Definition of promotion and promotion objectives

Promotion describes the methods used by a business to inform, persuade a target market about its product.

Promotion attempts to:

• Attract new customers by heightening awareness of a particular product

• Increase brand loyalty by reinforcing the image of the product

• Encourage existing customers to purchase more of the product

• Provide information so that customers can make informed decisions

• Encourage new and existing customers to purchase new products.

The communication Process of Promotion

Promotional mix

Ø Developing Ad program

Ø Personal Selling

Ø Sales Promotion

Ø Public Relation

Developing and Managing an Advertising Program

Ø Setting the Objectives

Ø advertising budget factors

Ø Deciding on Media

Sales Promotion

Ø Sales promotion includes tools

Ø Purpose of sales promotion

Ø Major Consumer-Promotion Tools

Marketing Public Relations (MPR)

Ø MPR Role

Ø Major Public Relations Tools

Direct Marketing

Promotion represents the fourth element in the marketing mix (4 p’s)

Promotional is a mix which consists of advertising, personal selling, sales promotional, and publicity.

Promotion objectives

Advertising objectives can be classified by primary purpose:

-Inform. Introducing new products

-Persuade. Becomes more important as competition increases. Comparative ads

-Remind. Most important for mature products

Communication: is the sharing of meaning and requires five elements a source, a massage, a receiver, and the process of encoding and decoding.

Source:the information sent by a source.

Massage:is new form of product.

Receiver:is a consumer who read, hears, or sees the massage are reviser.

Encoding:is the reverse at the process of having the receiver take a set of symbols, the massage, and transfer them back to an abstract idea.

Definition of promotion and promotion objectives - Definition of promotion and promotion objectives -

ADVERTISING paid, impersonal communication regarding goods, services, organizations, people, places, and ideas that is transmitted through various media by business firms, government and other nonprofit organizations, and individuals who are identified in the advertising message as the sponsor.

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Personal Selling.

Face to face communication is buyers to inform and persuade them to buy. On average, companies spend more money on personal selling than other elements of promo mix.

PERSONAL selling: involves oral communication with one or more prospective buyers by paid representatives for the purpose of making sales.

Major advantages: are more persuasive.

Major disadvantages: are costly per individual reached.

Sales promotion activities are important to build traffic, attract attention, generate increased sales, create excitement, and create a competitive advantage.

Sales promotion activities worldwide are at their highest levels.

Public relations

Publicity is no personal public relations that is transmitted Public relations includes any communication to foster a favorable image for goods, services, organizations, people, places, and ideas.

It may be personal or impersonal, paid or unpaid, and sponsor controlled or not controlled through media but not paid for by an identified sponsor.

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