. Television programmes from Moscow are called Central not only because they come from the capital, but also because they reach many towns by means of a wide network of radio relay and cable lines, and the "Orbita" system. 18. The Moscow Television Centre is in Ostankino. 19. The 533-meter high Ostankino tele­vision tower, which has four transmitting aerials, can be seen from any part of Moscow. 20. The ferro-concrete2 part of the tower houses all the technological and auxiliary services³. 21. The first section of this world’s biggest television centre began operations in November 1967. 22. The object of Soviet specialists' particular attention is colour television. 23. Colour programmes were started in our country in October 1967, using a joint Soviet-French system. 24. In the USSR much has been done for the development of radio broadcasting and television, nevertheless much more will be done in the nearest future. 25. Due to the application of powerful outer-space relays pro­grammes will be directly televised to large territories.

Пояснения к тексту

1. living standards of the people— условия жизни народа

2. ferro-concrete [ 'ferou 'koŋkri:t] — железобетонный

3. auxiliary services — вспомогательные службы

Слова для запоминания

п growth, network, quality, radio engineering, receiver, task

v equip, grow (grew, grown), house, operate, perfect, total

a considerable, medium, perfect, total

adυ directly, nevertheless

prep due to

Слова для повторения

п application, development, means, number, wave

υ conduct, cover, improve, increase, influence, transmit

a important, particular, possible, powerful

adυ only, primarily


III. Прочтите и переведите группы слов, обращая внимание на перевод существительных в притяжательном падеже:

1. Petrov's lecture; 2. the engineer's task; 3. the student's receiver; 4. planets' orbits; 5. the station's equipment; 6. the scientists' attention; 7. these particles' flow; 8. the station's capacity; 9. the car's speed; 10. transistor's crystals; 11. anten­na's parts.

IV. Прочтите и переведите группы слов:

1. space communication; 2. space communication systems; 3. long-range space communication systems; 4. the production growth; 5. communication channels; 6. long-range communica­tion channels; 7. long-range communication channels improvement; 8. the radio stations network; 9. outer-space relays; 10. the outer-space relays application; 11. the outer-space relays improvement; 12. radio engineering purposes; 13. high voltage transmission lines

V. * Прочтите предложения, определив, какой частью речи явля­ются выделенные слова, и переведите предложения:

1. Television is an importantmeans of communication.

2. This factmeans that the number of radio stations in our country will increase.

3. All technicalmeans will be perfected in future.

4. A number of modernhouses will be constructed in this region.

5. The instrument cabin of a spaceshiphouses various transmitters, power sources and other equipment.

6. This system houses all technological and auxiliary services.

7. The obtainedresult is of great practical importance for the development of these systems.

8. The application of powerful outer-space relaysresults inbetter communication.

9. The Soviet engineers achieved greatresults in constructing semiconductor devices.

10. Semiconductor devices application resultsin better ope­ration of this equipment.

11. Thetotal number of power stations in the USSR is growing constantly.

12. All the devices of this laboratorytotal about two hundred.

VI. * Укажите дробью синонимы: к каждому слову из левой ко­лонки (числитель) подберите его синоним из правой (знаменатель):

1. to grow 1. an antenna

2. to house 2. a way

3. powerful 3. a use

4. total 4. great

5. to perfect 5. to increase

6. an aerial 6. to include

7. to operate 7. strong

8. a means 8. to work

9. an application 9. to improve

10. considerable 10. general

VII. Прочтите и переведите предложения:

1. Receiving station operation is greatly influenced by va­rious factors.

2. This engineer's design was much spoken of at the confe­rence.

3. Long-range communication systems are being success­fully used in our country.

4. The outer-space relays application will result in a better space communication.

5. This system life time was greatly increased due to the application of semiconductors.

6. The first laser industrial application was followed by many others.

7. The number of systems using superconducting materials totals two hundred.

8. This equipment stability has been greatly improved by means of new efficient parts.

9. This research was given particular attention because of its prime importance for the development of this branch of physics.

10. The new research centre houses all necessary equipment for radio engineering investigation.

11. The scientists have perfected the operation of this system due to the application of new electronic equipment.

12. Particular attention has been paid to the means of impro­ving the properties of semiconductors.

13. The network of transmitting stations is being built in this region now.

14. The quality of colour television was much spoken about at that conference.

15. The application of quantum generators in this branch of industry is being investigated.

VIII. Переведите, не пользуясь словарем:

Television System

The television system is considerably more complex than the sound broadcasting system. In a typical television system two separate transmitters are applied, one for the sound channel and the other for the picture channel. The sound transmitter is frequency-modulated and at the same time transmits the sound which follows the image1. Each transmitter has its own2 antenna.

The image which is being televised is received by the tele­vision camera, which converts3 the optical image into electri­cal impulses. These electrical impulses are amplified by the vi­deo or picture amplifier.

After proper amplification, the video signal modulates the high-frequency carrier4 of the television transmitter and is ra­diated into space by the aerial. The picture carrier is ampli­tude-modulated.

Пояснения к тексту

1. the image — изображение

2. own — собственный

3. converts — превращает

4. carrier — несущая

IX. Переведите, пользуясь словарем:

Radio Electronics in Space

Soviet radio electronics has made a great contribution to the preparations for space flights to the Moon, to the planets of the Solar System and to remote stellar worlds. It has proved the possibility of making effective use of radio electronics and radio communication in peaceful space exploration.

When the first space flights were made by Y. Gagarin and G. Titov radio electronics was extensively used for trajectory measurements, for the transmission of radiotelemetric data and for radio communication with the Earth.

In the flights made by A. Nikolayev and P. Popovich some­thing fundamentally new was introduced in space radio commu­nication. The cosmonauts established and maintained reliable two-way telephone and radio communication during their three days of twin flight, coordinated their activity by means of radio, informed each other of the conditions in their cabins and compared the readings of their instruments.

In order to ensure radio communication between the space­ships and also to guarantee contact between the astronauts and the Earth, the spaceships carried radio stations which operated in the short-wave band on 20.006 megacycles with amplitude modulation and in the ultra-short-wave band on 143—625 megacycles with frequency modulation.

Numerous short-wave and ultra-short-wave radio stations have been installed at different points on the Soviet territory. They ensured the most favourable reception of the transmissions made by the astronauts and also the transmission of messages to the spaceships. The high precision of operation of means of communication on the ground made it possible to maintain reliable radio contact with the astronauts.




NON-PERFECT testing being tested
PERFECT Having tested having been tested

Функции в предложении

Функция Способ перевода Пример
Подлежащее Существительное, начальная форма глагола Testing a new device is important for us. ( Испытание нового прибора (испытать новый прибор) важно для нас).
Именная часть сказуемого (после глагола-связки to be, подлежащее выражено абстрактными существительными aim, purpose, step, task, work, problem и т.д. Состоит в том, чтобы + начальная форма глагола; Заключается в + существительное Our task is testing a new device. Наша задача заключается в том, чтобы испытать (в испытании) этот прибор.
Часть глагольного сказуемого (после глаголов begin, start, stop, finish, go on, continue, keep) Существительное, начальная форма глагола The students began testing a new device. Студенты начали испытывать (испытание) нового прибора.
Дополнение (с предлогом, без предлога) Существительное, начальная форма глагола We need testing this device. Нам нужно испытать этот прибор. We are interested in testing this device. Мы заинтересованы в испытании этого прибора.
Обстоятельство (времени с предлогами after, before, on; образа действия с предлогами by, without, in; сопутствующего обстоятельства с предлогами besides, instead of) Существительное с предлогом, деепричастие, начальная форма глагола After testing this device we checked the results. После испытания этого прибора мы проверили результаты.  
Определение ( левое - в устойчивых словосочетаниях или терминах; правое – с предлогами of, for , in после абстрактных существительных) Существительное, начальная форма глагола …the idea of testing the device идея испытать прибор living standards условия жизни, melting point точка плавления


Функция Способ перевода Пример
Левое определение (без зависимых слов) Действительное причастие настоящего или прошедшего времени (с суффиксами –ущ, ющ, ащ ,ящ, вш) a receiving station принимающая станция, a transmitting antenna передающая антенна
Правое определение ( с зависимыми словами) Причастным оборотом или придаточным определительным предложением) The engineer testing the new device is very experienced. Инженер, испытывающий (который испытывает) новый прибор, очень опытный.
Обстоятельство (может использоваться с союзами when, while, if) Деепричастие, обстоятельственное придаточное предложение, существительное с предлогом “при”. (When) testing this device the engineer made some improvements. Испытывая этот прибор, инженер сделал некоторые усовершенствования. (при испытании; когда испытывал)


I. Прочтите предложения, определив функцию герундия, и пере­ведите предложения:

1. Increasing the number of power stations in our country means improving living standards of the Soviet people.

2. Testing a new receiver for the application inthis system was the prime task of the laboratory.

3. The new means of improvingradio communication hasbeen discovered by our engineers.

4. Iron and zinc plates are used for producing negative elec­trodes since these materials produce a high charge.

5. Important results on the ionization were obtained by measuring those particles.

6. In designing electronic computers we have passed from valves to transistors.

7. The transistors are successfully used for transforming heat energy into electrical energy by means of thermal elements.

8. Without increasing the temperature of metals it is impos­sible to increase their resistance.

9. Radiation is usually detected by measuring the amount of ionization.

10. After investigating many materials engineers selected aluminium for constructing this device.

11. By raising the cathode temperature we increase the num­ber of emitted electrons.

12. Without testing the equipment it is impossible to use it in the experiment.

13. We can increase the current strength by decreasing the resistance of the circuit.

14. The main task of this engineer is testing the equipment.

15. The students began conducting experiments on energy transmission over long distances.

II. Прочтите предложения, определив функцию причастия I, и пе­реведите предложения:

1. Testing the engine the engineer applied new methods.

2. X-rays are produced when matter is bombarded by a fast moving stream of negatively charged particles.

3. While working at this new device, the inventor made nu­merous improvements.

4. When working in the laboratory, the engineer obtained very important data for his future investigation.

5. Materials having a very high resistance are called insulators.

6. Conductors are materials having a low resistance, so that current easily passes through them.

7. All gases being poor conductors of electricity can be used as insulators.

8. When conducting a series of experiments for the improvement of space communication, scientists discovered some new phenomena.


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